Visualization Library 2.0.0
A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics
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Visualization Library main namespace. More...
Namespaces | |
Dae | |
The COLLADA namespace. | |
Classes | |
class | A3DSLoader |
The A3DSLoader class loads an Autodesk 3DS file and generates a vector of A3DSObject and A3DSMaterial objects. More... | |
class | A3DSMaterial |
The A3DSMaterial class represents a material in a 3DS file. More... | |
class | A3DSMaterialFaceMapping |
The A3DSMaterialFaceMapping class represents the material/face mapping in a 3DS file. More... | |
class | A3DSObject |
The A3DSObject class represents an object in a 3DS file. More... | |
class | A3DSTexture |
The A3DSTexture class represents a texture in a 3DS file. More... | |
class | A3DSTriFace |
The A3DSTriFace class represents a triangle in a 3DS file. More... | |
class | A3DSVertex |
The A3DSVertex class represents a vertex in a 3DS file. More... | |
class | AABB |
The AABB class implements an axis-aligned bounding box using vl::real precision. More... | |
class | Actor |
Associates a Renderable object to an Effect and Transform. More... | |
class | ActorCollection |
Defined as a simple subclass of Collection<Actor>, see Collection for more information. More... | |
class | ActorEventCallback |
The ActorEventCallback class defines a callback object to react to Actor-related events. More... | |
class | ActorKdTree |
ActorKdTree class extends the ActorTreeAbstract class implementing a space partitioning scheme based on a Kd-Tree. More... | |
class | ActorTree |
The ActorTree class implements a generic tree whose nodes contain Actors. More... | |
class | ActorTreeAbstract |
The ActorTreeAbstract class implements the interface of a generic tree containing Actors in its nodes. More... | |
class | AdjacencyExtractor |
class | AlphaFunc |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glAlphaFunc(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Applet |
The Applet class is an utilitly UIEventListener that features a ghost manipulator, trackball manipulator, an FPS counter and a simple rendering pipeline. More... | |
class | Array |
The Array class is a template array used to conveniently manipulate data stored in a BufferObject. More... | |
class | ArrayAbstract |
The ArrayAbstract class defines an abstract interface to conveniently manipulate data stored in a BufferObject. More... | |
class | ArrayByte1 |
An array of GLbyte . More... | |
class | ArrayByte2 |
An array of vl::bvec2. More... | |
class | ArrayByte3 |
An array of vl::bvec3. More... | |
class | ArrayByte4 |
An array of vl::bvec4. More... | |
class | ArrayDouble1 |
An array of GLdouble . More... | |
class | ArrayDouble2 |
An array of vl::dvec2. More... | |
class | ArrayDouble3 |
An array of vl::dvec3. More... | |
class | ArrayDouble4 |
An array of vl::dvec4. More... | |
class | ArrayFixed1 |
An array of GL_FIXED . More... | |
class | ArrayFixed2 |
An array 2d GL_FIXED vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayFixed3 |
An array 3d GL_FIXED vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayFixed4 |
An array 4d GL_FIXED vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayFloat1 |
An array of GLfloat . More... | |
class | ArrayFloat2 |
An array of vl::fvec2. More... | |
class | ArrayFloat3 |
An array of vl::fvec3. More... | |
class | ArrayFloat4 |
An array of vl::fvec4. More... | |
class | ArrayHFloat1 |
An array of GL_HALF_FLOAT . More... | |
class | ArrayHFloat2 |
A 2d array of GL_HALF_FLOAT vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayHFloat3 |
A 3d array of GL_HALF_FLOAT vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayHFloat4 |
A 4d array of GL_HALF_FLOAT vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayInt1 |
An array of GLint . More... | |
class | ArrayInt2 |
An array of vl::ivec2. More... | |
class | ArrayInt3 |
An array of vl::ivec3. More... | |
class | ArrayInt4 |
An array of vl::ivec4. More... | |
class | ArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV1 |
An array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV . More... | |
class | ArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV2 |
A 2d array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV3 |
A 3d array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV4 |
A 4d array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayShort1 |
An array of GLshort . More... | |
class | ArrayShort2 |
An array of vl::svec2. More... | |
class | ArrayShort3 |
An array of vl::svec3. More... | |
class | ArrayShort4 |
An array of vl::svec4. More... | |
class | ArrayUByte1 |
An array of GLubyte . More... | |
class | ArrayUByte2 |
An array of vl::ubvec2. More... | |
class | ArrayUByte3 |
An array of vl::ubvec3. More... | |
class | ArrayUByte4 |
An array of vl::ubvec4. More... | |
class | ArrayUInt1 |
An array of GLuint . More... | |
class | ArrayUInt2 |
An array of vl::uvec2. More... | |
class | ArrayUInt3 |
An array of vl::uvec3. More... | |
class | ArrayUInt4 |
An array of vl::uvec4. More... | |
class | ArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV1 |
An array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV . More... | |
class | ArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV2 |
A 2d array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV3 |
A 3d array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV4 |
A 4d array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors. More... | |
class | ArrayUShort1 |
An array of GLushort . More... | |
class | ArrayUShort2 |
An array of vl::usvec2. More... | |
class | ArrayUShort3 |
An array of vl::usvec3. More... | |
class | ArrayUShort4 |
An array of vl::usvec4. More... | |
class | Atom |
The Atom class represents an atom to be used with the Molecule class. More... | |
class | AtomInfo |
Encapsulates information regarding an atom type. More... | |
class | BezierPatch |
Defines one or more concatenated bicubic Bézier patches to be used with the BezierSurface class. More... | |
class | BezierSurface |
The BezierSurface class implements a Geometry that is capable of visualizing multiple bicubic Bézier patches (see BezierPatch). More... | |
class | Billboard |
A Transform that aligns an Actor towards the camera. More... | |
class | BlendColor |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glBlendColor(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | BlendEquation |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glBlendEquation()/glBlendEquationSeparate(), see also and for more information. More... | |
class | BlendFunc |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glBlendFunc(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | BlitFramebuffer |
A RenderEventCallback that can be used to copy pixels from a framebuffer to another as described in GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit. More... | |
class | Bond |
The Bond class represents a bond to be used with the Molecule class. More... | |
class | Buffer |
Implements a buffer whose storage is in local memory. More... | |
class | BufferedStream |
The BufferedStream class is a template class that that performs a buffered read of Element_Type data from a VirtualFile. More... | |
class | BufferObject |
The BufferObject class is a Buffer that can upload its data on the GPU memory. More... | |
class | CalibratedCamera |
Calibrated camera for augmented reality. More... | |
class | Camera |
Represents a virtual camera defining, among other things, the point of view from which scenes can be rendered. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolator |
The LinearInterpolator class is a template class that implements Catmull-Rom spline interpolation. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorDouble |
Interpolates double values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorDVec2 |
Interpolates dvec2 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorDVec3 |
Interpolates dvec3 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorDVec4 |
Interpolates dvec4 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorFloat |
Interpolates float values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorFVec2 |
Interpolates fvec2 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorFVec3 |
Interpolates fvec3 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | CatmullRomInterpolatorFVec4 |
Interpolates fvec4 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator. More... | |
class | Clear |
The Clear class is a Renderable used to clear the whole or a portion of the color, stencil or depth buffer. More... | |
class | ClipPlane |
Wraps the OpenGL function glClipPlane(). More... | |
class | Collection |
It's basically an std::vector for Objects that is itself an Object so it can be reference counted and passed around with ease. More... | |
class | Color |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glColor(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | ColorMask |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glColorMask(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | CopyTexSubImage |
Wrapper class of the OpenGL function glCopyTexSubImage. More... | |
class | CopyTexSubImage1D |
Wraps glCopyTexSubImage1D, see also CopyTexSubImage. More... | |
class | CopyTexSubImage2D |
Wraps glCopyTexSubImage2D, see also CopyTexSubImage. To be used also for 1D array textures. More... | |
class | CopyTexSubImage3D |
Wraps glCopyTexSubImage3D, see also CopyTexSubImage. To be used also for 2D array textures. More... | |
class | CoreText |
Experimental. More... | |
class | CRC32CheckSum |
Computes the a CRC32 checksum of a given buffer or VirtualFile. More... | |
class | CullFace |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glCullFace(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | DaeLoader |
COLLADA loader. More... | |
class | degree |
Simple class representing quantities in degrees, converts automatically to vl::radian and real. More... | |
class | DepthFunc |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glDepthFunc(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | DepthMask |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glDepthMask(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | DepthRange |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glDepthRange(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | DepthSortCallback |
DepthSortCallback sorts the primitives of the Geometry bound to the Actor in which the callback is installed. More... | |
class | DiskDirectory |
A VirtualDirectory that operates on reguar disk directories. More... | |
class | DiskFile |
A VirtualFile that operates on regular disk files. More... | |
class | DistanceLODEvaluator |
A LODEvaluator that computes the appropriate LOD based on the distance of an Actor from the Camera. More... | |
class | DoubleVertexRemover |
Removes from a Geometry the vertices with the same attributes. More... | |
class | DrawArrays |
Wraps the OpenGL function glDrawArrays(). More... | |
class | DrawCall |
The base class of DrawArrays, DrawElements, MultiDrawElements and DrawRangeElements. More... | |
class | DrawElements |
Wrapper for the OpenGL function glDrawElements(). More... | |
class | DrawElementsBase |
Base interface for all DrawElements* sub classes. More... | |
class | DrawElementsUByte |
See DrawElements. More... | |
class | DrawElementsUInt |
See DrawElements. More... | |
class | DrawElementsUShort |
See DrawElements. More... | |
class | DrawPixels |
Wraps the OpenGL function glDrawPixels(). More... | |
class | DrawRangeElements |
Wrapper for the OpenGL function glDrawRangeElements(). More... | |
class | DrawRangeElementsBase |
Base interface for all DrawRangeElements* sub classes. More... | |
class | DrawRangeElementsUByte |
See DrawRangeElements. More... | |
class | DrawRangeElementsUInt |
See DrawRangeElements. More... | |
class | DrawRangeElementsUShort |
See DrawRangeElements. More... | |
class | EdgeExtractor |
The EdgeExtractor class extracts the edges from one or more Geometry objects. More... | |
class | EdgeRenderer |
The EdgeRenderer class implements a special Renderer that automatically extracts and renders the edges of the objects in the scene. More... | |
class | EdgeUpdateCallback |
The EdgeUpdateCallback class updates at every frame the edges of an Actor for the purpose of edge-enhancement. More... | |
class | Effect |
Defines the sequence of Shader objects used to render an Actor. More... | |
class | EnableSet |
A set of enables managed by Shader. More... | |
class | Extrusion |
The Extrusion class generates a Geometry extruding a silhouette along a path. More... | |
class | Extrusions |
The Extrusion class generates a Geometry extruding a silhouette along a path. More... | |
class | FBOAbstractAttachment |
Abstract class that represents a framebuffer object attachment to be used with FramebufferObject. More... | |
class | FBOAbstractTextureAttachment |
Base class for all the framebuffer texture attachments (see also FramebufferObject). More... | |
class | FBOColorBufferAttachment |
A color renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject. More... | |
class | FBODepthBufferAttachment |
A depth renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject. More... | |
class | FBODepthStencilBufferAttachment |
A depth+stencil renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject. More... | |
class | FBORenderbufferAttachment |
Abstract class that represents a framebuffer renderbuffer attachment, that is, a non-texture fbo attachment (wraps glFramebufferRenderbuffer() ). More... | |
class | FBOStencilBufferAttachment |
A stencil renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject. More... | |
class | FBOTexture1DAttachment |
A 1D texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture1D() ). More... | |
class | FBOTexture2DAttachment |
A 2D texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture2D() ). More... | |
class | FBOTexture3DAttachment |
A 3D texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture3D() ). More... | |
class | FBOTextureAttachment |
A texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture() ). More... | |
class | FBOTextureLayerAttachment |
A texture layer renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTextureLayer() ). More... | |
class | FileSystem |
Manages multiple VirtualDirectory objects. More... | |
class | Flags |
Simple class to manage flags in a type safe manner. More... | |
class | FlatManipulator |
This class lets you pan (translate) and zoom a 2D scene using the mouse. More... | |
class | Fog |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glFog(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Font |
A font to be used with a Text renderable. More... | |
class | FontManager |
The FontManager class keeps a map associating a font path, size and smoothing flag to a Font object. More... | |
class | Framebuffer |
The Framebuffer class defines an abstract 'surface' where OpenGL can render into. More... | |
class | FramebufferObject |
Implements a framebuffer object to be used as a rendering target as specified by the ARB_framebuffer_object extension. More... | |
class | FrontFace |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glFrontFace(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Frustum |
A set of planes defining a frustum used for culling purposes (frustum culling). More... | |
class | Geometry |
The Geometry class is a Renderable that implements a polygonal mesh made of polygons, lines and points. More... | |
class | GeometryLoadCallback |
Defines a set of actions to be executed to a Geometry as soon as it is loaded. More... | |
class | GhostCameraManipulator |
The GhostCameraManipulator class is an UIEventListener that controls the position and orientation of a Camera. More... | |
class | GlobalSettings |
Global application settings controlling how Visualization Library behaves. More... | |
class | GLSLFragmentShader |
Wraps a GLSL fragment shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable fragment processor. More... | |
class | GLSLGeometryShader |
Wraps a GLSL geometry shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable geometry processor. More... | |
class | GLSLProgram |
Wraps a GLSL program to which you can bind vertex, fragment and geometry shaders. More... | |
class | GLSLShader |
For internal use only. More... | |
class | GLSLTessControlShader |
Wraps a GLSL tessellation control shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable tessellation processor in the control stage. More... | |
class | GLSLTessEvaluationShader |
Wraps a GLSL tessellation evaluation shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: this shader will run on the programmable tessellation processor in the evaluation stage. More... | |
class | GLSLVertexShader |
Wraps a GLSL vertex shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable vertex processor. More... | |
class | Glyph |
The Glyph associated to a character of a given Font. More... | |
class | GZipCodec |
The GZipCodec class is a VirtualFile that transparently encodes and decodes a stream of data using the GZip compression algorithm. More... | |
class | half |
Represents an half-precision floating point value. More... | |
class | Hint |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glHint(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Image |
Implements a generic 1d, 2d, 3d and cubemap image that can have mipmaps. More... | |
class | ImagePBO |
Represents a vl::Image with an associated Pixel Buffer Object. More... | |
class | IMutex |
An interface to implement simple platform-independent mutexes used to protect critical sections. More... | |
class | IndexIterator |
Wraps a IndexIteratorAbstract to iterate over the indices of a DrawCall. More... | |
class | IndexIteratorAbstract |
Abstract class used as base for all the index iterators specializations. More... | |
class | IndexIteratorDrawArrays |
Index iterator operating used by DrawArrays. More... | |
class | IndexIteratorElements |
Index iterator operating over DrawElements, DrawRangeElements and MultiDrawElements. More... | |
class | Interpolator |
Abstract class for all the interpolators. More... | |
class | InterpolatorDouble |
Abstract class that interpolates double values. More... | |
class | InterpolatorDVec2 |
Abstract class that interpolates vl::dvec2 values. More... | |
class | InterpolatorDVec3 |
Abstract class that interpolates vl::dvec3 values. More... | |
class | InterpolatorDVec4 |
Abstract class that interpolates vl::dvec4 values. More... | |
class | InterpolatorFloat |
Abstract class that interpolates float values. More... | |
class | InterpolatorFVec2 |
Abstract class that interpolates vl::fvec2 values. More... | |
class | InterpolatorFVec3 |
Abstract class that interpolates vl::fvec3 values. More... | |
class | InterpolatorFVec4 |
Abstract class that interpolates vl::fvec4 values. More... | |
class | IVertexAttribSet |
Abstract interface to manipulate OpenGL's vertex attribute arrays. More... | |
class | KeyValues |
A set of key/value pairs usually used to associate generic information, tags, attributes etc. to another class. More... | |
class | Light |
Wraps the OpenGL function glLight(). More... | |
class | LightModel |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLightModel(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolator |
The LinearInterpolator class is a template class that implements linear interpolation. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorDouble |
Interpolates double values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorDVec2 |
Interpolates dvec2 values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorDVec3 |
Interpolates dvec3 values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorDVec4 |
Interpolates dvec4 values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorFloat |
Interpolates float values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorFVec2 |
Interpolates fvec2 values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorFVec3 |
Interpolates fvec3 values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LinearInterpolatorFVec4 |
Interpolates fvec4 values using a LinearInterpolator. More... | |
class | LineStipple |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLineStipple(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | LineWidth |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLineWidth(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | LoadCallback |
Defines an operation to be exectued to a ResourceDatabase as soon as its loaded, see also LoadWriterManager, WriteCallback. More... | |
class | LoadWriter3DS |
The LoadWriter3DS class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading 3DS files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterAC3D |
The LoadWriterAC3D class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading AC3D files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterBMP |
The LoadWriterBMP class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading BMP files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterDae |
The LoadWriterDae class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading COLLADA files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterDAT |
The LoadWriterDAT class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading DAT files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterDDS |
The LoadWriterDDS class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading DDS files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterDICOM |
The LoadWriterDICOM class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading DICOM files (.dcm, .dicom, .dic, .ima, .ph, .mag) using GDCM 2.0 library. More... | |
class | LoadWriterJPG |
The LoadWriterJPG class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading JPG files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterManager |
The LoadWriterManager class loads and writes resources using the registered ResourceLoadWriter objects. More... | |
class | LoadWriterMD2 |
The LoadWriterMD2 class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading MD2 files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterMHD |
The LoadWriterMHD class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading MHD files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterOBJ |
The LoadWriterOBJ class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading OBJ files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterPLY |
The LoadWriterPLY class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading PLY files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterPNG |
The LoadWriterPNG class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading PNG files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterSTL |
The LoadWriterSTL class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading STL files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterTGA |
The LoadWriterTGA class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading TGA files. More... | |
class | LoadWriterTIFF |
The LoadWriterTIFF class is a ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading TIFF files. More... | |
class | LODEvaluator |
Abstract class to compute the appropriate LOD of an Actor or Effect. More... | |
class | Log |
Utility class to generate logs. More... | |
class | LogicOp |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLogicOp(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | MarchingCubes |
An efficient implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm. More... | |
class | Material |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glMaterial() and glColorMaterial(), see also and for more information. More... | |
class | Matrix2 |
The Matrix2 class is a template class that implements a generic 2x2 matrix, see also vl::dmat2, vl::fmat2, vl::umat2, vl::imat2. More... | |
class | Matrix3 |
The Matrix3 class is a template class that implements a generic 3x3 matrix, see also vl::dmat3, vl::fmat3, vl::umat3, vl::imat3. More... | |
class | Matrix4 |
The Matrix4 class is a template class that implements a generic 4x4 matrix, see also vl::dmat4, vl::fmat4, vl::umat4, vl::imat4. More... | |
class | MD5CheckSum |
Computes the MD5 of a given buffer or VirtualFile. More... | |
class | MemoryDirectory |
A VirtualDirectory to manipulate directories stored in memory. More... | |
class | MemoryFile |
A VirtualFile to manipulate files stored in memory. More... | |
class | MersenneTwister |
class | Molecule |
The Molecule class is used to manage and render 3D molecular structures. More... | |
class | MorphingCallback |
The MorphingCallback class implements a simple morphing animation mechanism using the GPU acceleration where available. More... | |
class | MultiDrawElements |
Wrapper for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawElements(). More... | |
class | MultiDrawElementsBase |
Base interface for all MultiDrawElements* sub classes. More... | |
class | MultiDrawElementsUByte |
See MultiDrawElements. More... | |
class | MultiDrawElementsUInt |
See MultiDrawElements. More... | |
class | MultiDrawElementsUShort |
See MultiDrawElements. More... | |
class | NaryQuickMap |
Simple map used to add, remove, iterate, clear elements efficiently (all O(1)). More... | |
class | Normal |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glNormal(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Object |
The base class for all the reference counted objects. More... | |
class | ObjLoader |
Loads a Wavefront OBJ file. More... | |
class | ObjMaterial |
Represents a Wavefront OBJ material as loaded from an MTL file. See also ObjLoader. More... | |
class | ObjMesh |
Represents a Wavefront OBJ mesh. See also ObjLoader. More... | |
class | ObjTexture |
Represents a Wavefront OBJ texture. See also ObjMaterial and ObjLoader. More... | |
class | OcclusionCullRenderer |
Wraps a Renderer performing occlusion culling acceleration. More... | |
class | OpenGLContext |
Represents an OpenGL context, possibly a widget or a pbuffer, which can also respond to keyboard, mouse or system events. More... | |
class | OpenGLContextFormat |
The OpenGLContextFormat class encapsulates the settings of an OpenGL rendering context. More... | |
class | PatchParameter |
Wrapper of glPatchParameter(), specifies the parameters for patch primitives, used by vl::DrawCall::setPatchParameter(). More... | |
class | PixelLODEvaluator |
A LODEvaluator that computes the appropriate LOD based on the approximate 2d area that an Actor covers on the screen. More... | |
class | PixelTransfer |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPixelTransfer(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Plane |
The Plane class defines a plane using a normal and an origin. More... | |
class | PlyLoader |
Loads a PLY file. More... | |
