Visualization Library v1.0.3A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics |
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This tutorial demonstrates how simple it is to setup a stereo rendering using red/cyan anaglyphs with Visualization Library.
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[From App_Stereo.cpp
#include "BaseDemo.hpp" #include <vlGraphics/GeometryPrimitives.hpp> #include <vlGraphics/Light.hpp> #include <vlGraphics/RenderingTree.hpp> #include <vlGraphics/Rendering.hpp> #include <vlGraphics/StereoCamera.hpp> using namespace vl; class App_Stereo: public BaseDemo { public: virtual String appletInfo() { return BaseDemo::appletInfo(); } void updateScene() { /* update the left and right cameras to reflect the movement of the mono camera */ mStereoCamera->updateLeftRightCameras(); /* animate the rotating spheres */ mRootTransform->setLocalMatrix( mat4::getRotation( Time::currentTime() * 45, 0,1,0 ) ); mRootTransform->computeWorldMatrixRecursive(); } void initEvent() { Log::notify(appletInfo()); /* save for later */ OpenGLContext* gl_context = rendering()->as<Rendering>()->renderer()->framebuffer()->openglContext(); /* let the two left and right cameras follow the mono camera */ mMonoCamera = rendering()->as<Rendering>()->camera(); mStereoCamera = new StereoCamera; mStereoCamera->setMonoCamera(mMonoCamera.get()); /* install two renderings, one for the left eye and one for the right */ mLeftRendering = new Rendering; mRightRendering = new Rendering; mMainRendering = new RenderingTree; mMainRendering->subRenderings()->push_back(mLeftRendering.get()); mMainRendering->subRenderings()->push_back(mRightRendering.get()); setRendering(mMainRendering.get()); /* let the left and right scene managers share the same scene */ mLeftRendering->sceneManagers()->push_back(sceneManager()); mRightRendering->sceneManagers()->push_back(sceneManager()); /* let the left and right rendering write on the same framebuffer */ mLeftRendering->renderer()->setFramebuffer(gl_context->framebuffer()); mRightRendering->renderer()->setFramebuffer(gl_context->framebuffer()); /* set left/right cameras to the cameras of the left and right rendering, the viewport will be automatically taken from the mono camera. */ mStereoCamera->setLeftCamera(mLeftRendering->camera()); mStereoCamera->setRightCamera(mRightRendering->camera()); /* set adequate eye separation and convergence */ mStereoCamera->setConvergence(20); mStereoCamera->setEyeSeparation(1); /* setup color masks for red (left) / cyan (right) glasses */ mLeftRendering->renderer()->overriddenDefaultRenderStates().push_back(RenderStateSlot(new ColorMask(false, true, true),-1)); /* for the right we set the clear flags to clear only the depth buffer, not the color buffer */ mRightRendering->renderer()->overriddenDefaultRenderStates().push_back(RenderStateSlot(new ColorMask(true, false, false),-1)); mRightRendering->renderer()->setClearFlags(CF_CLEAR_DEPTH); /* let the trackball rotate the mono camera */ trackball()->setCamera(mMonoCamera.get()); trackball()->setTransform(NULL); /* populate the scene */ setupScene(); } // populates the scene void setupScene() { ref<Light> camera_light = new Light; ref<EnableSet> enables = new EnableSet; enables->enable(EN_DEPTH_TEST); enables->enable(EN_LIGHTING); ref<Effect> sphere_fx = new Effect; sphere_fx->shader()->setEnableSet(enables.get()); sphere_fx->shader()->gocMaterial()->setDiffuse(gray); sphere_fx->shader()->setRenderState(camera_light.get(), 0); sphere_fx->shader()->gocPolygonMode()->set(vl::PM_LINE, vl::PM_LINE); ref<Effect> fx = new Effect; fx->shader()->setEnableSet(enables.get()); fx->shader()->gocMaterial()->setDiffuse(gray); fx->shader()->setRenderState(camera_light.get(), 0); mRootTransform = new Transform; // central sphere ref<Geometry> sphere = makeUVSphere(vec3(0,0,0), 4); sphere->computeNormals(); sceneManager()->tree()->addActor( sphere.get(), sphere_fx.get(), mRootTransform.get()); // rotating spheres float count = 10; for(size_t i=0; i<count; ++i) { ref<Geometry> satellite = makeUVSphere(vec3(7,0,0), 2.5); satellite->computeNormals(); ref<Transform> child_transform = new Transform; mRootTransform->addChild(child_transform.get()); child_transform->setLocalMatrix( mat4::getRotation(360.0f * (i/count), 0,1,0) ); sceneManager()->tree()->addActor( satellite.get(), fx.get(), child_transform.get()); } } void resizeEvent(int w, int h) { /* update the viewport of the main camera */ mMonoCamera->viewport()->setWidth ( w ); mMonoCamera->viewport()->setHeight( h ); /* update the left and right cameras since the viewport has changed */ mStereoCamera->updateLeftRightCameras(); } void loadModel(const std::vector<String>& files) { // resets the scene sceneManager()->tree()->actors()->clear(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<files.size(); ++i) { ref<ResourceDatabase> resource_db = loadResource(files[i],true); if (!resource_db || resource_db->count<Actor>() == 0) { Log::error("No data found.\n"); continue; } std::vector< ref<Actor> > actors; resource_db->get<Actor>(actors); for(unsigned i=0; i<actors.size(); ++i) { ref<Actor> actor = actors[i].get(); // define a reasonable Shader actor->effect()->shader()->setRenderState( new Light, 0 ); actor->effect()->shader()->enable(EN_DEPTH_TEST); actor->effect()->shader()->enable(EN_LIGHTING); actor->effect()->shader()->gocLightModel()->setTwoSide(true); // add the actor to the scene sceneManager()->tree()->addActor( actor.get() ); } } // position the camera to nicely see the objects in the scene trackball()->adjustView( sceneManager(), vec3(0,0,1)/*direction*/, vec3(0,1,0)/*up*/, 1.0f/*bias*/ ); /* try to adjust the convergence and eye separation to reasonable values */ sceneManager()->computeBounds(); real convergence = sceneManager()->boundingSphere().radius() / 2; real eye_separation = convergence/20; mStereoCamera->setConvergence(convergence); mStereoCamera->setEyeSeparation(eye_separation); Log::notify(Say("Convergence = %n\n") << convergence); Log::notify(Say("Eye separation = %n\n") << eye_separation); } // laod the files dropped in the window void fileDroppedEvent(const std::vector<String>& files) { loadModel(files); } protected: ref<RenderingTree> mMainRendering; ref<Rendering> mLeftRendering; ref<Rendering> mRightRendering; ref<Rendering> mCompositingRendering; ref<Camera> mMonoCamera; ref<StereoCamera> mStereoCamera; ref<Transform> mRootTransform; }; // Have fun!