Visualization Library v1.0.3A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics |
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In this tutorial you will learn how to use the vl::Tessellator class to tessellate a concave or self intersecting polygon into a set of triangles that can be rendered with Visualization Library.
[From App_Tessellator.cpp
class App_Tessellator: public BaseDemo { public: App_Tessellator() {} void initEvent() { // Basic initialization vl::Log::notify(appletInfo()); // Filled effect vl::ref<vl::Effect> filled_fx = new vl::Effect; // Wireframe effect vl::ref<vl::Effect> wireframe_fx = new vl::Effect; wireframe_fx->shader()->gocPolygonMode()->set(vl::PM_LINE,vl::PM_LINE); // Add empty Actors mStar1 = sceneManager()->tree()->addActor( new vl::Actor(NULL, filled_fx.get(), new vl::Transform) ); mStar2 = sceneManager()->tree()->addActor( new vl::Actor(NULL, wireframe_fx.get(), new vl::Transform) ); rendering()->as<vl::Rendering>()->transform()->addChild(mStar1->transform()); rendering()->as<vl::Rendering>()->transform()->addChild(mStar2->transform()); } void updateScene() { // Animation: compute rotation matrix to rotate the small star, 45°/sec rotation. vl::dmat4 m = vl::dmat4::getRotation( vl::Time::currentTime()*45, 0,0,1 ); // Filled star on the left, wireframe star on the right mStar1->transform()->setLocalMatrix( vl::mat4::getTranslation(-4,0,0) ); mStar2->transform()->setLocalMatrix( vl::mat4::getTranslation(+4,0,0) ); // Concave and self-intersecting polygons cannot be directly rendered by OpenGL, for this // reason in order to render them we have to tessellate them first, i.e. we have to decompose // them into a set of triangles using the Tessellator class. // The Tessellator class takes as input a set of contours defining a complex polygon and // outputs a series of triangles that can be rendered by OpenGL and Visualization Library vl::Tessellator tess; // Setup tessellation options, see also gluTessProperty() documentation. tess.setWindingRule(vl::TW_TESS_WINDING_ODD); // default tess.setTessNormal(vl::fvec3(0,0,1)); // default is vl::fvec3(0,0,0) tess.setBoundaryOnly(false); // default tess.setTolerance(0.0); // default // Outline #1 - generate 5-points star (small) int size = 2; tess.contours().push_back(5); for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) { float t = (float)i/5.0f*vl::fPi*2.0f*2.0f + vl::fPi/2.0f; // Fill the first contour tess.contourVerts().push_back( m * vl::dvec3(cos(t)*size,sin(t)*size,0.0f) ); } // Outline #2 - generate 5-points star (big) size = 4; tess.contours().push_back(5); for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) { float t = (float)i/5.0f*vl::fPi*2.0f*2.0f + vl::fPi/2.0f; // Fill the second contour tess.contourVerts().push_back( vl::dvec3(cos(t)*size,sin(t)*size,0.0f) ); } // Tessellate the two contours into a single polygon tess.setTessellateIntoSinglePolygon(true); // default tess.tessellate(); /* You can also tessellate each contour separately selecting setTessellateIntoSinglePolygon(false). This way each contour will be processed separately and will generate its own set of triangles, this is useful when you want to tessellate a large number of polygons with a single tessellate() call. */ // Create a new Geometry and vertex array with the tessellated triangles vl::ref<vl::Geometry> tess_poly = new vl::Geometry; vl::ref<vl::ArrayFloat3> vert_array = new vl::ArrayFloat3; tess_poly->setVertexArray(vert_array.get()); // Fill the vertex array with the tessellated triangles vert_array->initFrom(tess.tessellatedTris()); // Add the primitive description tess_poly->drawCalls()->push_back( new vl::DrawArrays(vl::PT_TRIANGLES, 0, (int)vert_array->size()) ); // Bind the created Geometry to the star Actor mStar1->setLod(0, tess_poly.get()); mStar2->setLod(0, tess_poly.get()); } protected: // the Actor defining our complex star vl::Actor* mStar1; vl::Actor* mStar2; }; // Have fun!