class | PointParameter |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPointParameter(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | PointSize |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPointSize(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | PolygonMode |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPolygonMode(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | PolygonOffset |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPolygonOffset(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | PolygonSimplifier |
The PolygonSimplifier class reduces the amount of polygons present in a Geometry using a quadric error metric. More... | |
class | PolygonStipple |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPolygonStipple(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Portal |
A planar convex polygon used to define the visibility from one Sector to another. More... | |
class | ProjViewTransfCallback |
Callback class to update the state of the projection , view , transform and normal matrices of a GLSLProgram or fixed function pipeline. More... | |
class | QtDirectory |
A VirtualDirectory that uses Qt's QDir. More... | |
class | QtFile |
A VirtualFile that uses Qt's QFile. More... | |
class | Quaternion |
Implements a Quaternion usually used to represent rotations and orientations. More... | |
class | radian |
Simple class representing quantities in radians, converts automatically to vl::degree and real. More... | |
class | Random |
Cryptographic random number generator. More... | |
class | Ray |
The Ray class defines a ray as an origin and direction using real precision. More... | |
class | RaycastVolume |
A ActorEventCallback used to render a volume using GPU raycasting. More... | |
class | RayIntersection |
The RayIntersection encapsulates all the information relative to a Ray/Actor intersection. More... | |
class | RayIntersectionGeometry |
The RayIntersectionGeometry encapsulates all the information relative to a Ray/Actor intersection, providing also extra information relative to the intersection on the Geometry in use by the Actor. More... | |
class | RayIntersector |
The RayIntersector class is used to detect the intersection points between a Ray and a set of Actor[s]. More... | |
class | ReadPixels |
A RenderEventCallback that copyes a rectangular pixel area from a source buffer to an Image at the end of a rendering. More... | |
class | Rect |
Implements the common functions of RectI and RectF. More... | |
class | RectF |
The RectF class represents a 2D rectangular area using float precision. More... | |
class | RectI |
The RectI class represents a 2D rectangular area using int precision. More... | |
class | ref |
The ref<> class is used to reference-count an Object. More... | |
class | Renderable |
An abstract class that represents all the objects that can be rendered. More... | |
class | Renderer |
The Renderer class executes the actual rendering on the given RenderQueue. More... | |
class | RendererAbstract |
Base class providing all the basic funtionalities of a Renderer. More... | |
class | RenderEventCallback |
An abstract class used to react to rendering events. More... | |
class | Rendering |
The Rendering class collects all the information to perform the rendering of a scene. More... | |
class | RenderingAbstract |
The RenderingAbstract class is the base of all the rendering related sub-classes. More... | |
class | RenderingTree |
The RenderingTree class organizes a set of renderings into an N-ary tree. More... | |
class | RenderQueue |
The RenderQueue class collects a list of RenderToken objects to be sorted and rendered. More... | |
class | RenderQueueSorter |
The RenderQueueSorter class is the abstract base class of all the algorithms used to sort a set of RenderToken. More... | |
class | RenderQueueSorterAggressive |
Sorts the RenderTokens by Effect rank -> Actor rank -> blending on/off -> Z distance form the Camera -> GLSL program -> render state set -> enable set -> texture set -> light set -> Shader pointer -> Renderable pointer. More... | |
class | RenderQueueSorterBasic |
Sorts the RenderTokens by their Effect rank -> Actor rank -> Shader pointer -> Renderable pointer. More... | |
class | RenderQueueSorterByRenderable |
Sorts the RenderTokens by their Renderable pointer. More... | |
class | RenderQueueSorterByShader |
Sorts the RenderTokens by their Shader pointer. More... | |
class | RenderQueueSorterOcclusion |
Implements a RenderQueueSorter that maximizes the z-buffer test efficiency as much as possible. More... | |
class | RenderQueueSorterStandard |
Implements the default RenderQueueSorter. More... | |
class | RenderState |
Base class for most of the OpenGL render state wrapper classes. More... | |
class | RenderStateIndexed |
Base class for those render states which have more than one binding points like lights, clipping planes and texture unit states. More... | |
class | RenderStateNonIndexed |
Base class for those render states which have only one binding point (the vast majority). More... | |
class | RenderStateSet |
A set of RenderState objects managed by a Shader. More... | |
struct | RenderStateSlot |
class | RenderToken |
Internally used by the rendering engine. More... | |
class | ResourceDatabase |
The ResourceDatabase class contains and manipulates a set of resources. More... | |
class | ResourceLoadWriter |
The ResourceLoadWriter class is an abstract class used to implement read/write support for one or more resource types. More... | |
class | RingExtractor |
The RingExtractor class traverses a molecule's graph and detects various types of cycles, mainly used for aromatic ring detection. More... | |
class | SampleCoverage |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glSampleCoverage(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Say |
A simple String formatting class. More... | |
class | SayArg |
Used internally by the Say class. More... | |
class | SceneManager |
The SceneManager class is the base class for all the scene managers. More... | |
class | SceneManagerActorKdTree |
A SceneManagerBVH that implements its spatial partitioning strategy using an ActorKdTree. More... | |
class | SceneManagerActorTree |
A SceneManagerBVH that implements its spatial partitioning strategy using an ActorTree. More... | |
class | SceneManagerBVH |
The SceneManagerBVH class implements the basic functionalities for bounding-volume-hierarchy based scene managers. More... | |
class | SceneManagerPortals |
The SceneManagerPortals calss implements a portal-based hidden surface removal algorithm to efficently render highly occluded scenes. More... | |
class | SceneManagerVectorGraphics |
The SceneManagerVectorGraphics class is a SceneManager that contains VectorGraphics objects. More... | |
class | Scissor |
The Scissor class wraps the OpenGL function glScissor(), see for more information. More... | |
class | ScopedMutex |
A class that locks the specified mutex when constructed and unlocks it when destructed. More... | |
class | SecondaryColor |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glSecondaryColor(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Sector |
Defines an area containg a set if Actors that is connected to other Sector[s] through its Portal[s]. More... | |
class | ShadeModel |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glShadeModel(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Shader |
Manages most of the OpenGL rendering states responsible of the final aspect of the rendered objects. More... | |
class | ShaderAnimator |
Callback object used to update/animate a Shader during the rendering. More... | |
class | ShaderNode |
The ShaderNode class is used to conveniently manage complex hierarchies of Shader[s]. More... | |
class | ShaderPasses |
A sequence of Shader objects each of which represent a rendering pass. More... | |
class | SlicedVolume |
A ActorEventCallback used to render a volume using viewport aligned slices. More... | |
class | Sphere |
The Sphere class defines a sphere using a center and a radius using vl::real precision. More... | |
class | StandardLog |
The StandardLog class outputs the log messages on the stdout device and optionally also on a specified file. More... | |
class | StencilFunc |
Wraps the OpenGL functions glStencilFunc() and glStencilFuncSeparate(), see also and for more information. More... | |
class | StencilMask |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glStencilMask() and glStencilMaskSeparate(), see also and for more information. More... | |
class | StencilOp |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glStencilOp() and glStencilOpSeparate(), see also and for more information. More... | |
class | StereoCamera |
Utility class to setup a pair of left/right cameras for stereo rendering. More... | |
class | STLLoader |
Loads an STL file. More... | |
class | String |
The String class implements an advanced UTF16 (Unicode BMP) string manipulation engine. More... | |
class | Terrain |
The Terrain class implements a ActorKdTree-based terrain scene manager. More... | |
class | Tessellator |
Tessellates a complex polygon defined by a set of outlines into a set of triangles that can be rendered by Visualization Library. More... | |
class | TexEnv |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glTexEnv(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | TexGen |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glTexGen(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | TexParameter |
Wraps the OpenGL function glTexParameter(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | Text |
A Renderable that renders text with a given Font. More... | |
class | TextStream |
The TextStream class can be used to conveniently read or parse utf8-encoded text files. More... | |
class | Texture |
Wraps an OpenGL texture object representing and managing all the supported texture types. More... | |
class | TextureMatrix |
The TextureMatrix class uses a 4x4 matrix to transform the texture coordinates of a texture unit. More... | |
class | TextureSampler |
The TextureSampler class associates a Texture object to an OpenGL texture unit. More... | |
class | Time |
Simple class to be used as a timer and to retrieve the current time and date. More... | |
class | TrackballManipulator |
This class lets you rotate a Camera or a Transform node using a virtual trackball. More... | |
class | Transform |
Implements a 4x4 matrix transform used to define the position and orientation of an Actor. More... | |
class | TriangleIterator |
Iterator used to extract the indices of every single triangle of a DrawCall regardless of the primitive type. More... | |
class | TriangleIteratorAbstract |
For internal use only. More... | |
class | TriangleIteratorDirect |
For internal use only. More... | |
class | TriangleIteratorIndexed |
For internal use only. More... | |
class | TriangleIteratorMulti |
For internal use only. More... | |
class | TriangleStripGenerator |
The TriangleStripGenerator class is used to substitute lists of triangles or quads with triangle strips. More... | |
struct | TypeInfo |
Represents a class type. More... | |
class | UIEventListener |
The UIEventListener class listens to the events emitted by an OpenGLContext. More... | |
class | Uniform |
Wraps an OpenGL Shading Language uniform to be associated to a GLSLProgram (see vl::GLSLProgram documentation). More... | |
class | UniformSet |
A set of Uniform objects managed by a Shader. More... | |
class | UUID |
Simple implementation of a 16 bytes Universally Unique ID based on More... | |
class | Vector2 |
The Vector2 class is a template class that implements a generic 2 components vector, see also vl::fvec2, vl::dvec2, vl::uvec2, vl::ivec2, vl::svec2, vl::usvec2, vl::bvec2, vl::ubvec2. More... | |
class | Vector3 |
The Vector3 class is a template class that implements a generic 3 components vector, see also vl::fvec3, vl::dvec3, vl::uvec3, vl::ivec3, vl::svec3, vl::usvec3, vl::bvec3, vl::ubvec3. More... | |
class | Vector4 |
The Vector4 class is a template class that implements a generic 4 components vector, see also vl::fvec4, vl::dvec4, vl::uvec4, vl::ivec4, vl::svec4, vl::usvec4, vl::bvec4, vl::ubvec4. More... | |
class | VectorGraphics |
The VectorGraphics class is used in conjuction with SceneManagerVectorGraphics to generate and render 2D vector graphics. More... | |
class | VertexAttrib |
RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib(), see also for more information. More... | |
class | VertexMapper |
Generates a set of new vertices from the old one. More... | |
class | Viewport |
Implements the viewport and clearing settings associated to a Camera. More... | |
class | VirtualDirectory |
Abstact class representing a directory of files. More... | |
class | VirtualFile |
An abstract class representing a file. More... | |
class | VisualizationLibrary |
Used to initialize/shutdown VisualizationLibrary and to access important global data. More... | |
class | Volume |
Defines the volume data to be used with a MarchingCube object. More... | |
class | VolumeInfo |
Defines the volume parameters to be used with a MarchingCube and Volume object. More... | |
class | VolumePlot |
Generates a 3D plot with labels and isosurface. The isosurface is generated using the MarchingCubes algorithm. More... | |
class | WriteCallback |
Defines an operation to be exectued to a ResourceDatabase just before it is written, see also LoadWriterManager, LoadCallback. More... | |
class | ZippedDirectory |
A VirtualDirectory capable of reading files from a .zip file. More... | |
class | ZippedFile |
A VirtualFile used to read a file contained in a .zip archive. More... | |
class | ZippedFileInfo |
Collects the information about a ZippedFile. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< float > | CatmullRomInterpolatorFloat_T |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< fvec2 > | CatmullRomInterpolatorFVec2_T |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< fvec3 > | CatmullRomInterpolatorFVec3_T |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< fvec4 > | CatmullRomInterpolatorFVec4_T |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< double > | CatmullRomInterpolatorDouble_T |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< dvec2 > | CatmullRomInterpolatorDVec2_T |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< dvec3 > | CatmullRomInterpolatorDVec3_T |
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator< dvec4 > | CatmullRomInterpolatorDVec4_T |
typedef Vector4< half > | hvec4 |
typedef Vector3< half > | hvec3 |
typedef Vector2< half > | hvec2 |
typedef Matrix4< half > | hmat4 |
typedef Matrix3< half > | hmat3 |
typedef Matrix2< half > | hmat2 |
typedef unsigned char | TPalette3x256[256 *3] |
typedef unsigned char | TPalette4x256[256 *4] |
typedef LinearInterpolator< float > | LinearInterpolatorFloat_T |
typedef LinearInterpolator< fvec2 > | LinearInterpolatorFVec2_T |
typedef LinearInterpolator< fvec3 > | LinearInterpolatorFVec3_T |
typedef LinearInterpolator< fvec4 > | LinearInterpolatorFVec4_T |
typedef LinearInterpolator< double > | LinearInterpolatorDouble_T |
typedef LinearInterpolator< dvec2 > | LinearInterpolatorDVec2_T |
typedef LinearInterpolator< dvec3 > | LinearInterpolatorDVec3_T |
typedef LinearInterpolator< dvec4 > | LinearInterpolatorDVec4_T |
typedef Matrix2< double > | dmat2 |
A 2x2 matrix using double precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix2< float > | fmat2 |
A 2x2 matrix using float precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix2< int > | imat2 |
A 2x2 matrix using int precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix2< unsigned int > | umat2 |
A 2x2 matrix using unsigned int precision. More... | |
typedef fmat2 | mat2 |
Defined as: 'typedef fmat2 mat2' . See also VL_PIPELINE_PRECISION. More... | |
typedef Matrix3< double > | dmat3 |
A 3x3 matrix using double precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix3< float > | fmat3 |
A 3x3 matrix using float precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix3< int > | imat3 |
A 3x3 matrix using int precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix3< unsigned int > | umat3 |
A 3x3 matrix using unsigned int precision. More... | |
typedef fmat3 | mat3 |
Defined as: 'typedef fmat3 mat3' . See also VL_PIPELINE_PRECISION. More... | |
typedef Matrix4< double > | dmat4 |
A 4x4 matrix using double precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix4< float > | fmat4 |
A 4x4 matrix using float precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix4< int > | imat4 |
A 4x4 matrix using int precision. More... | |
typedef Matrix4< unsigned int > | umat4 |
A 4x4 matrix using unsigned int precision. More... | |
typedef fmat4 | mat4 |
Defined as: 'typedef fmat4 mat4' . See also VL_PIPELINE_PRECISION. More... | |
typedef Quaternion< float > | fquat |
typedef Quaternion< double > | dquat |
typedef Quaternion< real > | quat |
typedef char | i8 |
8 bits signed integer More... | |
typedef unsigned char | u8 |
8 bits unsigned integer More... | |
typedef short | i16 |
16 bits signed integer More... | |
typedef unsigned short | u16 |
16 bits unsigned integer More... | |
typedef int | i32 |
32 bits signed integer More... | |
typedef unsigned int | u32 |
32 bits unsigned integer More... | |
typedef long long | i64 |
64 bits signed integer More... | |
typedef unsigned long long | u64 |
64 bits unsigned integer More... | |
typedef float | f32 |
32 bits floating point value More... | |
typedef double | f64 |
64 bits floating point value More... | |
typedef Vector2< int > | ivec2 |
A 2 components vector with int precision. More... | |
typedef Vector2< unsigned int > | uvec2 |
A 2 components vector with unsigned int precision. More... | |
typedef Vector2< float > | fvec2 |
A 2 components vector with float precision. More... | |
typedef Vector2< double > | dvec2 |
A 2 components vector with double precision. More... | |
typedef Vector2< char > | bvec2 |
A 2 components vector with char precision. More... | |
typedef Vector2< unsigned char > | ubvec2 |
A 2 components vector with unsigned char precision. More... | |
typedef Vector2< short > | svec2 |
A 2 components vector with short precision. More... | |
typedef Vector2< unsigned short > | usvec2 |
A 2 components vector with unsigned short precision. More... | |
typedef fvec2 | vec2 |
Defined as: 'typedef fvec2 vec2' . See also VL_PIPELINE_PRECISION. More... | |
typedef Vector3< int > | ivec3 |
A 3 components vector with int precision. More... | |
typedef Vector3< unsigned int > | uvec3 |
A 3 components vector with unsigned int precision. More... | |
typedef Vector3< float > | fvec3 |
A 3 components vector with float precision. More... | |
typedef Vector3< double > | dvec3 |
A 3 components vector with double precision. More... | |
typedef Vector3< char > | bvec3 |
A 3 components vector with char precision. More... | |
typedef Vector3< unsigned char > | ubvec3 |
A 3 components vector with unsigned char precision. More... | |
typedef Vector3< short > | svec3 |
A 3 components vector with short precision. More... | |
typedef Vector3< unsigned short > | usvec3 |
A 3 components vector with unsigned short precision. More... | |
typedef fvec3 | vec3 |
Defined as: 'typedef fvec3 vec3' . See also VL_PIPELINE_PRECISION. More... | |
typedef Vector4< int > | ivec4 |
A 4 components vector with int precision. More... | |
typedef Vector4< unsigned int > | uvec4 |
A 4 components vector with unsigned int precision. More... | |
typedef Vector4< float > | fvec4 |
A 4 components vector with float precision. More... | |
typedef Vector4< double > | dvec4 |
A 4 components vector with double precision. More... | |
typedef Vector4< char > | bvec4 |
A 4 components vector with char precision. More... | |
typedef Vector4< unsigned char > | ubvec4 |
A 4 components vector with unsigned char precision. More... | |
typedef Vector4< short > | svec4 |
A 4 components vector with short precision. More... | |
typedef Vector4< unsigned short > | usvec4 |
A 4 components vector with unsigned short precision. More... | |
typedef fvec4 | vec4 |
Defined as: 'typedef fvec4 vec4' . See also VL_PIPELINE_PRECISION. More... | |
typedef std::map< float, ref< RenderQueue > > | TRenderQueueMap |
Functions | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | log_failed_check (const char *, const char *, int) |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | abort_vl () |
fvec4 | makeColor (unsigned int color) |
bool | isValidColor (const fvec4 &color) |
VLCORE_EXPORT FileSystem * | defFileSystem () |
Returns the default FileSystem used by VisualizationLibrary. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | setDefFileSystem (FileSystem *fs) |
Sets the default FileSystem used by VisualizationLibrary. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Flags< T > | operator| (T flag1, T flag2) |
template<typename T > | |
Flags< T > | operator & (T flag1, T flag2) |
VLCORE_EXPORT GlobalSettings * | globalSettings () |
Returns VisulizationLibrary's global settings. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | setGlobalSettings (GlobalSettings *) |
Sets VisulizationLibrary's global settings. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | asinh (T x) |
template<typename T > | |
T | acosh (T x) |
template<typename T > | |
T | atanh (T x) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | isnan (T value) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | isinf (T value) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | isinf_pos (T value) |
template<typename T > | |
bool | isinf_neg (T value) |
template<typename T > | |
T | modf (T a, T &intpart) |
template<typename T > | |
T | radians (T degrees) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | radians (const Vector2< T > °rees) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | radians (const Vector3< T > °rees) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | radians (const Vector4< T > °rees) |
template<typename T > | |
T | degrees (T radians) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | degrees (const Vector2< T > &radians) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | degrees (const Vector3< T > &radians) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | degrees (const Vector4< T > &radians) |
template<typename T > | |
T | sin (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | sin (const Vector2< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | sin (const Vector3< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | sin (const Vector4< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
T | cos (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | cos (const Vector2< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | cos (const Vector3< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | cos (const Vector4< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
T | tan (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | tan (const Vector2< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | tan (const Vector3< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | tan (const Vector4< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
T | atan (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | atan (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | atan (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | atan (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
T | asin (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | asin (const Vector2< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | asin (const Vector3< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | asin (const Vector4< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
T | acos (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | acos (const Vector2< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | acos (const Vector3< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | acos (const Vector4< T > &angle) |
template<typename T > | |
T | sinh (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | sinh (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | sinh (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | sinh (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | cosh (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | cosh (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | cosh (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | cosh (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | tanh (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | tanh (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | tanh (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | tanh (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | asinh (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | asinh (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | asinh (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | acosh (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | acosh (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | acosh (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | atanh (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | atanh (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | atanh (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | pow (T a, T b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | pow (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | pow (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | pow (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
