Visualization Library v1.0.3

A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics

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/home/master/UCL/VisualizationLibrary/src/vlCore/std_types.hpp File Reference

#include <vlCore/config.hpp>
#include <vlCore/checks.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  vl::radian
 Simple class representing quantities in radians, converts automatically to vl::degree and real. More...
class  vl::degree
 Simple class representing quantities in degrees, converts automatically to vl::radian and real. More...


namespace  vl

Visualization Library namespace.


typedef char vl::i8
 8 bits signed integer
typedef unsigned char vl::u8
 8 bits unsigned integer
typedef short vl::i16
 16 bits signed integer
typedef unsigned short vl::u16
 16 bits unsigned integer
typedef int vl::i32
 32 bits signed integer
typedef unsigned int vl::u32
 32 bits unsigned integer
typedef long long vl::i64
 64 bits signed integer
typedef unsigned long long vl::u64
 64 bits unsigned integer
typedef float vl::f32
 32 bits floating point value
typedef double vl::f64
 64 bits floating point value


template<typename T >
void vl::swapBytes (T &value)
 Swaps the byte order of the given object.
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i8)*8==8)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u8)*8==8)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i16)*8==16)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u16)*8==16)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i32)*8==32)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u32)*8==32)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i64)*8==64)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u64)*8==64)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(f32)*8==32)
 vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(f64)*8==64)


const double vl::dPi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093845
 Greek Pi constant using double precision.
const double vl::dDEG_TO_RAD = dPi / 180.0
 Constant to convert degree into radian using double precision.
const double vl::dRAD_TO_DEG = 180.0 / dPi
 Constant to convert radian into degree using double precision.
const float vl::fPi = (float)3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093845
 Greek Pi constant using float precision.
const float vl::fDEG_TO_RAD = float(dPi / 180.0)
 Constant to convert degree into radian using float precision.
const float vl::fRAD_TO_DEG = float(180.0 / dPi)
 Constant to convert radian into degree using float precision.

Visualization Library v1.0.3 Reference Documentation
Copyright Michele Bosi. All rights reserved.
Updated on Tue Feb 7 2017 00:55:04.
Permission is granted to use this page to write and publish articles regarding Visualization Library.
