Visualization Library 2.0.0

A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics

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LoadWriterManager.hpp File Reference
#include <vlCore/ResourceLoadWriter.hpp>
#include <vlCore/ResourceDatabase.hpp>
#include <vlCore/VirtualFile.hpp>
#include <vlCore/MemoryFile.hpp>
#include <vlCore/VisualizationLibrary.hpp>

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class  vl::LoadCallback
 Defines an operation to be exectued to a ResourceDatabase as soon as its loaded, see also LoadWriterManager, WriteCallback. More...
class  vl::WriteCallback
 Defines an operation to be exectued to a ResourceDatabase just before it is written, see also LoadWriterManager, LoadCallback. More...
class  vl::LoadWriterManager
 The LoadWriterManager class loads and writes resources using the registered ResourceLoadWriter objects. More...


 Visualization Library main namespace.


VLCORE_EXPORT LoadWriterManagervl::defLoadWriterManager ()
 Returs the default LoadWriterManager used by Visualization Library. More...
VLCORE_EXPORT void vl::setDefLoadWriterManager (LoadWriterManager *lwm)
 Sets the default LoadWriterManager used by Visualization Library. More...
void vl::registerLoadWriter (ResourceLoadWriter *rlw)
 Utility function, equivalent to defLoadWriterManager()->registerLoadWriter(rlw). More...