T | exp (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | exp (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | exp (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | exp (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | log (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | log (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | log (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | log (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | exp2 (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | exp2 (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | exp2 (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | exp2 (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | log2 (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | log2 (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | log2 (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | log2 (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | log10 (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | log10 (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | log10 (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | log10 (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | sqrt (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | sqrt (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | sqrt (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | sqrt (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | inversesqrt (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | inversesqrt (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | inversesqrt (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | inversesqrt (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | abs (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | abs (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | abs (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | abs (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | sign (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | sign (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | sign (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | sign (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | floor (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | floor (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | floor (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | floor (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | fract (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | fract (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | fract (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | fract (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | trunc (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | trunc (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | trunc (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | trunc (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | round (T x) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | round (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | round (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | round (const Vector4< T > &a) |
float | modf (float a, float &intpart) |
double | modf (double a, double &intpart) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | modf (const Vector2< T > &a, Vector2< T > &intpart) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | modf (const Vector3< T > &a, Vector3< T > &intpart) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | modf (const Vector4< T > &a, Vector4< T > &intpart) |
float | roundEven (float a, float epsilon) |
double | roundEven (double a, double epsilon) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | roundEven (const Vector2< T > &a, T epsilon=0.00001) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | roundEven (const Vector3< T > &a, T epsilon=0.00001) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | roundEven (const Vector4< T > &a, T epsilon=0.00001) |
template<typename T > | |
T | ceil (T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | ceil (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | ceil (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | ceil (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | mod (T a, T b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | mod (const Vector2< T > &a, T b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | mod (const Vector3< T > &a, T b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | mod (const Vector4< T > &a, T b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | mod (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | mod (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | mod (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
T | mix (T a, T b, T t) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | mix (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b, T t) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | mix (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b, T t) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | mix (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b, T t) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | mix (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b, const Vector2< T > &t) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | mix (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b, const Vector3< T > &t) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | mix (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b, const Vector4< T > &t) |
template<typename T > | |
T | step (T edge, T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | step (const Vector2< T > &edge, const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | step (const Vector3< T > &edge, const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | step (const Vector4< T > &edge, const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | smoothstep (T edge0, T edge1, T a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | smoothstep (const Vector2< T > &edge0, const Vector2< T > &edge1, const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | smoothstep (const Vector3< T > &edge0, const Vector3< T > &edge1, const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | smoothstep (const Vector4< T > &edge0, const Vector4< T > &edge1, const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | isnan (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | isnan (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | isnan (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | isinf (const Vector2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | isinf (const Vector3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | isinf (const Vector4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
T | length (T v) |
template<typename T > | |
T | length (const Vector2< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
T | length (const Vector3< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
T | length (const Vector4< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
T | distance (T p0, T p1) |
template<typename T > | |
T | distance (const Vector2< T > &p0, const Vector2< T > &p1) |
template<typename T > | |
T | distance (const Vector3< T > &p0, const Vector3< T > &p1) |
template<typename T > | |
T | distance (const Vector4< T > &p0, const Vector4< T > &p1) |
float | dot (float a, float b) |
double | dot (double a, double b) |
real | dot (int a, int b) |
real | dot (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) |
template<typename T > | |
T | normalize (T) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | normalize (const Vector2< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | normalize (const Vector3< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | normalize (const Vector4< T > &v) |
template<typename T > | |
T | faceforward (T N, T I, T Nref) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | faceforward (const Vector2< T > &N, const Vector2< T > &I, const Vector2< T > &Nref) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | faceforward (const Vector3< T > &N, const Vector3< T > &I, const Vector3< T > &Nref) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | faceforward (const Vector4< T > &N, const Vector4< T > &I, const Vector4< T > &Nref) |
template<typename T > | |
T | reflect (T I, T N) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | reflect (const Vector2< T > &I, const Vector2< T > &N) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | reflect (const Vector3< T > &I, const Vector3< T > &N) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | reflect (const Vector4< T > &I, const Vector4< T > &N) |
template<typename T > | |
T | refract (T I, T N, T eta) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector2< T > | refract (const Vector2< T > &I, const Vector2< T > &N, T eta) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector3< T > | refract (const Vector3< T > &I, const Vector3< T > &N, T eta) |
template<typename T > | |
Vector4< T > | refract (const Vector4< T > &I, const Vector4< T > &N, T eta) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix2< T > | matrixCompMult (const Matrix2< T > &a, const Matrix2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix3< T > | matrixCompMult (const Matrix3< T > &a, const Matrix3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix4< T > | matrixCompMult (const Matrix4< T > &a, const Matrix4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix2< T > | outerProduct (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix3< T > | outerProduct (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix4< T > | outerProduct (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix2< T > | transpose (const Matrix2< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix3< T > | transpose (const Matrix3< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
Matrix4< T > | transpose (const Matrix4< T > &a) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | lessThan (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | lessThan (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | lessThan (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | lessThanEqual (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | lessThanEqual (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | lessThanEqual (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | greaterThan (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | greaterThan (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | greaterThan (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | greaterThanEqual (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | greaterThanEqual (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | greaterThanEqual (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | equal (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | equal (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | equal (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec4 | notEqual (const Vector4< T > &a, const Vector4< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec3 | notEqual (const Vector3< T > &a, const Vector3< T > &b) |
template<typename T > | |
ivec2 | notEqual (const Vector2< T > &a, const Vector2< T > &b) |
bool | any (const ivec2 &a) |
bool | any (const ivec3 &a) |
bool | any (const ivec4 &a) |
bool | all (const ivec2 &a) |
bool | all (const ivec3 &a) |
bool | all (const ivec4 &a) |
float | operator/ (float a, const half &b) |
float | operator/ (double a, const half &b) |
float | operator/ (int a, const half &b) |
float | operator* (float a, const half &b) |
float | operator* (double a, const half &b) |
float | operator* (int a, const half &b) |
float | operator+ (float a, const half &b) |
float | operator+ (double a, const half &b) |
float | operator+ (int a, const half &b) |
float | operator- (float a, const half &b) |
float | operator- (double a, const half &b) |
float | operator- (int a, const half &b) |
float | operator/ (const half &a, float b) |
float | operator/ (const half &a, double b) |
float | operator/ (const half &a, int b) |
float | operator* (const half &a, float b) |
float | operator* (const half &a, double b) |
float | operator* (const half &a, int b) |
float | operator+ (const half &a, float b) |
float | operator+ (const half &a, double b) |
float | operator+ (const half &a, int b) |
float | operator- (const half &a, float b) |
float | operator- (const half &a, double b) |
float | operator- (const half &a, int b) |
ref< Image > | createCubemap (const Image *xp, const Image *xn, const Image *yp, const Image *yn, const Image *zp, const Image *zn) |
Assembles a cubemap image. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadCubemap (const String &xp_file, const String &xn_file, const String &yp_file, const String &yn_file, const String &zp_file, const String &zn_file) |
Loads six images and assembles them into a cubemap image. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadRAW (VirtualFile *file, long long file_offset, int width, int height, int depth, int bytealign, EImageFormat format, EImageType type) |
Loads a raw image file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadImage (VirtualFile *file) |
Loads an image from the specified file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadImage (const String &path) |
Loads an image from the specified path. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | loadImagesFromDir (const String &dir_path, const String &ext, std::vector< ref< Image > > &images) |
Loads all the images with the specified extension from the given directory. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | assemble3DImage (const std::vector< ref< Image > > &images) |
Assembles the given 2D images in a single 2D image, all the images must be 2D images and have the same size, format() and type(). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveImage (Image *img, VirtualFile *file) |
Writes an image on the specified file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveImage (Image *img, const String &path) |
Writes an image on the specified path. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeNonUniformColorSpectrum (size_t width, size_t col_count, const fvec4 *colors, const float *col_pos) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeNonUniformColorSpectrum (int width, const std::vector< fvec4 > &colors, const std::vector< float > &col_pos) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeColorSpectrum (size_t width, const std::vector< fvec4 > &colors) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeColorSpectrum (size_t width, const fvec4 &c0, const fvec4 &c1) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeColorSpectrum (size_t width, const fvec4 &c0, const fvec4 &c1, const fvec4 &c2) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeColorSpectrum (size_t width, const fvec4 &c0, const fvec4 &c1, const fvec4 &c2, const fvec4 &c3) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeColorSpectrum (size_t width, const fvec4 &c0, const fvec4 &c1, const fvec4 &c2, const fvec4 &c3, const fvec4 &c4) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | makeColorSpectrum (size_t width, const fvec4 &c0, const fvec4 &c1, const fvec4 &c2, const fvec4 &c3, const fvec4 &c4, const fvec4 &c5) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum. More... | |
void | convertRGBToRGBA (void *buf, int w, int h, unsigned char alpha, int bytealign=1) |
void | convertGrayscaleToRGBA (void *buf, int size, unsigned char alpha) |
void | convertA1R5G5B5ToRGBA (void *buf, int size, unsigned char alpha) |
void | convert8ToRGBA (const TPalette3x256 &palette, void *buf, int w, int h, unsigned char alpha, int bytealign=1) |
void | convert8ToRGBA (const TPalette4x256 &palette, void *buf, int w, int h, int bytealign=1) |
void | swapBytes32 (void *buf, int size) |
void | swapBytes32_BGRA_RGBA (void *buf, int bytecount) |
void | swapBytes24_BGR_RGB (void *buf, int bytecount) |
void | fillRGBA32_Alpha (void *buf, int bytecount, unsigned char alpha) |
void | fillGray8Alpha8_Alpha (void *buf, int bytecount, unsigned char alpha) |
VLCORE_EXPORT LoadWriterManager * | defLoadWriterManager () |
Returs the default LoadWriterManager used by Visualization Library. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | setDefLoadWriterManager (LoadWriterManager *lwm) |
Sets the default LoadWriterManager used by Visualization Library. More... | |
void | registerLoadWriter (ResourceLoadWriter *rlw) |
Utility function, equivalent to defLoadWriterManager()->registerLoadWriter(rlw). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | setDefLogger (Log *logger) |
Installs the default logger used by Visualization Library. Setting this to NULL will disable logging. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT Log * | defLogger () |
Returns the currently installed default logger. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT real | random (real min, real max) |
Returns a random number N between 'min' and 'max' (included) with 53 bits of randomness generated using MersenneTwister->rand53(). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT u32 | randomU32 (u32 min, u32 max) |
Returns a random number N between 'min' and 'max' (included) generated using MersenneTwister->randInt(). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT i32 | randomI32 (i32 min, i32 max) |
Returns a random number N between 'min' and 'max' (included) generated using MersenneTwister->randInt(). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT int | greaterEqualPow2 (int n) |
Returns a number N that is a power of 2 and that is equal to or greater than 'n'. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT int | smallerEqualPow2 (int n) |
Returns a number N that is a power of 2 and that is equal to or smaller than 'n'. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | extractPlanes (Plane *planes, const mat4 &modelviewproj) |
Extracts the 6 frustum planes for the given model-view-projection matrix. More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix2< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix2< T_Scalar > &p, const Matrix2< T_Scalar > &q) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix2< T_Scalar > | operator+ (T_Scalar d, const Matrix2< T_Scalar > &m) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix2< T_Scalar > | operator* (T_Scalar d, const Matrix2< T_Scalar > &m) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector2< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix2< T_Scalar > &m, const Vector2< T_Scalar > &v) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector2< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Vector2< T_Scalar > &v, const Matrix2< T_Scalar > &m) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix3< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &p, const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &q) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix3< T_Scalar > | operator+ (T_Scalar d, const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &m) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix3< T_Scalar > | operator* (T_Scalar d, const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &m) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector3< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &m, const Vector3< T_Scalar > &v) |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector. More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector2< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &m, const Vector2< T_Scalar > &v) |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector The incoming vector is considered a Vector3<T_Scalar> with the component z = 0. More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector3< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Vector3< T_Scalar > &v, const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &m) |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector2< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Vector2< T_Scalar > &v, const Matrix3< T_Scalar > &m) |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix The incoming vector is considered a Vector3<T_Scalar> with the component z = 0 More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix4< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &p, const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &q) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix4< T_Scalar > | operator+ (T_Scalar d, const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Matrix4< T_Scalar > | operator* (T_Scalar d, const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector4< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m, const Vector4< T_Scalar > &v) |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector. More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector3< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m, const Vector3< T_Scalar > &v) |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with the component w = 1. More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector2< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m, const Vector2< T_Scalar > &v) |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with components: z = 0 and w = 1. More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector4< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Vector4< T_Scalar > &v, const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m) |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector3< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Vector3< T_Scalar > &v, const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m) |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with the component w = 1 More... | |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector2< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Vector2< T_Scalar > &v, const Matrix4< T_Scalar > &m) |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with components: z = 0 and w = 1 More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT MersenneTwister * | defMersenneTwister () |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | setDefMersenneTwister (MersenneTwister *) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MersenneTwister &mtrand) |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, MersenneTwister &mtrand) |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | MurmurHash3_x86_32 (const void *key, int len, u32 seed, void *out) |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | MurmurHash3_x86_128 (const void *key, int len, u32 seed, void *out) |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | MurmurHash3_x64_128 (const void *key, int len, u32 seed, void *out) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator== (const ref< T1 > &o1, const ref< T2 > &o2) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator!= (const ref< T1 > &o1, const ref< T2 > &o2) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator== (const ref< T1 > &o1, T2 *o2) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator!= (const ref< T1 > &o1, T2 *o2) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator== (T1 *o1, const ref< T2 > &o2) |
template<class T1 , class T2 > | |
bool | operator!= (T1 *o1, const ref< T2 > &o2) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadBMP (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadBMP (const String &path) |
Loads a BMP file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isBMP (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadDAT (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadDAT (const String &path) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isDAT (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadDDS (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadDDS (const String &path) |
Loads a DDS file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isDDS (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadDICOM (VirtualFile *file) |
Loads a DICOM file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadDICOM (const String &path) |
Loads a DICOM file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveDICOM (const Image *src, const String &path) |
Writes a DICOM file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveDICOM (const Image *src, VirtualFile *file) |
Writes a DICOM file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isDICOM (VirtualFile *file) |
Checks if the given file is a DICOM file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadJPG (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadJPG (const String &path) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isJPG (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveJPG (const Image *src, const String &path, int quality=95) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveJPG (const Image *src, VirtualFile *file, int quality=95) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadMHD (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadMHD (const String &path) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isMHD (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadPNG (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadPNG (const String &path) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isPNG (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | savePNG (const Image *src, const String &path, int compression=6) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | savePNG (const Image *src, VirtualFile *file, int compression=6) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadTGA (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadTGA (const String &path) |
Loads a TGA file. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isTGA (VirtualFile *file) |
A TGA file is accepted only if it has a 'TGA' extension. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveTGA (const Image *src, const String &path) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveTGA (const Image *src, VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadTIFF (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< Image > | loadTIFF (const String &path) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | isTIFF (VirtualFile *file) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveTIFF (const Image *src, const String &path) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | saveTIFF (const Image *src, VirtualFile *file) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Quaternion< T_Scalar > | operator* (T_Scalar r, const Quaternion< T_Scalar > &q) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Quaternion< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Quaternion< T_Scalar > &q1, const Quaternion< T_Scalar > &q2) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector3< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Quaternion< T_Scalar > &q, const Vector3< T_Scalar > &v) |
template<typename T_Scalar > | |
Vector4< T_Scalar > | operator* (const Quaternion< T_Scalar > &q, const Vector4< T_Scalar > &v) |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | canLoad (const String &path) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canLoad(path). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | canWrite (const String &path) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canWrite(path). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | canLoad (VirtualFile *file) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canLoad(file). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | canWrite (VirtualFile *file) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canWrite(file). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadResource (const String &path, bool quick=true) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->loadResource(path, quick). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadResource (VirtualFile *file, bool quick=true) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->loadResource(file, quick). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | writeResource (const String &path, ResourceDatabase *resource) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->writeResource(path, resource). More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT bool | writeResource (VirtualFile *file, ResourceDatabase *resource) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->writeResource(file, resource). More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | swapBytes (T &value) |
