Visualization Library v1.0.3

A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics

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vl::Glyph Member List

This is the complete list of members for vl::Glyph, including all inherited members.
advance() const vl::Glyph [inline]
as()vl::Object [inline]
as() const vl::Object [inline]
automaticDelete() const vl::Object [inline]
decReference()vl::Object [inline]
font() const vl::Glyph [inline]
Glyph()vl::Glyph [inline]
glyphIndex() const vl::Glyph [inline]
height() const vl::Glyph [inline]
incReference() const vl::Object [inline]
left() const vl::Glyph [inline]
mAdvancevl::Glyph [protected]
mAutomaticDeletevl::Object [protected]
mFontvl::Glyph [protected]
mGlyphIndexvl::Glyph [protected]
mHeightvl::Glyph [protected]
mLeftvl::Glyph [protected]
mObjectNamevl::Object [protected]
mRefCountMutexvl::Object [protected]
mReferenceCountvl::Object [mutable, protected]
mS0vl::Glyph [protected]
mS1vl::Glyph [protected]
mT0vl::Glyph [protected]
mT1vl::Glyph [protected]
mTextureHandlevl::Glyph [protected]
mTopvl::Glyph [protected]
mWidthvl::Glyph [protected]
Object()vl::Object [inline]
Object(const Object &other)vl::Object [inline]
objectName() const vl::Object [inline]
vl::Object::operator=(const Object &other)vl::Object [inline]
refCountMutex()vl::Object [inline]
refCountMutex() const vl::Object [inline]
referenceCount() const vl::Object [inline]
s0() const vl::Glyph [inline]
s1() const vl::Glyph [inline]
setAdvance(const fvec2 &advance)vl::Glyph [inline]
setAutomaticDelete(bool autodel_on)vl::Object [inline]
setFont(Font *font)vl::Glyph [inline]
setGlyphIndex(unsigned int glyph_index)vl::Glyph [inline]
setHeight(int height)vl::Glyph [inline]
setLeft(int left)vl::Glyph [inline]
setObjectName(const char *name)vl::Object [inline]
setRefCountMutex(IMutex *mutex)vl::Object [inline]
setS0(float s0)vl::Glyph [inline]
setS1(float s1)vl::Glyph [inline]
setT0(float t0)vl::Glyph [inline]
setT1(float t1)vl::Glyph [inline]
setTextureHandle(unsigned int handle)vl::Glyph [inline]
setTop(int top)vl::Glyph [inline]
setWidth(int width)vl::Glyph [inline]
t0() const vl::Glyph [inline]
t1() const vl::Glyph [inline]
textureHandle() const vl::Glyph [inline]
top() const vl::Glyph [inline]
width() const vl::Glyph [inline]
~Object()vl::Object [protected, virtual]

Visualization Library v1.0.3 Reference Documentation
Copyright Michele Bosi. All rights reserved.
Updated on Tue Feb 7 2017 00:55:10.
Permission is granted to use this page to write and publish articles regarding Visualization Library.
