Visualization Library v1.0.3

A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics

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vl::Atom Member List

This is the complete list of members for vl::Atom, including all inherited members.
adjacentAtoms() const vl::Atom [inline]
adjacentAtoms()vl::Atom [inline]
as()vl::Object [inline]
as() const vl::Object [inline]
Atom()vl::Atom [inline]
Atom(const Atom &other)vl::Atom [inline]
atomName() const vl::Atom [inline]
atomType() const vl::Atom [inline]
automaticDelete() const vl::Object [inline]
color() const vl::Atom [inline]
coordinates() const vl::Atom [inline]
decReference()vl::Object [inline]
id() const vl::Atom [inline]
incReference() const vl::Object [inline]
isAtomAdjacent(Atom *atom) const vl::Atom [inline]
mAdjacentAtomsvl::Atom [protected]
mAtomNamevl::Atom [protected]
mAtomTypevl::Atom [protected]
mAutomaticDeletevl::Object [protected]
mColorvl::Atom [protected]
mCoordinatesvl::Atom [protected]
mIdvl::Atom [protected]
mObjectNamevl::Object [protected]
mRadiusvl::Atom [protected]
mRefCountMutexvl::Object [protected]
mReferenceCountvl::Object [mutable, protected]
mShowAtomNamevl::Atom [protected]
mVisiblevl::Atom [protected]
mVisitedvl::Atom [protected]
Object()vl::Object [inline]
Object(const Object &other)vl::Object [inline]
objectName() const vl::Object [inline]
operator=(const Atom &other)vl::Atom [inline]
vl::Object::operator=(const Object &other)vl::Object [inline]
radius() const vl::Atom [inline]
refCountMutex()vl::Object [inline]
refCountMutex() const vl::Object [inline]
referenceCount() const vl::Object [inline]
setAtomName(const std::string &name)vl::Atom [inline]
setAtomType(EAtomType type)vl::Atom [inline]
setAutomaticDelete(bool autodel_on)vl::Object [inline]
setColor(const fvec4 &color)vl::Atom [inline]
setCoordinates(const fvec3 &coordinates)vl::Atom [inline]
setId(unsigned int id)vl::Atom [inline]
setObjectName(const char *name)vl::Object [inline]
setRadius(float radius)vl::Atom [inline]
setRefCountMutex(IMutex *mutex)vl::Object [inline]
setShowAtomName(bool show)vl::Atom [inline]
setVisible(bool visible)vl::Atom [inline]
setVisited(bool visited)vl::Atom [inline]
showAtomName() const vl::Atom [inline]
visible() const vl::Atom [inline]
visited() const vl::Atom [inline]
~Object()vl::Object [protected, virtual]

Visualization Library v1.0.3 Reference Documentation
Copyright Michele Bosi. All rights reserved.
Updated on Tue Feb 7 2017 00:55:12.
Permission is granted to use this page to write and publish articles regarding Visualization Library.