Swaps the byte order of the given object. More... | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i8) *8==8) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u8) *8==8) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i16) *8==16) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u16) *8==16) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i32) *8==32) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u32) *8==32) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(i64) *8==64) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(u64) *8==64) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(f32) *8==32) | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (sizeof(f64) *8==64) | |
String | operator+ (const wchar_t *pstr, const String &str) |
String | operator+ (const char *pstr, const String &str) |
String | operator+ (wchar_t ch, const String &str) |
String | operator+ (char ch, const String &str) |
void | initStartTime () |
template<class B , class A > | |
B * | cast (A *obj) |
template<class B , class A > | |
const B * | cast_const (const A *obj) |
float | fast1_inversesqrt (float x) |
float | fast2_inversesqrt (float x) |
float | fast_sqrt (float x) |
template<typename T > | |
const Vector2< T > | operator* (T val, const Vector2< T > &v) |
float | dot (const fvec2 &v1, const fvec2 &v2) |
double | dot (const dvec2 &v1, const dvec2 &v2) |
float | dot (const ivec2 &v1, const ivec2 &v2) |
float | dot (const uvec2 &v1, const uvec2 &v2) |
float | min (float a, float b) |
double | min (double a, double b) |
int | min (int a, int b) |
unsigned int | min (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) |
float | max (float a, float b) |
double | max (double a, double b) |
int | max (int a, int b) |
unsigned int | max (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) |
float | clamp (float x, float minval, float maxval) |
double | clamp (double x, double minval, double maxval) |
int | clamp (int x, int minval, int maxval) |
unsigned int | clamp (unsigned int x, unsigned int minval, unsigned int maxval) |
fvec2 | min (const fvec2 &a, const fvec2 &b) |
fvec2 | min (const fvec2 &a, float b) |
dvec2 | min (const dvec2 &a, const dvec2 &b) |
dvec2 | min (const dvec2 &a, double b) |
ivec2 | min (const ivec2 &a, const ivec2 &b) |
ivec2 | min (const ivec2 &a, int b) |
uvec2 | min (const uvec2 &a, const uvec2 &b) |
uvec2 | min (const uvec2 &a, unsigned int b) |
fvec2 | max (const fvec2 &a, const fvec2 &b) |
fvec2 | max (const fvec2 &a, float b) |
dvec2 | max (const dvec2 &a, const dvec2 &b) |
dvec2 | max (const dvec2 &a, double b) |
ivec2 | max (const ivec2 &a, const ivec2 &b) |
ivec2 | max (const ivec2 &a, int b) |
uvec2 | max (const uvec2 &a, const uvec2 &b) |
uvec2 | max (const uvec2 &a, unsigned int b) |
fvec2 | clamp (const fvec2 &x, float minval, float maxval) |
fvec2 | clamp (const fvec2 &x, const fvec2 &minval, const fvec2 &maxval) |
dvec2 | clamp (const dvec2 &x, double minval, double maxval) |
dvec2 | clamp (const dvec2 &x, const dvec2 &minval, const dvec2 &maxval) |
ivec2 | clamp (const ivec2 &x, int minval, int maxval) |
ivec2 | clamp (const ivec2 &x, const ivec2 &minval, const ivec2 &maxval) |
uvec2 | clamp (const uvec2 &x, unsigned int minval, unsigned int maxval) |
uvec2 | clamp (const uvec2 &x, const uvec2 &minval, const uvec2 &maxval) |
template<typename T > | |
const Vector3< T > | operator* (T val, const Vector3< T > &v) |
float | dot (const fvec3 &v1, const fvec3 &v2) |
double | dot (const dvec3 &v1, const dvec3 &v2) |
float | dot (const ivec3 &v1, const ivec3 &v2) |
float | dot (const uvec3 &v1, const uvec3 &v2) |
fvec3 | cross (const fvec3 &v1, const fvec3 &v2) |
dvec3 | cross (const dvec3 &v1, const dvec3 &v2) |
fvec3 | min (const fvec3 &a, const fvec3 &b) |
fvec3 | min (const fvec3 &a, float b) |
dvec3 | min (const dvec3 &a, const dvec3 &b) |
dvec3 | min (const dvec3 &a, double b) |
ivec3 | min (const ivec3 &a, const ivec3 &b) |
ivec3 | min (const ivec3 &a, int b) |
uvec3 | min (const uvec3 &a, const uvec3 &b) |
uvec3 | min (const uvec3 &a, unsigned int b) |
fvec3 | max (const fvec3 &a, const fvec3 &b) |
fvec3 | max (const fvec3 &a, float b) |
dvec3 | max (const dvec3 &a, const dvec3 &b) |
dvec3 | max (const dvec3 &a, double b) |
ivec3 | max (const ivec3 &a, const ivec3 &b) |
ivec3 | max (const ivec3 &a, int b) |
uvec3 | max (const uvec3 &a, const uvec3 &b) |
uvec3 | max (const uvec3 &a, unsigned int b) |
fvec3 | clamp (const fvec3 &x, float minval, float maxval) |
fvec3 | clamp (const fvec3 &x, const fvec3 &minval, const fvec3 &maxval) |
ivec3 | clamp (const ivec3 &x, const ivec3 &minval, const ivec3 &maxval) |
dvec3 | clamp (const dvec3 &x, double minval, double maxval) |
dvec3 | clamp (const dvec3 &x, const dvec3 &minval, const dvec3 &maxval) |
ivec3 | clamp (const ivec3 &x, int minval, int maxval) |
uvec3 | clamp (const uvec3 &x, unsigned int minval, unsigned int maxval) |
uvec3 | clamp (const uvec3 &x, const uvec3 &minval, const uvec3 &maxval) |
template<typename T > | |
const Vector4< T > | operator* (T val, const Vector4< T > &v) |
float | dot (const fvec4 &v1, const fvec4 &v2) |
double | dot (const dvec4 &v1, const dvec4 &v2) |
float | dot (const ivec4 &v1, const ivec4 &v2) |
float | dot (const uvec4 &v1, const uvec4 &v2) |
fvec4 | min (const fvec4 &a, const fvec4 &b) |
fvec4 | min (const fvec4 &a, float b) |
dvec4 | min (const dvec4 &a, const dvec4 &b) |
dvec4 | min (const dvec4 &a, double b) |
ivec4 | min (const ivec4 &a, const ivec4 &b) |
ivec4 | min (const ivec4 &a, int b) |
uvec4 | min (const uvec4 &a, const uvec4 &b) |
uvec4 | min (const uvec4 &a, unsigned int b) |
fvec4 | max (const fvec4 &a, const fvec4 &b) |
fvec4 | max (const fvec4 &a, float b) |
dvec4 | max (const dvec4 &a, const dvec4 &b) |
dvec4 | max (const dvec4 &a, double b) |
ivec4 | max (const ivec4 &a, const ivec4 &b) |
ivec4 | max (const ivec4 &a, int b) |
uvec4 | max (const uvec4 &a, const uvec4 &b) |
uvec4 | max (const uvec4 &a, unsigned int b) |
fvec4 | clamp (const fvec4 &x, float minval, float maxval) |
fvec4 | clamp (const fvec4 &x, const fvec4 &minval, const fvec4 &maxval) |
dvec4 | clamp (const dvec4 &x, double minval, double maxval) |
dvec4 | clamp (const dvec4 &x, const dvec4 &minval, const dvec4 &maxval) |
ivec4 | clamp (const ivec4 &x, int minval, int maxval) |
ivec4 | clamp (const ivec4 &x, const ivec4 &minval, const ivec4 &maxval) |
uvec4 | clamp (const uvec4 &x, unsigned int minval, unsigned int maxval) |
uvec4 | clamp (const uvec4 &x, const uvec4 &minval, const uvec4 &maxval) |
VLCORE_EXPORT ref< VirtualFile > | locateFile (const String &path) |
Utility function, equivalent to vl::defFileSystem()->locateFile(path) More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT const char * | versionString () |
Returns the Visualization Library's version string. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | logSystemInfo () |
Logs VL and system information. More... | |
VLCORE_EXPORT void | showWin32Console () |
Shows a console window that displays the standard output. This function is meant to be used only under Windows only. More... | |
bool | compress (const void *data, size_t size, std::vector< unsigned char > &out, int level) |
bool | decompress (const void *cdata, size_t csize, void *data_out) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT void | expandResourceDatabase (ResourceDatabase *db) |
Extracts and sorts Shaders, Effects, Renderables, RenderStates, Transforms etc. from their parent objects. More... | |
vl::ref< vl::Geometry > | makeScales (bool X=true, bool Y=true, bool Z=true, int numArmTicks=50, float mmStep=10, float mmTickSize=4, vl::fvec4 color=vl::fvec4(1, 1, 1, 1)) |
Makes an orthogonal cross-hair scales (reticle). More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT FontManager * | defFontManager () |
Returns the default FontManager used by Visualization Library. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT void | setDefFontManager (FontManager *) |
Sets the default FontManager used by Visualization Library. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeBox (const vec3 &origin, real xside=1, real yside=1, real zside=1, bool tex_coords=true) |
Creates a box. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeBox (const vec3 &min, const vec3 &max, bool tex_coords=true) |
Creates a box. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeBox (const AABB &aabb, bool tex_coords=true) |
Creates a box. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeCone (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, real height=1, int phi=20, bool bottom=true) |
Creates a cone. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makePyramid (const vec3 &origin, real side=1, real height=1) |
Creates a pyramid. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeIcosahedron (const vec3 &origin, real diameter) |
Creates an icosahedron. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeIcosphere (const vec3 &pos, real diameter=1, int detail=2, bool remove_doubles=true) |
Creates a sphere by iteratively subdividing an icosahedron. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeUVSphere (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, int phi=20, int theta=20) |
Creates a uv sphere. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeCylinder (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, real height=1, int phi=20, int theta=2, bool top=true, bool bottom=true) |
Creates a cylinder. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeTorus (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, real thickness=0.2, int phi=10, int theta=10, float tex_coords=0.0f) |
Creates torus. This function generates also appropriate normals. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeCapsule (float radius, float height, int segments, ECapsuleCap top_cap, ECapsuleCap bottom_cap, const fvec4 &top_col, const fvec4 &bottom_col) |
Creates a 3d capsule with rounded, flat or no caps. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeTeapot (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, int detail=8) |
Creates a classic Newell's teapot. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeGrid (const vec3 &origin, real xside, real zside, int x, int z, bool gen_texcoords=false, fvec2 uv0=fvec2(0, 0), fvec2 uv1=fvec2(1, 1), bool center=true) |
Creates a 2D grid. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makePoints (const std::vector< vec3 > &pos, const fvec4 &color=white) |
Creates a set of points. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometry > | makeCircle (vec3 origin, real radius, int slices=60) |
Creates a 2D circle. More... | |
VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK (EN_EnableCount==sizeof(Is_Enable_Supported)/sizeof(Is_Enable_Supported[0])) | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool | initializeOpenGL () |
To test whether OpenGL has been initialized at least once check vl::Is_OpenGL_Initialized. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT void * | getGLProcAddress (const char *name) |
Returns the address of the specified OpenGL function if supported by the active OpenGL driver and profile. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT const char * | getGLErrorString (int err) |
Returns a readable string corresponding to the given OpenGL error code as returned by glGetError() More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT int | glcheck (const char *file, int line) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | load3DS (VirtualFile *file) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | load3DS (const String &path) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadAC3D (VirtualFile *file) |
Loads and AC3D file (.ac) More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadAC3D (const String &path) |
Loads and AC3D file (.ac) More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadMD2 (const String &path) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadMD2 (VirtualFile *file) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadOBJ (const String &path) |
Loads a Wavefront OBJ file. See also ObjLoader. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadOBJ (VirtualFile *file) |
Loads a Wavefront OBJ file. See also ObjLoader. More... | |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadPLY (VirtualFile *file) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadPLY (const String &path) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadSTL (VirtualFile *file) |
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< ResourceDatabase > | loadSTL (const String &path) |
void | readPixels (Image *image, int x, int y, int w, int h, EReadDrawBuffer read_buffer, bool store_in_pixel_buffer_object) |
Reads a rectangular pixel area from the specified read buffer and stores it in an Image. More... | |
const AtomInfo & | atomInfo (EAtomType type) |
Returns an AtomInfo representing the properties of the given atom type. More... | |
EAtomType | atomType (const char *type) |
Translates a string containing atom type name, atom symbol or a Sybyl type into an EAtomType. More... | |
VLMOLECULE_EXPORT bool | loadMOL2 (const String &path, std::vector< ref< Molecule > > &structures) |
Loads a Tripos MOL2 file. More... | |
VLMOLECULE_EXPORT bool | loadMOL2 (VirtualFile *vfile, std::vector< ref< Molecule > > &structures) |
Loads a Tripos MOL2 file. More... | |
VLVOLUME_EXPORT ref< Image > | genRGBAVolume (const Image *data, const Image *trfunc, const fvec3 &light_dir, bool alpha_from_data=true) |
Generates an RGBA image based on the given data source and transfer function. More... | |
VLVOLUME_EXPORT ref< Image > | genRGBAVolume (const Image *data, const Image *trfunc, bool alpha_from_data=true) |
Generates an RGBA image based on the given data source and transfer function. More... | |
VLVOLUME_EXPORT ref< Image > | genGradientNormals (const Image *data) |
Generates an image whose RGB components represent the normals computed from the input image gradient packed into 0..1 range. More... | |
template<typename data_type , EImageType img_type> | |
VLVOLUME_EXPORT ref< Image > | genRGBAVolumeT (const Image *data, const Image *trfunc, const fvec3 &light_dir, bool alpha_from_data) |
Internally used. More... | |
template<typename data_type , EImageType img_type> | |
VLVOLUME_EXPORT ref< Image > | genRGBAVolumeT (const Image *data, const Image *trfunc, bool alpha_from_data) |
Internally used. More... | |
Variables | |
const double | dPi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093845 |
Greek Pi constant using double precision. More... | |
const double | dDEG_TO_RAD = dPi / 180.0 |
Constant to convert degree into radian using double precision. More... | |
const double | dRAD_TO_DEG = 180.0 / dPi |
Constant to convert radian into degree using double precision. More... | |
const float | fPi = (float)3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093845 |
Greek Pi constant using float precision. More... | |
const float | fDEG_TO_RAD = float(dPi / 180.0) |
Constant to convert degree into radian using float precision. More... | |
const float | fRAD_TO_DEG = float(180.0 / dPi) |
Constant to convert radian into degree using float precision. More... | |
unsigned long long | gStartTime = 0 |
vl::Glyph | ft_errors [] |
bool | Is_OpenGL_Initialized = false |
Set to true if the last call to vl::initializeOpenGL() was succesful. More... | |
bool | Is_OpenGL_Core_Profile = false |
OpenGL: true if the current context has been created with the WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB or equivalent. More... | |
bool | Is_OpenGL_Forward_Compatible = false |
OpenGL: true if the current context has been created with the WGL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB or equivalent. More... | |
bool | Has_GL_Version_1_1 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_1_2 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_1_3 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_1_4 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_1_5 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_2_0 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_2_1 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_3_0 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_3_1 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_3_2 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_3_3 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_4_0 = false |
bool | Has_GL_Version_4_1 = false |
bool | Has_Fixed_Function_Pipeline = false |
OpenGL: true if !Is_OpenGL_Forward_Compatible && !Is_OpenGL_Core_Profile OpenGL ES 1: always true OpenGL ES 2: always false. More... | |
bool | Has_GLES_Version_1_1 = false |
bool | Has_GLES_Version_2_0 = false |
bool | Has_GLES = false |
bool | Has_GLSL = false |
bool | Has_GLSL_120_Or_More = false |
bool | Has_GLSL_130_Or_More = false |
bool | Has_GLSL_140_Or_More = false |
bool | Has_GLSL_150_Or_More = false |
bool | Has_GLSL_330_Or_More = false |
bool | Has_GLSL_400_Or_More = false |
bool | Has_GLSL_410_Or_More = false |
bool | Has_Geometry_Shader = false |
bool | Has_BufferObject = false |
bool | Has_FBO = false |
bool | Has_PBO = false |
bool | Has_FBO_Multisample = false |
bool | Has_Cubemap_Textures = false |
bool | Has_Texture_Rectangle = false |
bool | Has_Texture_Array = false |
bool | Has_Texture_Buffer = false |
bool | Has_Texture_Multisample = false |
bool | Has_Texture_3D = false |
bool | Has_Multitexture = false |
bool | Has_Primitive_Restart = false |
bool | Has_Occlusion_Query = false |
bool | Has_Transform_Feedback = false |
bool | Has_glGenerateMipmaps = false |
bool | Has_GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP = false |
bool | Has_Point_Sprite = false |
bool | Has_Base_Vertex = false |
bool | Has_Primitive_Instancing = false |
const GLenum | Translate_Enable [] |
const char * | Translate_Enable_String [] |
bool | Is_Enable_Supported [EN_EnableCount] |
Visualization Library main namespace.
A 2 components vector with char
Definition at line 286 of file Vector2.hpp.
A 3 components vector with char
Definition at line 256 of file Vector3.hpp.
A 4 components vector with char
Definition at line 283 of file Vector4.hpp.
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator<double> vl::CatmullRomInterpolatorDouble_T |
Definition at line 147 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 148 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 149 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 150 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
typedef CatmullRomInterpolator<float> vl::CatmullRomInterpolatorFloat_T |
Definition at line 143 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 144 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 145 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 146 of file CatmullRomInterpolator.hpp.
A 2x2 matrix using double
Definition at line 454 of file Matrix2.hpp.
A 3x3 matrix using double
Definition at line 651 of file Matrix3.hpp.
A 4x4 matrix using double
Definition at line 1227 of file Matrix4.hpp.
typedef Quaternion<double> vl::dquat |
Definition at line 752 of file Quaternion.hpp.
A 2 components vector with double
Definition at line 284 of file Vector2.hpp.
A 3 components vector with double
Definition at line 254 of file Vector3.hpp.
A 4 components vector with double
Definition at line 281 of file Vector4.hpp.
typedef float vl::f32 |
32 bits floating point value
Definition at line 57 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef double vl::f64 |
64 bits floating point value
Definition at line 59 of file std_types.hpp.
A 2x2 matrix using float
Definition at line 456 of file Matrix2.hpp.
A 3x3 matrix using float
Definition at line 653 of file Matrix3.hpp.
A 4x4 matrix using float
Definition at line 1229 of file Matrix4.hpp.
typedef Quaternion<float> vl::fquat |
Definition at line 751 of file Quaternion.hpp.
A 2 components vector with float
Definition at line 282 of file Vector2.hpp.
A 3 components vector with float
Definition at line 252 of file Vector3.hpp.
A 4 components vector with float
Definition at line 279 of file Vector4.hpp.
typedef short vl::i16 |
16 bits signed integer
Definition at line 45 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef int vl::i32 |
32 bits signed integer
Definition at line 49 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef long long vl::i64 |
64 bits signed integer
Definition at line 53 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef char vl::i8 |
8 bits signed integer
Definition at line 41 of file std_types.hpp.
A 2x2 matrix using int
Definition at line 458 of file Matrix2.hpp.
A 3x3 matrix using int
Definition at line 655 of file Matrix3.hpp.
A 4x4 matrix using int
Definition at line 1231 of file Matrix4.hpp.
A 2 components vector with int
Definition at line 278 of file Vector2.hpp.
A 3 components vector with int
Definition at line 248 of file Vector3.hpp.
A 4 components vector with int
Definition at line 275 of file Vector4.hpp.
typedef LinearInterpolator<double> vl::LinearInterpolatorDouble_T |
Definition at line 90 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 91 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 92 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 93 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
typedef LinearInterpolator<float> vl::LinearInterpolatorFloat_T |
Definition at line 86 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 87 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 88 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
Definition at line 89 of file LinearInterpolator.hpp.
Defined as: 'typedef
Definition at line 467 of file Matrix2.hpp.
Defined as: 'typedef
Definition at line 664 of file Matrix3.hpp.
Defined as: 'typedef
Definition at line 1240 of file Matrix4.hpp.
typedef Quaternion<real> vl::quat |
Definition at line 753 of file Quaternion.hpp.
A 2 components vector with short
Definition at line 290 of file Vector2.hpp.
A 3 components vector with short
Definition at line 260 of file Vector3.hpp.
A 4 components vector with short
Definition at line 287 of file Vector4.hpp.
typedef unsigned char vl::TPalette3x256[256 *3] |
Definition at line 40 of file ImageTools.hpp.
typedef unsigned char vl::TPalette4x256[256 *4] |
Definition at line 41 of file ImageTools.hpp.
typedef std::map< float, ref<RenderQueue> > vl::TRenderQueueMap |
Definition at line 148 of file RenderQueue.hpp.
typedef unsigned short vl::u16 |
16 bits unsigned integer
Definition at line 47 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef unsigned int vl::u32 |
32 bits unsigned integer
Definition at line 51 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef unsigned long long vl::u64 |
64 bits unsigned integer
Definition at line 55 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef unsigned char vl::u8 |
8 bits unsigned integer
Definition at line 43 of file std_types.hpp.
typedef Vector2<unsigned char> vl::ubvec2 |
A 2 components vector with unsigned
char precision.
Definition at line 288 of file Vector2.hpp.
typedef Vector3<unsigned char> vl::ubvec3 |
A 3 components vector with unsigned
char precision.
Definition at line 258 of file Vector3.hpp.
typedef Vector4<unsigned char> vl::ubvec4 |
A 4 components vector with unsigned
char precision.
Definition at line 285 of file Vector4.hpp.
A 2x2 matrix using unsigned
int precision.
Definition at line 460 of file Matrix2.hpp.
A 3x3 matrix using unsigned
int precision.
Definition at line 657 of file Matrix3.hpp.
A 4x4 matrix using unsigned
int precision.
Definition at line 1233 of file Matrix4.hpp.
typedef Vector2<unsigned short> vl::usvec2 |
A 2 components vector with unsigned
short precision.
Definition at line 292 of file Vector2.hpp.
typedef Vector3<unsigned short> vl::usvec3 |
A 3 components vector with unsigned
short precision.
Definition at line 262 of file Vector3.hpp.
typedef Vector4<unsigned short> vl::usvec4 |
A 4 components vector with unsigned
short precision.
Definition at line 289 of file Vector4.hpp.
A 2 components vector with unsigned
int precision.
Definition at line 280 of file Vector2.hpp.
A 3 components vector with unsigned
int precision.
Definition at line 250 of file Vector3.hpp.
A 4 components vector with unsigned
int precision.
Definition at line 277 of file Vector4.hpp.
Defined as: 'typedef
Definition at line 299 of file Vector2.hpp.
Defined as: 'typedef
Definition at line 269 of file Vector3.hpp.
Defined as: 'typedef
Definition at line 296 of file Vector4.hpp.
enum vl::EAlign |
Enumerator | |
AlignLeft | |
AlignHCenter | |
AlignRight | |
AlignTop | |
AlignVCenter | |
AlignBottom |
Definition at line 903 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EAtomType |
Element types.
Definition at line 42 of file chem_database.hpp.
enum vl::EAttachmentPoint |
Definition at line 342 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EAttributeType |
GLSLProgram attribute types, see also GLSLProgram::activeAttribs() and
Definition at line 1468 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EBillboardType |
Enumerator | |
BT_AxisAlignedBillboard | |
BT_SphericalBillboard |
Definition at line 1112 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EBlendEquation |
Enumerator | |
BE_MIN | |
Definition at line 688 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EBlendFactor |
Definition at line 488 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EBondType |
enum vl::EBufferBits |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 1105 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 896 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
BUF_ForceUpdate | |
BUF_DiscardRamBuffer |
Definition at line 1515 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
BUM_KeepRamBuffer | Keeps the local buffer on RAM and updates the BufferObject only if it is marked as dirty. The BufferObject is marked as clean after the update. |
BUM_KeepRamBufferAndForceUpdate | Keeps the local buffer on RAM and updates the BufferObject always, even if it is not marked as dirty. The BufferObject is marked as clean after the update. |
BUM_DiscardRamBuffer | Discards the local buffer on RAM and updates the BufferObject only if it is marked as dirty. The BufferObject is marked as clean after the update. |
BUM_DiscardRamBufferAndForceUpdate | Discards the local buffer on RAM and updates the BufferObject always, even if it is not marked as dirty. The BufferObject is marked as clean after the update. |
Definition at line 1521 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Definition at line 883 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ECapsuleCap |
Enumerator | |
CC_FlatCap | |
CC_RoundedCap | |
CC_NoCap |
Definition at line 41 of file GeometryPrimitives.hpp.
enum vl::EClearColorMode |
Enumerator | |
CCM_Float | |
CCM_Int | |
CCM_UInt |
Definition at line 481 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EClearFlags |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 469 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Color-renderable formats as defined in section 4.4.4 of opengl api specs 4.1.
Definition at line 371 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EColorControl |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 706 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EColorMaterial |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 697 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 445 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EDepthSortMode |
Enumerator | |
NeverDepthSort | |
AlwaysDepthSort | |
AlphaDepthSort |
Definition at line 934 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 462 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 541 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EEnable |
Constant that enable/disable a specific OpenGL feature, see also Shader, Shader::enable(), Shader::disable(), Shader::isEnabled()
Enumerator | |
EN_BLEND | If enabled, blend the incoming RGBA color values with the values in the color buffers, see also BlendFunc for more information. |
EN_CULL_FACE | If enabled, cull polygons based on their winding in window coordinates, see also CullFace. |
EN_DEPTH_TEST | If enabled, do depth comparisons and update the depth buffer; Note that even if the depth buffer exists and the depth mask is non-zero, the depth buffer is not updated if the depth test is disabled, see also DepthFunc and DepthRange. |
EN_STENCIL_TEST | If enabled, do stencil testing and update the stencil buffer, see also StencilFunc and StencilOp. |
EN_DITHER | If enabled, dither color components or indices before they are written to the color buffer. |
EN_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL | If enabled, and if the polygon is rendered in GL_FILL mode, an offset is added to depth values of a polygon's fragments before the depth comparison is performed, see also PolygonOffset. |
EN_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE | If enabled, and if the polygon is rendered in GL_LINE mode, an offset is added to depth values of a polygon's fragments before the depth comparison is performed, see also PolygonOffset. |
EN_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT | If enabled, an offset is added to depth values of a polygon's fragments before the depth comparison is performed, if the polygon is rendered in GL_POINT mode, see also PolygonOffset. |
EN_COLOR_LOGIC_OP | If enabled, apply the currently selected logical operation to the incoming RGBA color and color buffer values, see also LogicOp. |
EN_MULTISAMPLE | If enabled, use multiple fragment samples in computing the final color of a pixel. See glSampleCoverage. |
EN_POINT_SMOOTH | If enabled, draw points with proper filtering; Otherwise, draw aliased points, see also PointSize. |
EN_LINE_SMOOTH | If enabled, draw lines with correct filtering; Otherwise, draw aliased lines, see also LineWidth. |
EN_POLYGON_SMOOTH | If enabled, draw polygons with proper filtering; Otherwise, draw aliased polygons; For correct antialiased polygons, an alpha buffer is needed and the polygons must be sorted front to back. |
EN_LINE_STIPPLE | If enabled, use the current line stipple pattern when drawing lines, see also LineStipple. |
EN_POLYGON_STIPPLE | If enabled, use the current polygon stipple pattern when rendering polygons, see also PolygonStipple. |
EN_POINT_SPRITE | If enabled, calculate texture coordinates for points based on texture environment and point parameter settings; Otherwise texture coordinates are constant across points. |
EN_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE | [GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE/GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE] If enabled, and a vertex shader is active, then the derived point size is taken from the (potentially clipped) shader builtin |
EN_ALPHA_TEST | If enabled, performs alpha testing, see also AlphaFunc for more information. |
EN_LIGHTING | If enabled, use the current lighting parameters to compute the vertex color; Otherwise, simply associate the current color with each vertex, see also Material, LightModel, and Light. |
EN_COLOR_SUM | If enabled, add the secondary color value to the computed fragment color. |
EN_FOG | If enabled, blend a fog color into the post-texturing color, see also Fog. |
EN_NORMALIZE | If enabled, normal vectors are scaled to unit length after transformation, see also vl::EN_RESCALE_NORMAL. |
EN_RESCALE_NORMAL | If enabled, normals are scaled by a scaling factor derived from the modelview matrix; vl::EN_RESCALE_NORMAL requires that the originally specified normals were of unit length, and that the modelview matrix contain only uniform scales for proper results, see also vl::EN_NORMALIZE. |
EN_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE | If enabled, and a vertex shader is active, it specifies that the GL will choose between front and back colors based on the polygon's face direction of which the vertex being shaded is a part; It has no effect on points or lines. |
EN_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS | If enabled, cubemap textures are sampled such that when linearly sampling from the border between two adjacent faces, texels from both faces are used to generate the final sample value. When disabled, texels from only a single face are used to construct the final sample value. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE0 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #0. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE1 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #1. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE2 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #2. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE3 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #3. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE4 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #4. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE5 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #5. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE6 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #6. |
EN_CLIP_DISTANCE7 | If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space #7. |
EN_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE | If enabled, compute a temporary coverage value where each bit is determined by the alpha value at the corresponding sample location; The temporary coverage value is then ANDed with the fragment coverage value. |
EN_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE | If enabled, each sample alpha value is replaced by the maximum representable alpha value. |
EN_SAMPLE_COVERAGE | If enabled, the fragment's coverage is ANDed with the temporary coverage value; If GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT is set to GL_TRUE, invert the coverage value, see also SampleCoverage. |
EN_EnableCount | For internal use only. |
EN_UnknownEnable | For internal use only. |
Definition at line 821 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EFogMode |
Enumerator | |
FM_EXP | |
Definition at line 712 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EFramebufferBind |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 578 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EFrontFace |
Enumerator | |
FF_CW | |
Definition at line 657 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EFunction |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 663 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EGetMode |
Enumerator | |
GM_GetOrCreate | |
GM_DontCreate |
Definition at line 1124 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EHintMode |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 650 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EImageDimension |
Enumerator | |
ID_None | |
ID_1D | |
ID_2D | |
ID_3D | |
ID_Cubemap | |
ID_Error |
Definition at line 941 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EImageFormat |
Definition at line 284 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EImageType |
Definition at line 585 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EInheritance |
Definition at line 1278 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EKey |
Definition at line 1148 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ELineStipple |
Line stipple patterns.
Enumerator | |
LineStipple_Solid | The line is completely filled (default) |
LineStipple_Dot | |
LineStipple_Dash | |
LineStipple_Dash4 | |
LineStipple_Dash8 | |
LineStipple_DashDot | |
LineStipple_DashDotDot |
Definition at line 71 of file VectorGraphics.hpp.
enum vl::ELogicOp |
Enumerator | |
LO_SET | |
LO_AND | |
LO_OR | |
LO_NOR | |
LO_XOR | |
Definition at line 719 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ELogLevel |
Enumerator | |
LL_LogNotify | |
LL_LogPrint | |
LL_LogBug | |
LL_LogError | |
LL_LogWarning | |
LL_LogDebug |
Definition at line 1313 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EMoleculeStyle |
Defines the main molecule styles.
Enumerator | |
MS_AtomsOnly | |
MS_BallAndStick | |
MS_Sticks | |
MS_Wireframe |
Definition at line 48 of file Molecule.hpp.
enum vl::EMouseButton |
Enumerator | |
NoButton | |
LeftButton | |
RightButton | |
MiddleButton | |
UnknownButton |
Definition at line 1267 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EOpenGLProfile |
Enumerator | |
GLP_Default | |
GLP_Compatibility | |
GLP_Core |
Definition at line 1548 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EOpenMode |
Enumerator | |
OM_ReadOnly | |
OM_WriteOnly |
Definition at line 1142 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 1323 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EPolygonFace |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 643 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EPolygonMode |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 675 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EPolygonStipple |
Poligon stipple patterns.
Enumerator | |
PolygonStipple_Solid | The poligon is completely filled (default) |
PolygonStipple_Dot | |
PolygonStipple_Chain | |
PolygonStipple_HLine | |
PolygonStipple_VLine |
Definition at line 60 of file VectorGraphics.hpp.
enum vl::EPrimitiveType |
Definition at line 616 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
PMT_UserProjection | Unknown or other projection type. |
PMT_OrthographicProjection | Projection matrix generated by mat4::getOrtho() or similar. Any orthographic projection. |
PMT_PerspectiveProjection | Projection matrix generated by mat4::getPerspective() or similar. Symmetrical (on-axis) perspective projection. |
PMT_PerspectiveProjectionFrustum | Projection matrix generated by mat4::getFrustum() or similar. Possibly asymmetrical (off-axis) perspetive projection, like the ones used for tile-rendering. |
Definition at line 1507 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EReadDrawBuffer |
Definition at line 549 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ERenderState |
Definition at line 960 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
RCS_RenderingStarted | |
RCS_RenderingFinished |
Definition at line 1542 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EShadeModel |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 682 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EShaderCopyMode |
Enumerator | |
SCM_OwnShaders | A local copy of the Shaders will be created but the contained render states will be shared. |
SCM_ShareShaders | The Shader pointer will be copied as is. |
Definition at line 1536 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EShaderType |
Definition at line 1288 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ESilhouetteMode |
Enumerator | |
SilhouetteClosed | |
SilhouetteOpen | |
SilhouetteClosed | |
SilhouetteOpen |
Definition at line 43 of file Extrusions.hpp.
enum vl::ESilhouetteMode |
Enumerator | |
SilhouetteClosed | |
SilhouetteOpen | |
SilhouetteClosed | |
SilhouetteOpen |
Definition at line 43 of file Extrusion.hpp.
enum vl::ESortMode |
Enumerator | |
SM_SortBackToFront | |
SM_SortFrontToBack |
Definition at line 1118 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EStateType |
Enumerator | |
ST_RenderStates | |
ST_Enables | |
ST_TextureSamplers | |
ST_Lights | |
ST_ClipPlanes |
Definition at line 951 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 454 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EStencilOp |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 739 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EStringEncoding |
Enumerator | |
SE_Unknown | |
SE_UTF8 | |
SE_UTF16_BE | |
SE_UTF16_LE | |
SE_UTF32_BE | |
SE_UTF32_LE | |
Definition at line 1130 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 1297 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETex2DTarget |
Definition at line 328 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexCompareFunc |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 529 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexCompareMode |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 522 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexEnvMode |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 770 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexEnvOperand |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 801 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexEnvSource |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 785 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexGenMode |
Texture generation modes, see also for more information.
Definition at line 810 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexParamFilter |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 751 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETexParamWrap |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 761 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETextAlign |
Enumerator | |
TextAlignLeft | |
TextAlignRight | |
TextAlignCenter | |
TextAlignJustify |
Definition at line 913 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETextLayout |
Enumerator | |
LeftToRightText | |
RightToLeftText | |
TopToBottomText |
Definition at line 927 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETextMode |
Enumerator | |
Text2D | |
Text3D |
Definition at line 921 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Definition at line 507 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETextureFormat |
Definition at line 45 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::ETextureMode |
Defines how the texture is applied to the rendering primitive.
Enumerator | |
TextureMode_Clamp | The texture is stretched over the primitive. |
TextureMode_Repeat | The texture is repeated over the primitive. |
Definition at line 51 of file VectorGraphics.hpp.
enum vl::EUniformType |
Uniform types, see also vl::UniformInfo, vl::GLSLProgram, vl::Uniform,
Definition at line 1383 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
enum vl::EVerbosityLevel |
Definition at line 1306 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Default vertex attribute bindings.
Definition at line 1344 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
Specifies how the data of a VertexAttribInfo is sent to the OpenGL driver, see also
Definition at line 1331 of file vlnamespace.hpp.
void vl::abort_vl | ( | ) |
Definition at line 121 of file pimpl.cpp.
References vl::Time::sleep(), and vl::String::toStdString().
T vl::abs | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 646 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by vl::ActorKdTree::rebuildKdTree().
Definition at line 649 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 655 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 661 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::acos | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 329 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References acos().
Referenced by acos(), vl::EdgeExtractor::extractEdges(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::getSlerp(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getYXRotationAngles(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromVectors(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::toAxisAngle(), and vl::TrackballManipulator::trackballRotation().
Definition at line 332 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References acos(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 338 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References acos(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 345 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References acos(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by acos().
T vl::acosh | ( | T | x | ) |
Definition at line 410 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References acosh(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 413 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References acosh(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 416 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References acosh(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 1455 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 1456 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 1457 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 1449 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 1450 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 1451 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::asin | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 306 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References asin(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 312 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References asin(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 319 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References asin(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by asin().
T vl::asinh | ( | T | x | ) |
Definition at line 399 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References asinh(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 402 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References asinh(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 405 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References asinh(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Assembles the given 2D images in a single 2D image, all the images must be 2D images and have the same size, format() and type().
The order of the given images is important: the first image will be used for z layer #0, the second for z layer #1 and so on.
Definition at line 1151 of file Image.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate3D(), vl::Image::bitsPerPixel(), vl::Image::byteAlignment(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Image::format(), vl::Image::height(), vl::Image::Image(), NULL, vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Image::pixelsZSlice(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), vl::Image::type(), VL_CHECK, and vl::Image::width().
T vl::atan | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 277 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References atan().
Referenced by vl::Camera::setProjectionFrustum().
Definition at line 280 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 286 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 293 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by atan().
T vl::atanh | ( | T | x | ) |
Definition at line 421 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References atanh(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 424 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References atanh(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 427 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References atanh(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
VLMOLECULE_EXPORT const AtomInfo & vl::atomInfo | ( | EAtomType | type | ) |
Returns an AtomInfo representing the properties of the given atom type.
Definition at line 160 of file chem_database.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Molecule::setCalculatedAtomRadii(), vl::Molecule::setCovalentAtomRadii(), vl::Molecule::setCPKAtomColors(), vl::Molecule::setEmpiricalAtomRadii(), and vl::Molecule::setVanDerWaalsAtomRadii().
VLMOLECULE_EXPORT EAtomType vl::atomType | ( | const char * | type | ) |
Translates a string containing atom type name, atom symbol or a Sybyl type into an EAtomType.
Definition at line 162 of file chem_database.cpp.
References AT_Carbon, AT_Chromium, AT_Cobalt, AT_Count, AT_Hydrogen, AT_Nitrogen, AT_Oxygen, AT_Sulfur, AT_Unknown, vl::String::toStdString(), and vl::String::trim().
Referenced by vl::Molecule::setCalculatedAtomRadii(), vl::Molecule::setCovalentAtomRadii(), vl::Molecule::setCPKAtomColors(), vl::Molecule::setEmpiricalAtomRadii(), and vl::Molecule::setVanDerWaalsAtomRadii().
bool vl::canLoad | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canLoad(path).
Definition at line 189 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References vl::LoadWriterManager::canLoad(), and defLoadWriterManager().
bool vl::canLoad | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canLoad(file).
Definition at line 193 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References vl::LoadWriterManager::canLoad(), and defLoadWriterManager().
bool vl::canWrite | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canWrite(path).
Definition at line 191 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References vl::LoadWriterManager::canWrite(), and defLoadWriterManager().
bool vl::canWrite | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->canWrite(file).
Definition at line 195 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References vl::LoadWriterManager::canWrite(), and defLoadWriterManager().
B* vl::cast | ( | A * | obj | ) |
Definition at line 219 of file TypeInfo.hpp.
References NULL.
const B* vl::cast_const | ( | const A * | obj | ) |
Definition at line 228 of file TypeInfo.hpp.
References NULL.
T vl::ceil | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 903 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References ceil().
Referenced by ceil(), round(), and roundEven().
Definition at line 906 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References ceil(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 912 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References ceil(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 919 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References ceil(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by ceil().
inline |
Definition at line 315 of file Vector2.hpp.
Referenced by vl::LinearInterpolator< T >::computePoint(), vl::CatmullRomInterpolator< T >::computePoint(), vl::Image::contrastHounsfield(), vl::EdgeExtractor::extractEdges(), genRGBAVolume(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getYXRotationAngles(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromVectors(), vl::DaeLoader::setup_vl_Effect(), smoothstep(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::toAxisAngle(), and vl::TrackballManipulator::trackballRotation().
inline |
Definition at line 316 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 317 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 318 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 391 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 392 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 393 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 394 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 395 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 396 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 397 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 398 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 400 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 401 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 402 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 403 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 404 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 405 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 406 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 407 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 416 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 417 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 418 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 419 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 420 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 421 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 422 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 423 of file Vector4.hpp.
bool vl::compress | ( | const void * | data, |
size_t | size, | ||
std::vector< unsigned char > & | out, | ||
int | level | ||
) |
Definition at line 42 of file ZippedFile.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 117 of file ImageTools.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 157 of file ImageTools.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 97 of file ImageTools.hpp.
Referenced by loadTGA().
inline |
Definition at line 82 of file ImageTools.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 43 of file ImageTools.hpp.
T vl::cos | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 225 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References cos().
Referenced by cos(), vl::VectorGraphics::drawEllipse(), vl::VectorGraphics::fillEllipse(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getPerspective(), vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::getRotation(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), makeCapsule(), and vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromAxisAngle().
Definition at line 228 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References cos(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 234 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References cos(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 241 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References cos(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by cos().
T vl::cosh | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 374 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References cosh(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 377 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References cosh(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 380 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References cosh(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
ref< Image > vl::createCubemap | ( | const Image * | xp, |
const Image * | xn, | ||
const Image * | yp, | ||
const Image * | yn, | ||
const Image * | zp, | ||
const Image * | zn | ||
) |
Assembles a cubemap image.
Definition at line 858 of file Image.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocateCubemap(), vl::Image::byteAlignment(), vl::Image::dimension(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::format(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Image::height(), vl::Image::Image(), vl::Image::isValid(), NULL, vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Image::pixelsXN(), vl::Image::pixelsXP(), vl::Image::pixelsYN(), vl::Image::pixelsYP(), vl::Image::pixelsZN(), vl::Image::pixelsZP(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), vl::Image::type(), and vl::Image::width().
Referenced by loadCubemap().
Definition at line 277 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::t(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by vl::PolygonSimplifier::computeCollapseInfo(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Vertex::computeEdgePenalty(), vl::Portal::computeNormal(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Triangle::computeNormal(), vl::Geometry::computeNormals(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Triangle::computePotentialNormal(), vl::Camera::computeRayFrustum(), vl::Geometry::computeTangentSpace(), vl::Billboard::computeWorldMatrix(), vl::EdgeExtractor::extractEdges(), vl::Geometry::fixTriangleWinding(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getLookAt(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getLookAtModeling(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::RayIntersector::intersectTriangle(), vl::RingExtractor::keepPlanarCycles(), vl::MarchingCubes::processCube(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromVectors(), vl::TrackballManipulator::trackballRotation(), and vl::SceneManagerPortals::visitSector().
Definition at line 286 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::t(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
bool vl::decompress | ( | const void * | cdata, |
size_t | csize, | ||
void * | data_out | ||
) |
Definition at line 94 of file ZippedFile.cpp.
References min(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), and VL_CHECK.
FileSystem * vl::defFileSystem | ( | ) |
Returns the default FileSystem used by VisualizationLibrary.
Definition at line 97 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by vl::VisualizationLibrary::isCoreInitialized(), isDAT(), vl::LoadWriterDae::load(), load3DS(), loadAC3D(), loadBMP(), loadDAT(), loadDDS(), loadDICOM(), loadImage(), loadImagesFromDir(), loadJPG(), loadMD2(), loadMHD(), loadOBJ(), vl::ObjLoader::loadOBJ(), loadPLY(), loadPNG(), loadSTL(), vl::String::loadText(), loadTGA(), loadTIFF(), locateFile(), vl::A3DSLoader::readMapChunk(), and vl::ZippedDirectory::ZippedDirectory().
FontManager * vl::defFontManager | ( | ) |
Returns the default FontManager used by Visualization Library.
Definition at line 43 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by vl::VectorGraphics::setDefaultFont(), vl::VectorGraphics::setFont(), and vl::VolumePlot::VolumePlot().
LoadWriterManager * vl::defLoadWriterManager | ( | ) |
Returs the default LoadWriterManager used by Visualization Library.
Definition at line 82 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by canLoad(), canWrite(), loadImage(), loadResource(), registerLoadWriter(), saveImage(), and writeResource().
Log * vl::defLogger | ( | ) |
Returns the currently installed default logger.
Definition at line 71 of file pimpl.cpp.
References NULL.
Referenced by vl::Log::bug(), vl::Log::debug(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Log::logMutex(), vl::Log::notify(), vl::Log::print(), and vl::Log::warning().
MersenneTwister * vl::defMersenneTwister | ( | ) |
Definition at line 112 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Random::fillRandomMersenneTwister(), random(), randomI32(), and randomU32().
T vl::degrees | ( | T | radians | ) |
Definition at line 173 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dRAD_TO_DEG.
Referenced by vl::Text::computeBounds_Implementation(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::getFromEulerZYX(), vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::invert(), vl::Matrix4< float >::invert(), vl::Transform::parent(), and vl::EdgeRenderer::setCreaseAngle().
Definition at line 176 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dRAD_TO_DEG, vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 182 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dRAD_TO_DEG, vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 189 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dRAD_TO_DEG, vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::distance | ( | T | p0, |
T | p1 | ||
) |
Definition at line 1098 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References length().
Referenced by vl::Sphere::includes(), vl::TrackballManipulator::mouseMoveEvent(), and vl::Plane::Plane().
Definition at line 1101 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References length().
Definition at line 1104 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References length().
Definition at line 1107 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References length().
Definition at line 272 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 273 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 274 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 275 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 299 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 300 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 301 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 302 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 302 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 303 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 304 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 305 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 1111 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by vl::Camera::adjustView(), vl::ClipPlane::apply(), vl::ClipPlane::ClipPlane(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Triangle::computeArea(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::computeCollapseInfo(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Vertex::computeEdgePenalty(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Triangle::computePotentialArea(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Triangle::computeQErr(), vl::Geometry::computeTangentSpace(), vl::Billboard::computeWorldMatrix(), vl::Image::contrast(), vl::Plane::distance(), vl::EdgeExtractor::extractEdges(), vl::Extrusion::extrude(), vl::Extrusions::extrude(), faceforward(), vl::Geometry::fixTriangleWinding(), vl::DaeLoader::generateGeometry(), genRGBAVolume(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getLookAt(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getYXRotationAngles(), vl::RayIntersector::intersectTriangle(), vl::RingExtractor::keepPlanarCycles(), vl::SlicedVolume::onActorRenderStarted(), vl::EdgeUpdateCallback::onActorRenderStarted(), vl::Say::pipeline(), vl::Plane::Plane(), reflect(), refract(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromVectors(), vl::DaeLoader::setup_vl_Effect(), vl::TrackballManipulator::trackballRotation(), and vl::SceneManagerPortals::visitSector().
inline |
Definition at line 1115 of file glsl_math.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1119 of file glsl_math.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1123 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Definition at line 1404 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1412 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1419 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
T vl::exp | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 460 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by vl::half::convertFloatToHalf(), vl::half::convertHalfToFloat(), cosh(), exp(), vl::Say::format(), vl::half::isdenorm(), vl::half::isinf(), vl::half::isinf_neg(), vl::half::isinf_pos(), vl::half::isNaN(), and sinh().
Definition at line 463 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References exp(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 469 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References exp(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 476 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References exp(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::exp2 | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 512 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References pow().
Definition at line 515 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References pow(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 521 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References pow(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 528 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References pow(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
void vl::expandResourceDatabase | ( | ResourceDatabase * | db | ) |
Extracts and sorts Shaders, Effects, Renderables, RenderStates, Transforms etc. from their parent objects.
Definition at line 132 of file expandResourceDatabase.cpp.
References vl::Object::as(), vl::Camera::boundTransform(), vl::ResourceDatabase::resources(), and vl::Camera::viewport().
Referenced by main().
Extracts the 6 frustum planes for the given model-view-projection matrix.
Definition at line 82 of file math_utils.cpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::length(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::normalize(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by vl::Camera::adjustView(), and vl::Camera::computeFrustumPlanes().
T vl::faceforward | ( | T | N, |
T | I, | ||
T | Nref | ||
) |
Definition at line 1142 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
Vector2<T> vl::faceforward | ( | const Vector2< T > & | N, |
const Vector2< T > & | I, | ||
const Vector2< T > & | Nref | ||
) |
Definition at line 1145 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
Vector3<T> vl::faceforward | ( | const Vector3< T > & | N, |
const Vector3< T > & | I, | ||
const Vector3< T > & | Nref | ||
) |
Definition at line 1148 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
Vector4<T> vl::faceforward | ( | const Vector4< T > & | N, |
const Vector4< T > & | I, | ||
const Vector4< T > & | Nref | ||
) |
Definition at line 1151 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
inline |
Definition at line 69 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 79 of file Vector2.hpp.
Referenced by fast_sqrt().
inline |
Definition at line 90 of file Vector2.hpp.
References fast2_inversesqrt().
inline |
Definition at line 245 of file ImageTools.hpp.
Referenced by loadDDS().
inline |
Definition at line 236 of file ImageTools.hpp.
Referenced by loadDDS().
T vl::floor | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 698 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Referenced by floor(), vl::Say::format(), fract(), vlGLFW::GLFWWindow::glfw_cursor_pos_callback(), vlGLFW::GLFWWindow::glfw_mouse_button_callback(), vlGLFW::GLFWWindow::glfw_scroll_callback(), mod(), and round().
Definition at line 701 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 707 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 714 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by floor().
T vl::fract | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 724 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Referenced by genRGBAVolume(), vl::Image::sampleLinear(), and trunc().
Definition at line 727 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 730 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 733 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Generates an image whose RGB components represent the normals computed from the input image gradient packed into 0..1 range.
The format of the image is IF_RGB/IT_FLOAT which is equivalent to a 3D grid of fvec3. The generated image is ready to be used as a texture for normal lookup. The original normal can be recomputed as N = (RGB - 0.5)*2.0.
Definition at line 301 of file VolumeUtils.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate3D(), vl::Image::convertFormat(), vl::Image::convertType(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Image::height(), IF_LUMINANCE, IF_RGB, IT_FLOAT, normalize(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::r(), vl::Image::sample(), vl::Image::width(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
ref< Image > vl::genRGBAVolume | ( | const Image * | data, |
const Image * | trfunc, | ||
const fvec3 & | light_dir, | ||
bool | alpha_from_data = true |
) |
Generates an RGBA image based on the given data source and transfer function.
data | The Image used as the volume data source. It must have format() equal to IF_LUMINANCE and type() equal to IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT or IT_FLOAT. |
trfunc | An 1D Image used as transfer function that is used to assign to each value in data an RGBA value in the new image. The Image pointed by trfunc must mast have type() IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE and format() IF_RGBA . |
light_dir | The direction of the light in object space. |
alpha_from_data | If set to true the alpha channel of the generated image will be taken from data otherwise from the transfer function. |
Definition at line 39 of file VolumeUtils.cpp.
References vl::Log::error(), IT_FLOAT, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT, and vl::Image::type().
ref< Image > vl::genRGBAVolume | ( | const Image * | data, |
const Image * | trfunc, | ||
bool | alpha_from_data = true |
) |
Generates an RGBA image based on the given data source and transfer function.
data | The Image used as the volume data source. It must have format() equal to IF_LUMINANCE and type() equal to IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT or IT_FLOAT. |
trfunc | An 1D Image used as transfer function that is used to assign to each value in data an RGBA value in the new image. The Image pointed by trfunc must mast have type() IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE and format() IF_RGBA . |
alpha_from_data | If set to true the alpha channel of the generated image will be taken from data otherwise from the transfer function. |
Unlike genRGBAVolume(Image* data, Image* trfunc, const fvec3& light_dir, bool alpha_from_data=true) this function does not compute lighting.
Definition at line 57 of file VolumeUtils.cpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::a(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), clamp(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Image::dimension(), dot(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::format(), fract(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::g(), genRGBAVolumeT(), vl::Image::height(), ID_1D, ID_3D, IF_LUMINANCE, IF_RGBA, IT_FLOAT, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT, max(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::normalize(), NULL, vl::Image::pitch(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::r(), vl::Image::type(), VL_CHECK, and vl::Image::width().
VLVOLUME_EXPORT ref<Image> vl::genRGBAVolumeT | ( | const Image * | data, |
const Image * | trfunc, | ||
const fvec3 & | light_dir, | ||
bool | alpha_from_data | ||
) |
Internally used.
Referenced by genRGBAVolume().
VLVOLUME_EXPORT ref<Image> vl::genRGBAVolumeT | ( | const Image * | data, |
const Image * | trfunc, | ||
bool | alpha_from_data | ||
) |
Internally used.
const char * vl::getGLErrorString | ( | int | err | ) |
Returns a readable string corresponding to the given OpenGL error code as returned by glGetError()
Definition at line 591 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Texture::createTexture(), glcheck(), vl::DrawArrays::render(), and vl::DrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
void * vl::getGLProcAddress | ( | const char * | name | ) |
Returns the address of the specified OpenGL function if supported by the active OpenGL driver and profile.
Definition at line 719 of file OpenGL.cpp.
References NULL.
Referenced by vl::OpenGLContext::getProcAddress(), and glcheck().
int vl::glcheck | ( | const char * | file, |
int | line | ||
) |
Definition at line 606 of file OpenGL.cpp.
References vl::Log::bug(), getGLErrorString(), getGLProcAddress(), and NULL.
GlobalSettings * vl::globalSettings | ( | ) |
Returns VisulizationLibrary's global settings.
Definition at line 52 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Log::bug(), vl::FramebufferObject::checkFramebufferStatus(), vl::Log::debug(), vl::Log::error(), vl::VisualizationLibrary::isCoreInitialized(), logSystemInfo(), vl::Log::notify(), vl::Log::print(), vl::Renderer::render(), vl::EdgeRenderer::render(), vl::OpenGLContext::resetContextStates(), and vl::Log::warning().
int vl::greaterEqualPow2 | ( | int | n | ) |
Returns a number N that is a power of 2 and that is equal to or greater than 'n'.
Definition at line 60 of file math_utils.cpp.
Definition at line 1358 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1366 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1373 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 1381 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1389 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1396 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
bool vl::initializeOpenGL | ( | ) |
To test whether OpenGL has been initialized at least once check vl::Is_OpenGL_Initialized.
Definition at line 304 of file OpenGL.cpp.
References CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT, CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, EN_ALPHA_TEST, EN_BLEND, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE0, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE1, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE2, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE3, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE4, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE5, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE6, EN_CLIP_DISTANCE7, EN_COLOR_LOGIC_OP, EN_COLOR_SUM, EN_CULL_FACE, EN_DEPTH_TEST, EN_DITHER, EN_EnableCount, EN_FOG, EN_LIGHTING, EN_LINE_SMOOTH, EN_LINE_STIPPLE, EN_MULTISAMPLE, EN_NORMALIZE, EN_POINT_SMOOTH, EN_POINT_SPRITE, EN_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL, EN_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE, EN_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT, EN_POLYGON_SMOOTH, EN_POLYGON_STIPPLE, EN_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE, EN_RESCALE_NORMAL, EN_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE, EN_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE, EN_SAMPLE_COVERAGE, EN_STENCIL_TEST, EN_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS, EN_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE, vl::Log::error(), Has_Base_Vertex, Has_BufferObject, Has_Cubemap_Textures, Has_FBO, Has_FBO_Multisample, Has_Fixed_Function_Pipeline, Has_Geometry_Shader, Has_GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP, Has_GL_Version_1_1, Has_GL_Version_1_2, Has_GL_Version_1_3, Has_GL_Version_1_4, Has_GL_Version_1_5, Has_GL_Version_2_0, Has_GL_Version_2_1, Has_GL_Version_3_0, Has_GL_Version_3_1, Has_GL_Version_3_2, Has_GL_Version_3_3, Has_GL_Version_4_0, Has_GL_Version_4_1, Has_GLES, Has_GLES_Version_1_1, Has_GLES_Version_2_0, Has_glGenerateMipmaps, Has_GLSL, Has_GLSL_120_Or_More, Has_GLSL_130_Or_More, Has_GLSL_140_Or_More, Has_GLSL_150_Or_More, Has_GLSL_330_Or_More, Has_GLSL_400_Or_More, Has_GLSL_410_Or_More, Has_Multitexture, Has_Occlusion_Query, Has_PBO, Has_Point_Sprite, Has_Primitive_Instancing, Has_Primitive_Restart, Has_Texture_3D, Has_Texture_Array, Has_Texture_Buffer, Has_Texture_Multisample, Has_Texture_Rectangle, Has_Transform_Feedback, Is_Enable_Supported, Is_OpenGL_Core_Profile, Is_OpenGL_Forward_Compatible, Is_OpenGL_Initialized, NULL, PRINT_INFO, Translate_Enable, Translate_Enable_String, VL_CHECK_OGL, and vl::Log::warning().
Referenced by vlWin32::choosePixelFormat(), and vl::OpenGLContext::initGLContext().
void vl::initStartTime | ( | ) |
T vl::inversesqrt | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 618 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt().
Definition at line 621 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 627 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 634 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
bool vl::isBMP | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 262 of file ioBMP.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), and vl::VirtualFile::read().
bool vl::isDAT | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 158 of file ioDAT.cpp.
References BUFFER_SIZE, vl::VirtualFile::close(), defFileSystem(), vl::String::extractPath(), locateFile(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), and vl::TextStream::readLine().
bool vl::isDDS | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 668 of file ioDDS.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::VirtualFile::readUInt32(), and vl::Log::warning().
bool vl::isDICOM | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Checks if the given file is a DICOM file.
Definition at line 372 of file ioDICOM.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), and vl::VirtualFile::seekSet().
bool vl::isinf | ( | T | value | ) |
Definition at line 1071 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References isinf(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 1074 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References isinf(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1077 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References isinf(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
bool vl::isinf_neg | ( | T | value | ) |
Definition at line 133 of file glsl_math.hpp.
bool vl::isinf_pos | ( | T | value | ) |
Definition at line 132 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References max().
bool vl::isJPG | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 515 of file ioJPG.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::String::endsWith(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), and vl::String::toLowerCase().
bool vl::isMHD | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 184 of file ioMHD.cpp.
References vl::String::endsWith(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), and vl::String::toLowerCase().
bool vl::isnan | ( | T | value | ) |
Definition at line 130 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by isnan().
Definition at line 1060 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References isnan(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 1063 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References isnan(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1066 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References isnan(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
bool vl::isPNG | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 379 of file ioPNG.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), and vl::VirtualFile::read().
bool vl::isTGA | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
A TGA file is accepted only if it has a 'TGA' extension.
Definition at line 486 of file ioTGA.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::String::endsWith(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::VirtualFile::seekEnd(), vl::String::toLowerCase(), and vl::Log::warning().
bool vl::isTIFF | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 168 of file ioTIFF.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), and vl::VirtualFile::readUInt16().
inline |
Definition at line 51 of file Colors.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::a(), and makeColor().
T vl::length | ( | T | v | ) |
Definition at line 1084 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by vl::Molecule::ballAndStickStyle(), vl::CRC32CheckSum::compute(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Triangle::computeArea(), vl::SceneManager::computeBounds(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::computeCollapseInfo(), vl::PolygonSimplifier::Triangle::computePotentialArea(), vl::String::createData(), vl::DiskDirectory::diskSubDir(), distance(), vl::String::empty(), vl::DistanceLODEvaluator::evaluate(), vl::GLSLProgram::getProgramBinary(), vl::Sphere::includes(), vl::MemoryDirectory::listSubDirs(), vl::ZippedDirectory::listSubDirs(), vl::TrackballManipulator::mouseMoveEvent(), vl::Sphere::operator+=(), vl::Sphere::operator=(), vl::String::operator==(), vl::GLSLProgram::programBinary(), vl::QtDirectory::qtSubDir(), vl::Text::renderText(), vl::CoreText::renderText(), vl::MemoryDirectory::setPath(), vl::ZippedDirectory::setPath(), and vl::Molecule::sticksStyle().
T vl::length | ( | const Vector2< T > & | v | ) |
Definition at line 1087 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::length().
T vl::length | ( | const Vector3< T > & | v | ) |
Definition at line 1090 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::length().
T vl::length | ( | const Vector4< T > & | v | ) |
Definition at line 1093 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::length().
Definition at line 1312 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1320 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1327 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 1335 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1343 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1350 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::load3DS | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 694 of file io3DS.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), BF_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, BF_SRC_ALPHA, vl::ArrayAbstract::bytesUsed(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), EN_BLEND, EN_DEPTH_TEST, vl::Shader::enable(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Texture::getTexParameter(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::A3DSVertex::mIndex, vl::A3DSLoader::mMaterials, vl::A3DSLoader::mObjects, vl::A3DSVertex::mSmoothingGroup, NULL, vl::A3DSLoader::parse3DS(), vl::Texture::prepareTexture2D(), vl::ArrayAbstract::ptr(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::ResourceDatabase::resources(), vl::Actor::setEffect(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setTexCoordArray(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), vl::TexParameter::setWrapR(), vl::TexParameter::setWrapS(), vl::TexParameter::setWrapT(), vl::Effect::shader(), TF_RGBA, vl::String::toStdString(), TPW_CLAMP, TPW_REPEAT, VL_CHECK, vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by load3DS(), and vl::LoadWriter3DS::loadResource().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::load3DS | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Definition at line 682 of file io3DS.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), load3DS(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadAC3D | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Loads and AC3D file (.ac)
Definition at line 454 of file ioAC3D.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), BF_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, BF_SRC_ALPHA, defFileSystem(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::Actor::effect(), EN_BLEND, EN_CULL_FACE, EN_DEPTH_TEST, vl::Shader::enable(), vl::String::extractPath(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Shader::gocBlendFunc(), vl::Shader::gocLightModel(), vl::Shader::gocMaterial(), vl::Shader::gocTextureSampler(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), NULL, vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Texture::prepareTexture2D(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::ResourceDatabase::resources(), vl::BlendFunc::set(), vl::Material::setAmbient(), vl::Material::setDiffuse(), vl::Actor::setEffect(), vl::Material::setEmission(), vl::Actor::setLod(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Material::setShininess(), vl::Material::setSpecular(), vl::Geometry::setTexCoordArray(), vl::TextureSampler::setTexture(), vl::Material::setTransparency(), vl::LightModel::setTwoSide(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), vl::Effect::shader(), TF_RGBA, vl::Geometry::transform(), and VL_CHECK.
Referenced by loadAC3D(), and vl::LoadWriterAC3D::loadResource().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadAC3D | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Loads and AC3D file (.ac)
Definition at line 440 of file ioAC3D.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadAC3D(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadBMP | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 116 of file ioBMP.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate2D(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), convert8ToRGBA(), vl::Image::convertFormat(), convertRGBToRGBA(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::flipVertically(), vl::Image::height(), IF_BGRA, IF_RGBA, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pitch(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::VirtualFile::position(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::VirtualFile::seekSet(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::String::toStdString(), VL_CHECK, and vl::Image::width().
Referenced by loadBMP(), and vl::LoadWriterBMP::loadResource().
Loads a BMP file.
Supports the following formats:
Definition at line 104 of file ioBMP.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadBMP(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadCubemap | ( | const String & | xp_file, |
const String & | xn_file, | ||
const String & | yp_file, | ||
const String & | yn_file, | ||
const String & | zp_file, | ||
const String & | zn_file | ||
) |
Loads six images and assembles them into a cubemap image.
Definition at line 1260 of file Image.cpp.
References createCubemap(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadImage(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadDAT | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 59 of file ioDAT.cpp.
References BUFFER_SIZE, vl::VirtualFile::close(), defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::String::extractPath(), vl::ref< T >::get(), IF_LUMINANCE, IF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, IF_RGB, IF_RGBA, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT, loadRAW(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), and vl::TextStream::readLine().
Referenced by loadDAT(), and vl::LoadWriterDAT::loadResource().
Definition at line 47 of file ioDAT.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadDAT(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadDDS | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 242 of file ioDDS.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), convert8ToRGBA(), vl::Log::error(), fillGray8Alpha8_Alpha(), fillRGBA32_Alpha(), IF_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1, IF_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1, IF_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3, IF_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5, IF_LUMINANCE, IF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, IF_RGB, IF_RGBA, IS_BGR8, IS_BGRA8, IS_BGRX8, IS_DXT1, IS_DXT3, IS_DXT5, IS_GRAY8, IS_GRAY8_ALPHA8, IS_PALETTE8, IT_IMPLICIT_TYPE, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), swapBytes24_BGR_RGB(), swapBytes32_BGRA_RGBA(), vl::String::toStdString(), VL_CHECK, and vl::Log::warning().
Referenced by loadDDS(), and vl::LoadWriterDDS::loadResource().
Loads a DDS file.
Can load 2D textures, cubemaps, mipmaps for both cubemaps and 2d textures (also non square and non power of 2).
Supports the following formats:
Definition at line 228 of file ioDDS.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadDDS(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), NULL, and VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK().
ref< Image > vl::loadDICOM | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Loads a DICOM file.
The retuned image has attached also some tags (vl::Image::tags()) extracted from the DICOM file describing the image geometry.
Definition at line 108 of file ioDICOM.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate2D(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Log::error(), IF_LUMINANCE, IF_RGBA, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::KeyValues::print(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::KeyValues::set(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), and vl::String::toStdString().
Referenced by loadDICOM(), and vl::LoadWriterDICOM::loadResource().
Loads a DICOM file.
Definition at line 95 of file ioDICOM.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadDICOM(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadImage | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Loads an image from the specified file.
Definition at line 1214 of file Image.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), defLoadWriterManager(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ResourceDatabase::get(), vl::VirtualFile::isOpen(), vl::LoadWriterManager::loadResource(), NULL, vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::setFilePath(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::String::toStdString(), and VL_CHECK.
Referenced by vl::Texture::createTexture(), vl::Image::Image(), vl::Terrain::init(), loadCubemap(), loadImage(), vl::DaeLoader::loadImages(), loadImagesFromDir(), vl::ObjLoader::loadOBJ(), and vl::Texture::Texture().
Loads an image from the specified path.
Definition at line 1202 of file Image.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadImage(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
bool vl::loadImagesFromDir | ( | const String & | dir_path, |
const String & | ext, | ||
std::vector< ref< Image > > & | images | ||
) |
Loads all the images with the specified extension from the given directory.
Definition at line 1179 of file Image.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::String::empty(), vl::VirtualDirectory::listFiles(), loadImage(), vl::FileSystem::locateDirectory(), NULL, and vl::String::toLowerCase().
ref< Image > vl::loadJPG | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 396 of file ioJPG.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate2D(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::height(), IF_LUMINANCE, IF_RGB, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pitch(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::String::toStdString(), and VL_CHECK.
Referenced by loadJPG(), and vl::LoadWriterJPG::loadResource().
Definition at line 503 of file ioJPG.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadJPG(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadMD2 | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Definition at line 126 of file ioMD2.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterMD2::loadResource().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadMD2 | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 139 of file ioMD2.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Geometry::computeNormals(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::DoubleVertexRemover::mapOldToNew(), vl::Geometry::normalArray(), NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Log::print(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::DoubleVertexRemover::removeDoubles(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::ResourceDatabase::resources(), vl::VirtualFile::seekSet(), vl::Geometry::setNormalArray(), vl::Geometry::setTexCoordArray(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::size(), vl::Geometry::texCoordArray(), vl::Geometry::vertexArray(), VL_CHECK, vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
ref< Image > vl::loadMHD | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 56 of file ioMHD.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::String::extractPath(), vl::ref< T >::get(), IF_LUMINANCE, IT_SHORT, vl::KeyValues::keyValueMap(), loadRAW(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::TextStream::readLine(), vl::KeyValues::set(), vl::Image::setTags(), vl::String::split(), vl::String::toStdString(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by loadMHD(), and vl::LoadWriterMHD::loadResource().
Definition at line 44 of file ioMHD.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadMHD(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
Loads a Tripos MOL2 file.
The Molecule tags will contain the following key/value pairs:
: the index (0-based) of the structure in a multi MOL2 file."FilePath"
: the full path of the file that contained the structure. Definition at line 168 of file vlMOL2.cpp.
References vl::MemoryFile::copy(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), locateFile(), OM_ReadOnly, and vl::MemoryFile::open().
bool vl::loadMOL2 | ( | VirtualFile * | vfile, |
std::vector< ref< Molecule > > & | structures | ||
) |
Loads a Tripos MOL2 file.
The Molecule tags will contain the following key/value pairs:
: the index (0-based) of the structure in a multi MOL2 file."FilePath"
: the full path of the file that contained the structure. Definition at line 181 of file vlMOL2.cpp.
References vl::Molecule::atoms(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Log::error(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::TextStream::readLine(), vl::BufferedStream< Element_Type, Chunk_Size >::seek(), vl::KeyValues::set(), vl::BufferedStream< Element_Type, Chunk_Size >::setInputFile(), and vl::Molecule::tags().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadOBJ | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Loads a Wavefront OBJ file. See also ObjLoader.
Definition at line 926 of file ioOBJ.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterOBJ::loadResource(), and vl::ObjLoader::meshes().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadOBJ | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Loads a Wavefront OBJ file. See also ObjLoader.
Definition at line 938 of file ioOBJ.cpp.
References vl::ObjLoader::loadOBJ().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadPLY | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 58 of file ioPLY.cpp.
References vl::PlyLoader::loadPly().
Referenced by loadPLY(), and vl::LoadWriterPLY::loadResource().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadPLY | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Definition at line 45 of file ioPLY.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadPLY(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadPNG | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 81 of file ioPNG.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate2D(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Log::error(), IF_LUMINANCE, IF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, IF_RGB, IF_RGBA, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT, NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pitch(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::String::toStdString(), VL_CHECK, and VL_TRAP.
Referenced by loadPNG(), and vl::LoadWriterPNG::loadResource().
Definition at line 69 of file ioPNG.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadPNG(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadRAW | ( | VirtualFile * | file, |
long long | file_offset, | ||
int | width, | ||
int | height, | ||
int | depth, | ||
int | bytealign, | ||
EImageFormat | format, | ||
EImageType | type | ||
) |
Loads a raw image file.
file | The file from which the data is read. This function also opens the file if it is not open already. Note that this function never closes the file so that you can read sequentially several raw image data from the same file. |
file_offset | The offset in the file from where the data is read. If set to -1 the data is read from the current file position. |
Definition at line 1280 of file Image.cpp.
References vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::Image(), vl::VirtualFile::isOpen(), NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), and vl::VirtualFile::seekSet().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadResource | ( | const String & | path, |
bool | quick = true |
) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->loadResource(path, quick).
Definition at line 197 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References defLoadWriterManager(), and vl::LoadWriterManager::loadResource().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterManager::canWrite(), and main().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadResource | ( | VirtualFile * | file, |
bool | quick = true |
) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->loadResource(file, quick).
Definition at line 199 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References defLoadWriterManager(), and vl::LoadWriterManager::loadResource().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadSTL | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 59 of file ioSTL.cpp.
References vl::STLLoader::loadSTL().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterSTL::loadResource(), and loadSTL().
ref< ResourceDatabase > vl::loadSTL | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Definition at line 46 of file ioSTL.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadSTL(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadTGA | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 100 of file ioTGA.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate2D(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), convert8ToRGBA(), convertA1R5G5B5ToRGBA(), convertRGBToRGBA(), vl::Log::debug(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::flipVertically(), vl::Image::height(), IF_LUMINANCE, IF_RGBA, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::VirtualFile::read(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), vl::VirtualFile::seekSet(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), swapBytes32_BGRA_RGBA(), vl::String::toStdString(), VL_CHECK, and vl::Image::width().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterTGA::loadResource(), and loadTGA().
Loads a TGA file.
Supports the following formats:
Definition at line 88 of file ioTGA.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadTGA(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< Image > vl::loadTIFF | ( | VirtualFile * | file | ) |
Definition at line 121 of file ioTIFF.cpp.
References vl::Image::allocate2D(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Image::flipVertically(), IF_RGBA, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL, OM_ReadOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::Image::pixels(), and vl::Image::requiredMemory().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterTIFF::loadResource(), and loadTIFF().
Definition at line 109 of file ioTIFF.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), loadTIFF(), vl::FileSystem::locateFile(), and NULL.
ref< VirtualFile > vl::locateFile | ( | const String & | path | ) |
Utility function, equivalent to vl::defFileSystem()->locateFile(path)
Definition at line 41 of file VirtualFile.cpp.
References defFileSystem(), and vl::FileSystem::locateFile().
Referenced by vl::FileSystem::FileSystem(), isDAT(), vlX::isVLB(), vlX::isVLT(), loadMOL2(), vl::LoadWriterManager::loadResource(), vlX::loadVLB(), vlX::VLXSerializer::loadVLB(), vlX::loadVLT(), vlX::VLXSerializer::loadVLT(), vl::GZipCodec::open(), and vl::GLSLShader::setSource().
T vl::log | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 486 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by acosh(), asinh(), atanh(), vl::GLSLShader::compile(), vl::GLSLProgram::linkProgram(), log(), vl::GLSLProgram::programBinary(), and vl::MersenneTwister::randNorm().
Definition at line 489 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 495 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 502 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::log10 | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 566 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Definition at line 569 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log10(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 575 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log10(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 582 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log10(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::log2 | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 541 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log2(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 547 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log2(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 554 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References log2(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
void vl::log_failed_check | ( | const char * | expr, |
const char * | file, | ||
int | line | ||
) |
Definition at line 185 of file Log.cpp.
References NULL, vl::String::ptr(), and VL_LOG_ERROR.
void vl::logSystemInfo | ( | ) |
Logs VL and system information.
Definition at line 159 of file pimpl.cpp.
References globalSettings(), vl::Log::print(), VEL_VERBOSITY_DEBUG, VEL_VERBOSITY_ERROR, VEL_VERBOSITY_NORMAL, and versionString().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeBox | ( | const vec3 & | origin, |
real | xside = 1 , |
real | yside = 1 , |
real | zside = 1 , |
bool | tex_coords = true |
) |
Creates a box.
Definition at line 532 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_QUADS, PT_TRIANGLES, vl::ArrayAbstract::ptr(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setTexCoordArray(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), and vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::size().
Referenced by vl::VolumePlot::compute(), and makeBox().
Creates a box.
Definition at line 527 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References makeBox(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Creates a box.
Definition at line 522 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References makeBox(), vl::AABB::maxCorner(), and vl::AABB::minCorner().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeCapsule | ( | float | radius, |
float | height, | ||
int | segments, | ||
ECapsuleCap | top_cap, | ||
ECapsuleCap | bottom_cap, | ||
const fvec4 & | top_col, | ||
const fvec4 & | bottom_col | ||
) |
Creates a 3d capsule with rounded, flat or no caps.
Definition at line 895 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), CC_FlatCap, CC_RoundedCap, cos(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), fPi, vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::initFrom(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_QUADS, PT_TRIANGLE_FAN, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Geometry::setColorArray(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), and sin().
Creates a 2D circle.
Definition at line 872 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_LINE_LOOP, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), and vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::size().
inline |
Definition at line 41 of file Colors.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::a(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::g(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::r().
Referenced by isValidColor().
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1134 of file Image.cpp.
References IF_RGBA, vl::Image::Image(), IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, vl::Image::pixels(), and vl::Image::width().
Referenced by makeColorSpectrum().
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1054 of file Image.cpp.
References makeColorSpectrum().
ref< Image > vl::makeColorSpectrum | ( | size_t | width, |
const fvec4 & | c0, | ||
const fvec4 & | c1, | ||
const fvec4 & | c2 | ||
) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1061 of file Image.cpp.
References makeColorSpectrum().
ref< Image > vl::makeColorSpectrum | ( | size_t | width, |
const fvec4 & | c0, | ||
const fvec4 & | c1, | ||
const fvec4 & | c2, | ||
const fvec4 & | c3 | ||
) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1068 of file Image.cpp.
References makeColorSpectrum().
ref< Image > vl::makeColorSpectrum | ( | size_t | width, |
const fvec4 & | c0, | ||
const fvec4 & | c1, | ||
const fvec4 & | c2, | ||
const fvec4 & | c3, | ||
const fvec4 & | c4 | ||
) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1075 of file Image.cpp.
References makeColorSpectrum().
ref< Image > vl::makeColorSpectrum | ( | size_t | width, |
const fvec4 & | c0, | ||
const fvec4 & | c1, | ||
const fvec4 & | c2, | ||
const fvec4 & | c3, | ||
const fvec4 & | c4, | ||
const fvec4 & | c5 | ||
) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1082 of file Image.cpp.
References makeColorSpectrum().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeCone | ( | const vec3 & | origin, |
real | diameter = 1 , |
real | height = 1 , |
int | phi = 20 , |
bool | bottom = true |
) |
Creates a cone.
Definition at line 672 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_TRIANGLE_FAN, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), and vl::Geometry::setVertexArray().
Referenced by vl::DaeLoader::setupLights().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeCylinder | ( | const vec3 & | origin, |
real | diameter = 1 , |
real | height = 1 , |
int | phi = 20 , |
int | theta = 2 , |
bool | top = true , |
bool | bottom = true |
) |
Creates a cylinder.
Definition at line 356 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_QUADS, PT_TRIANGLE_FAN, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), and vl::Geometry::setVertexArray().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeGrid | ( | const vec3 & | origin, |
real | xside, | ||
real | zside, | ||
int | x, | ||
int | z, | ||
bool | gen_texcoords = false , |
fvec2 | uv0 = fvec2(0,0) , |
fvec2 | uv1 = fvec2(1,1) , |
bool | center = true |
) |
Creates a 2D grid.
Definition at line 731 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_QUADS, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::s(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setTexCoordArray(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::t(), and VL_CHECK.
Referenced by vl::Terrain::init().
Creates an icosahedron.
Definition at line 821 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_TRIANGLES, vl::ArrayAbstract::ptr(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), and vl::Geometry::setVertexArray().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeIcosphere | ( | const vec3 & | pos, |
real | diameter = 1 , |
int | detail = 2 , |
bool | remove_doubles = true |
) |
Creates a sphere by iteratively subdividing an icosahedron.
can be between 0 ( = icosahedron) and 8 (extremely detailed sphere) a value of 2 yelds already very good results.
Definition at line 42 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::normalize(), PT_TRIANGLES, vl::DoubleVertexRemover::removeDoubles(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Geometry::setNormalArray(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::size(), and VL_CHECK.
ref< Image > vl::makeNonUniformColorSpectrum | ( | size_t | width, |
size_t | col_count, | ||
const fvec4 * | colors, | ||
const float * | col_pos | ||
) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1089 of file Image.cpp.
References IF_RGBA, vl::Image::Image(), IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, vl::Image::pixels(), VL_CHECK, and vl::Image::width().
Referenced by makeNonUniformColorSpectrum().
ref< Image > vl::makeNonUniformColorSpectrum | ( | int | width, |
const std::vector< fvec4 > & | colors, | ||
const std::vector< float > & | col_pos | ||
) |
Creates a 1D Image whose color is interpolated from left to right from the specified spectrum.
Definition at line 1126 of file Image.cpp.
References makeNonUniformColorSpectrum(), and NULL.
Creates a set of points.
Definition at line 794 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_POINTS, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Geometry::setColorArray(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), and vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::size().
Creates a pyramid.
Definition at line 635 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_TRIANGLES, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), and vl::Geometry::setVertexArray().
Referenced by vl::DaeLoader::setupLights().
vl::ref<vl::Geometry> vl::makeScales | ( | bool | X = true , |
bool | Y = true , |
bool | Z = true , |
int | numArmTicks = 50 , |
float | mmStep = 10 , |
float | mmTickSize = 4 , |
vl::fvec4 | color = vl::fvec4(1, 1, 1, 1) |
) |
Makes an orthogonal cross-hair scales (reticle).
It creates a geometry for a 2D or 3D orthogonal scales, with evenly-spaced big ticks at every 10 steps, mid-ticks at every 5 steps and ticks at every step. By passing true to any X, Y or Z params, one can configure which axes will be generated.
The number of ticks per arm (half-axis), the step between ticks and the tick size are customizable.
Creates a classic Newell's teapot.
Definition at line 148 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Renderable::boundingBox(), vl::AABB::center(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getScaling(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getTranslation(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), vl::BezierSurface::patches(), vl::BezierPatch::points(), vl::DoubleVertexRemover::removeDoubles(), vl::BezierSurface::setDetail(), vl::Geometry::transform(), vl::BezierSurface::updateBezierSurface(), VL_CHECK, and vl::AABB::width().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeTorus | ( | const vec3 & | origin, |
real | diameter = 1 , |
real | thickness = 0.2 , |
int | phi = 10 , |
int | theta = 10 , |
float | tex_coords = 0.0f |
) |
Creates torus. This function generates also appropriate normals.
Definition at line 449 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::normalize(), PT_QUADS, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Geometry::setNormalArray(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setTexCoordArray(), and vl::Geometry::setVertexArray().
Referenced by vl::DaeLoader::setupLights().
ref< Geometry > vl::makeUVSphere | ( | const vec3 & | origin, |
real | diameter = 1 , |
int | phi = 20 , |
int | theta = 20 |
) |
Creates a uv sphere.
Definition at line 284 of file GeometryPrimitives.cpp.
References vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::at(), vl::Geometry::drawCalls(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::DrawElements< arr_type >::indexBuffer(), vl::Geometry::makeGLESFriendly(), PT_QUADS, PT_TRIANGLES, vl::Array< T_VectorType, T_Scalar, T_GL_Size, T_GL_Type >::resize(), vl::Object::setObjectName(), vl::Geometry::setVertexArray(), vl::ArrayAbstract::size(), and vl::Geometry::vertexArray().
Referenced by vl::DaeLoader::setupLights().
Matrix2<T> vl::matrixCompMult | ( | const Matrix2< T > & | a, |
const Matrix2< T > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 1214 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix2< T_Scalar >::e().
Matrix3<T> vl::matrixCompMult | ( | const Matrix3< T > & | a, |
const Matrix3< T > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 1224 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::e().
Matrix4<T> vl::matrixCompMult | ( | const Matrix4< T > & | a, |
const Matrix4< T > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 1234 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e().
inline |
Definition at line 311 of file Vector2.hpp.
Referenced by vl::Text::boundingRect(), vl::CoreText::boundingRect(), clamp(), vl::Camera::computeNearFarOptimizedProjMatrix(), vl::VirtualFile::endOfFile(), vl::String::find(), genRGBAVolume(), vl::Terrain::init(), vlQt4::Qt4Widget::initQt4Widget(), vlQt5::Qt5Widget::initQt5Widget(), isinf(), isinf_pos(), vl::SlicedVolume::onActorRenderStarted(), vl::DaeLoader::parseInputs(), and vl::GLSLShader::setSource().
inline |
Definition at line 312 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 313 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 314 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 343 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 349 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 355 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 360 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 360 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 361 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 365 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 367 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 367 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 370 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 373 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 374 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 375 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 379 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 380 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 381 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 385 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 385 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 388 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 390 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 395 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 395 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 402 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 409 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 295 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 301 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 304 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 307 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 307 of file Vector2.hpp.
Referenced by vl::Text::boundingRect(), vl::CoreText::boundingRect(), clamp(), vl::String::compare(), compress(), decompress(), vl::Material::getMinimumAlpha(), isinf(), isinf_neg(), random(), randomI32(), randomU32(), and vl::Buffer::resize().
inline |
Definition at line 308 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 309 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 310 of file Vector2.hpp.
Definition at line 311 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 313 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 318 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 319 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 320 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 325 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 325 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 325 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 330 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 331 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 332 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 335 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 337 of file Vector3.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 339 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 340 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 345 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 346 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 350 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 353 of file Vector4.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::b(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 355 of file Vector2.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
T vl::mix | ( | T | a, |
T | b, | ||
T | t | ||
) |
Definition at line 952 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Definition at line 955 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Definition at line 958 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Definition at line 961 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Vector2<T> vl::mix | ( | const Vector2< T > & | a, |
const Vector2< T > & | b, | ||
const Vector2< T > & | t | ||
) |
Definition at line 964 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Vector3<T> vl::mix | ( | const Vector3< T > & | a, |
const Vector3< T > & | b, | ||
const Vector3< T > & | t | ||
) |
Definition at line 971 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Vector4<T> vl::mix | ( | const Vector4< T > & | a, |
const Vector4< T > & | b, | ||
const Vector4< T > & | t | ||
) |
Definition at line 979 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::mod | ( | T | a, |
T | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 929 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 932 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 935 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 938 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 941 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 944 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
Definition at line 947 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References floor().
T vl::modf | ( | T | a, |
T & | intpart | ||
) |
Referenced by isinf_neg(), modf(), and roundEven().
inline |
Definition at line 790 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References modf().
inline |
Definition at line 802 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References modf().
Definition at line 805 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References modf(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 811 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References modf(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 818 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References modf(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by modf().
void vl::MurmurHash3_x64_128 | ( | const void * | key, |
int | len, | ||
u32 | seed, | ||
void * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 256 of file MurmurHash3.cpp.
References BIG_CONSTANT, fmix(), getblock(), and ROTL64.
void vl::MurmurHash3_x86_128 | ( | const void * | key, |
int | len, | ||
u32 | seed, | ||
void * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 152 of file MurmurHash3.cpp.
References fmix(), getblock(), and ROTL32.
void vl::MurmurHash3_x86_32 | ( | const void * | key, |
int | len, | ||
u32 | seed, | ||
void * | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 97 of file MurmurHash3.cpp.
References fmix(), getblock(), and ROTL32.
Referenced by vl::TypeInfo::TypeInfo().
T vl::normalize | ( | T | ) |
Definition at line 1128 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by vl::Molecule::ballAndStickStyle(), vl::Camera::computeRay(), vl::Geometry::computeTangentSpace(), vl::Billboard::computeWorldMatrix(), vl::Extrusion::extrude(), vl::Extrusions::extrude(), vl::Geometry::fixTriangleWinding(), vl::Molecule::generateRings(), genGradientNormals(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getLookAt(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getLookAtModeling(), vl::RingExtractor::keepPlanarCycles(), vl::Geometry::setColorArray(), and vl::Molecule::sticksStyle().
Definition at line 1131 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::normalize().
Definition at line 1134 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::normalize().
Definition at line 1137 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::normalize().
Definition at line 1427 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1435 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1442 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Flags<T> vl::operator& | ( | T | flag1, |
T | flag2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 152 of file Flags.hpp.
References vl::Flags< T_FlagEnum >::flags().
inline |
Definition at line 145 of file Object.hpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
inline |
Definition at line 147 of file Object.hpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
inline |
Definition at line 149 of file Object.hpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
Definition at line 242 of file Vector3.hpp.
Definition at line 269 of file Vector4.hpp.
Definition at line 272 of file Vector2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 413 of file Matrix2.hpp.
References vl::Matrix2< T_Scalar >::multiply().
inline |
Definition at line 427 of file Matrix2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 434 of file Matrix2.hpp.
References vl::Matrix2< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 444 of file Matrix2.hpp.
References vl::Matrix2< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 481 of file Quaternion.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 487 of file Quaternion.hpp.
References vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 495 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 499 of file Quaternion.hpp.
References vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::y(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z(), and vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 500 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 505 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 521 of file Quaternion.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::xyz().
inline |
Definition at line 534 of file Matrix3.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::multiply().
inline |
Definition at line 548 of file Matrix3.hpp.
inline |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector.
Definition at line 555 of file Matrix3.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 557 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 562 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector The incoming vector is considered a Vector3<T_Scalar> with the component z = 0.
Definition at line 567 of file Matrix3.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 567 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix
Definition at line 577 of file Matrix3.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix The incoming vector is considered a Vector3<T_Scalar> with the component z = 0
Definition at line 589 of file Matrix3.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 674 of file Matrix4.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::multiply().
inline |
Definition at line 688 of file Matrix4.hpp.
inline |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector.
Definition at line 695 of file Matrix4.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with the component w = 1.
Definition at line 708 of file Matrix4.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Post multiplication: matrix * column vector The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with components: z = 0 and w = 1.
Definition at line 720 of file Matrix4.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix
Definition at line 730 of file Matrix4.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with the component w = 1
Definition at line 743 of file Matrix4.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
pre-multiplication: row vector * matrix The incoming vector is considered a Vector4<T_Scalar> with components: z = 0 and w = 1
Definition at line 755 of file Matrix4.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
inline |
Definition at line 421 of file Matrix2.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 510 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
Referenced by vl::AABB::operator!=().
inline |
Definition at line 515 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 520 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 542 of file Matrix3.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 572 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 577 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 582 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
Definition at line 589 of file String.hpp.
Definition at line 594 of file String.hpp.
Definition at line 599 of file String.hpp.
Definition at line 604 of file String.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 682 of file Matrix4.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 525 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 530 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 535 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 587 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 592 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 597 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 480 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 485 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 490 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 542 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 547 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 552 of file half.hpp.
References vl::half::convertHalfToFloat().
inline |
Definition at line 400 of file MersenneTwister.hpp.
References vl::MersenneTwister::left, vl::MersenneTwister::N, and vl::MersenneTwister::state.
inline |
Definition at line 144 of file Object.hpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
Referenced by vlX::VLTTokenizer::getToken(), vl::Sphere::operator!=(), vl::AABB::operator!=(), and vl::String::operator!=().
inline |
Definition at line 146 of file Object.hpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
inline |
Definition at line 148 of file Object.hpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
inline |
Definition at line 408 of file MersenneTwister.hpp.
References vl::MersenneTwister::left, vl::MersenneTwister::N, vl::MersenneTwister::pNext, and vl::MersenneTwister::state.
Flags<T> vl::operator| | ( | T | flag1, |
T | flag2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 144 of file Flags.hpp.
References vl::Flags< T_FlagEnum >::flags().
Matrix2<T> vl::outerProduct | ( | const Vector2< T > & | a, |
const Vector2< T > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 1246 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix2< T_Scalar >::e().
Matrix3<T> vl::outerProduct | ( | const Vector3< T > & | a, |
const Vector3< T > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 1256 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::e().
Matrix4<T> vl::outerProduct | ( | const Vector4< T > & | a, |
const Vector4< T > & | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 1266 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e().
T vl::pow | ( | T | a, |
T | b | ||
) |
Definition at line 434 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Definition at line 437 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References pow(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 443 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References pow(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 450 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References pow(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::radians | ( | T | degrees | ) |
Definition at line 147 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dDEG_TO_RAD.
Referenced by vl::StereoCamera::updateLeftRightCameras().
Definition at line 150 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dDEG_TO_RAD, vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 156 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dDEG_TO_RAD, vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 163 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dDEG_TO_RAD, vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
real vl::random | ( | real | min, |
real | max | ||
) |
Returns a random number N between 'min' and 'max' (included) with 53 bits of randomness generated using MersenneTwister->rand53().
Definition at line 44 of file math_utils.cpp.
References defMersenneTwister(), min(), and vl::MersenneTwister::rand53().
Returns a random number N between 'min' and 'max' (included) generated using MersenneTwister->randInt().
Definition at line 55 of file math_utils.cpp.
References defMersenneTwister(), min(), and vl::MersenneTwister::randInt().
Returns a random number N between 'min' and 'max' (included) generated using MersenneTwister->randInt().
Definition at line 50 of file math_utils.cpp.
References defMersenneTwister(), min(), and vl::MersenneTwister::randInt().
inline |
Reads a rectangular pixel area from the specified read buffer and stores it in an Image.
If 'store_in_pixel_buffer_object' is true the data will be copied in the GPU memory using the GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object extension, while the local buffer will be deallocated.
Definition at line 54 of file ReadPixels.hpp.
References vl::Image::allocate2D(), vl::Image::dimension(), vl::Image::format(), vl::BufferObject::handle(), Has_GL_Version_1_2, Has_GL_Version_2_1, Has_GL_Version_3_0, Has_GL_Version_4_0, vl::Image::height(), ID_2D, vl::Image::imageBuffer(), NULL, vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Log::print(), vl::Image::requiredMemory2D(), vl::Image::reset(), vl::BufferObject::setBufferData(), vl::Image::type(), vl::BufferObject::usage(), VL_CHECK, VL_CHECK_OGL, VL_TRAP, and vl::Image::width().
Referenced by vl::ReadPixels::readPixels().
T vl::reflect | ( | T | I, |
T | N | ||
) |
Definition at line 1156 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
Definition at line 1159 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
Definition at line 1162 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
Definition at line 1165 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References dot().
T vl::refract | ( | T | I, |
T | N, | ||
T | eta | ||
) |
Definition at line 1170 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Vector2<T> vl::refract | ( | const Vector2< T > & | I, |
const Vector2< T > & | N, | ||
T | eta | ||
) |
Definition at line 1180 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Vector3<T> vl::refract | ( | const Vector3< T > & | I, |
const Vector3< T > & | N, | ||
T | eta | ||
) |
Definition at line 1190 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Vector4<T> vl::refract | ( | const Vector4< T > & | I, |
const Vector4< T > & | N, | ||
T | eta | ||
) |
Definition at line 1200 of file glsl_math.hpp.
inline |
Utility function, equivalent to defLoadWriterManager()->registerLoadWriter(rlw).
Definition at line 148 of file LoadWriterManager.hpp.
References defLoadWriterManager(), and vl::LoadWriterManager::registerLoadWriter().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterManager::LoadWriterManager().
T vl::round | ( | T | x | ) |
Definition at line 764 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References ceil(), and floor().
Referenced by round(), and roundEven().
Definition at line 767 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References round(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 773 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References round(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 780 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References round(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
inline |
Definition at line 828 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References ceil(), modf(), and round().
Referenced by roundEven().
inline |
Definition at line 854 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References ceil(), modf(), round(), and roundEven().
Definition at line 880 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References roundEven(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 886 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References roundEven(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 893 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References roundEven(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Writes a DICOM file.
Definition at line 384 of file ioDICOM.cpp.
bool vl::saveDICOM | ( | const Image * | src, |
VirtualFile * | file | ||
) |
Writes a DICOM file.
Definition at line 389 of file ioDICOM.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Image::convertFormat(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Image::dimension(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::flipVertically(), vl::Image::format(), vl::Image::height(), IF_ALPHA, IF_BGR, IF_BGRA, IF_LUMINANCE, IF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, IF_RGB, IF_RGBA, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT, OM_WriteOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), vl::Image::type(), VL_TRAP, vl::Image::width(), and vl::VirtualFile::write().
bool vl::saveImage | ( | Image * | img, |
VirtualFile * | file | ||
) |
Writes an image on the specified file.
Definition at line 1250 of file Image.cpp.
References defLoadWriterManager(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::ResourceDatabase::resources(), and vl::LoadWriterManager::writeResource().
Referenced by vl::ReadPixels::readPixels().
Writes an image on the specified path.
Definition at line 1240 of file Image.cpp.
References defLoadWriterManager(), vl::Log::error(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::ResourceDatabase::resources(), and vl::LoadWriterManager::writeResource().
Definition at line 527 of file ioJPG.cpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterJPG::writeResource().
bool vl::saveJPG | ( | const Image * | src, |
VirtualFile * | file, | ||
int | quality = 95 |
) |
Definition at line 533 of file ioJPG.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Image::convertFormat(), vl::Image::convertType(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::format(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Image::height(), IF_RGB, vl::Image::isCubemap(), IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, OM_WriteOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Image::type(), and vl::Image::width().
Definition at line 396 of file ioPNG.cpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterPNG::writeResource().
bool vl::savePNG | ( | const Image * | src, |
VirtualFile * | file, | ||
int | compression = 6 |
) |
Definition at line 402 of file ioPNG.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Image::convertFormat(), vl::Image::convertType(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::format(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Image::height(), IF_ALPHA, IF_LUMINANCE, IF_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, IF_RGB, IF_RGBA, vl::Image::isCubemap(), IT_FLOAT, IT_SHORT, IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IT_UNSIGNED_SHORT, NULL, OM_WriteOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pitch(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Image::type(), VL_CHECK, and vl::Image::width().
Definition at line 407 of file ioTGA.cpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterTGA::writeResource().
bool vl::saveTGA | ( | const Image * | src, |
VirtualFile * | file | ||
) |
Definition at line 413 of file ioTGA.cpp.
References vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Image::convertFormat(), vl::Image::convertType(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::format(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Image::height(), IF_BGRA, vl::Image::isCubemap(), IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, OM_WriteOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), vl::Image::type(), vl::Image::width(), vl::VirtualFile::write(), and vl::VirtualFile::writeUInt32().
Definition at line 194 of file ioTIFF.cpp.
References vl::ref< T >::get().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterTIFF::writeResource().
bool vl::saveTIFF | ( | const Image * | src, |
VirtualFile * | file | ||
) |
Definition at line 200 of file ioTIFF.cpp.
References vl::Image::bitsPerPixel(), vl::VirtualFile::close(), vl::Image::convertFormat(), vl::Image::convertType(), vl::Image::depth(), vl::Log::error(), vl::Image::format(), vl::ref< T >::get(), vl::Image::height(), IF_RGBA, vl::Image::isCubemap(), IT_UNSIGNED_BYTE, OM_WriteOnly, vl::VirtualFile::open(), vl::VirtualFile::path(), vl::Image::pitch(), vl::Image::pixels(), vl::Image::requiredMemory(), vl::Image::type(), vl::Image::width(), vl::VirtualFile::write(), vl::VirtualFile::writeUInt16(), and vl::VirtualFile::writeUInt32().
void vl::setDefFileSystem | ( | FileSystem * | fs | ) |
Sets the default FileSystem used by VisualizationLibrary.
Definition at line 101 of file pimpl.cpp.
References NULL.
Referenced by vl::VisualizationLibrary::isCoreInitialized().
void vl::setDefFontManager | ( | FontManager * | fm | ) |
Sets the default FontManager used by Visualization Library.
void vl::setDefLoadWriterManager | ( | LoadWriterManager * | lwm | ) |
Sets the default LoadWriterManager used by Visualization Library.
Definition at line 86 of file pimpl.cpp.
References NULL.
Referenced by vl::VisualizationLibrary::isCoreInitialized().
void vl::setDefLogger | ( | Log * | logger | ) |
Installs the default logger used by Visualization Library. Setting this to NULL will disable logging.
Definition at line 67 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by vl::VisualizationLibrary::isCoreInitialized(), and vl::Log::logMutex().
void vl::setDefMersenneTwister | ( | MersenneTwister * | reg | ) |
Definition at line 116 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by vl::VisualizationLibrary::isCoreInitialized().
void vl::setGlobalSettings | ( | GlobalSettings * | gs | ) |
Sets VisulizationLibrary's global settings.
Definition at line 56 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by vl::VisualizationLibrary::isCoreInitialized().
void vl::showWin32Console | ( | ) |
T vl::sign | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 669 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Referenced by vl::half::convertFloatToHalf(), vl::half::convertHalfToFloat(), vl::Say::format(), vl::half::isinf_neg(), and vl::half::isinf_pos().
Definition at line 672 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 679 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 687 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::sin | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 199 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sin().
Referenced by vl::VectorGraphics::drawEllipse(), vl::VectorGraphics::fillEllipse(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getPerspective(), vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::getRotation(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::getSlerp(), makeCapsule(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromAxisAngle(), and sin().
Definition at line 202 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sin(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 208 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sin(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 215 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sin(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by sin().
T vl::sinh | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 360 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sinh(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 363 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sinh(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 366 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sinh(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
int vl::smallerEqualPow2 | ( | int | n | ) |
Returns a number N that is a power of 2 and that is equal to or smaller than 'n'.
Definition at line 71 of file math_utils.cpp.
T vl::smoothstep | ( | T | edge0, |
T | edge1, | ||
T | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 1018 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References clamp().
Vector2<T> vl::smoothstep | ( | const Vector2< T > & | edge0, |
const Vector2< T > & | edge1, | ||
const Vector2< T > & | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 1025 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References clamp(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Vector3<T> vl::smoothstep | ( | const Vector3< T > & | edge0, |
const Vector3< T > & | edge1, | ||
const Vector3< T > & | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 1035 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References clamp(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Vector4<T> vl::smoothstep | ( | const Vector4< T > & | edge0, |
const Vector4< T > & | edge1, | ||
const Vector4< T > & | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 1046 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References clamp(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
T vl::sqrt | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 592 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt().
Referenced by acosh(), asinh(), vl::Array< bvec2, GLbyte, 2, GL_BYTE >::computeBoundingSphere(), vl::TrackballManipulator::computeVector(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), inversesqrt(), vl::Vector4< unsigned int >::length(), vl::Vector3< int >::length(), vl::Vector2< int >::length(), vl::MersenneTwister::randNorm(), refract(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromMatrix(), sqrt(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::toAxisAngle(), and vl::Sphere::transformed().
Definition at line 595 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 601 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 608 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References sqrt(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by acosh(), atanh(), inversesqrt(), and sqrt().
T vl::step | ( | T | edge, |
T | a | ||
) |
Definition at line 990 of file glsl_math.hpp.
Definition at line 993 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 1000 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1008 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
void vl::swapBytes | ( | T & | value | ) |
Swaps the byte order of the given object.
Definition at line 108 of file std_types.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 223 of file ImageTools.hpp.
Referenced by loadDDS().
inline |
Definition at line 197 of file ImageTools.hpp.
inline |
Definition at line 211 of file ImageTools.hpp.
T vl::tan | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 251 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References tan().
Referenced by tan(), and vl::StereoCamera::updateLeftRightCameras().
Definition at line 254 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References tan(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 260 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References tan(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 267 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References tan(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Referenced by tan().
T vl::tanh | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 388 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References tanh(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 391 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References tanh(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 394 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References tanh(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 1278 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix2< T_Scalar >::e().
Definition at line 1288 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::e().
Definition at line 1298 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References vl::Matrix4< T_Scalar >::e().
T vl::trunc | ( | T | a | ) |
Definition at line 738 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References fract().
Definition at line 741 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References fract(), vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::x(), and vl::Vector2< T_Scalar >::y().
Definition at line 747 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References fract(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector3< T_Scalar >::z().
Definition at line 754 of file glsl_math.hpp.
References fract(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::w(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::x(), vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::y(), and vl::Vector4< T_Scalar >::z().
const char * vl::versionString | ( | ) |
Returns the Visualization Library's version string.
Definition at line 132 of file pimpl.cpp.
Referenced by logSystemInfo().
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(i8) * | 8 = =8 | ) |
Referenced by vl::String::fromUTF16BE(), vl::String::fromUTF16LE(), loadDDS(), and swapBytes().
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(u8) * | 8 = =8 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(i16) * | 8 = =16 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(u16) * | 8 = =16 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(i32) * | 8 = =32 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(u32) * | 8 = =32 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(i64) * | 8 = =64 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(u64) * | 8 = =64 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(f32) * | 8 = =32 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | sizeof(f64) * | 8 = =64 | ) |
vl::VL_COMPILE_TIME_CHECK | ( | EN_EnableCount | = =sizeof(Is_Enable_Supported)/sizeof(Is_Enable_Supported[0]) | ) |
bool vl::writeResource | ( | const String & | path, |
ResourceDatabase * | resource | ||
) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->writeResource(path, resource).
Definition at line 201 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References defLoadWriterManager(), and vl::LoadWriterManager::writeResource().
Referenced by vl::LoadWriterManager::canWrite().
bool vl::writeResource | ( | VirtualFile * | file, |
ResourceDatabase * | resource | ||
) |
Short version of defLoadWriterManager()->writeResource(file, resource).
Definition at line 203 of file LoadWriterManager.cpp.
References defLoadWriterManager(), and vl::LoadWriterManager::writeResource().
const double vl::dDEG_TO_RAD = dPi / 180.0 |
Constant to convert degree into radian using double
Definition at line 66 of file std_types.hpp.
Referenced by vl::Matrix4< float >::getPerspective(), vl::Matrix3< T_Scalar >::getRotation(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), radians(), and vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromAxisAngle().
const double vl::dPi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093845 |
Greek Pi constant using double
Definition at line 64 of file std_types.hpp.
Referenced by vl::VectorGraphics::drawEllipse(), and vl::VectorGraphics::fillEllipse().
const double vl::dRAD_TO_DEG = 180.0 / dPi |
Constant to convert radian into degree using double
Definition at line 68 of file std_types.hpp.
Referenced by degrees(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getRotation(), vl::Matrix4< float >::getYXRotationAngles(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::setFromVectors(), vl::Quaternion< T_Scalar >::toAxisAngle(), and vl::TrackballManipulator::trackballRotation().
const float vl::fDEG_TO_RAD = float(dPi / 180.0) |
Constant to convert degree into radian using float
Definition at line 73 of file std_types.hpp.
Referenced by vl::StereoCamera::updateLeftRightCameras().
const float vl::fPi = (float)3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093845 |
Greek Pi constant using float
Definition at line 71 of file std_types.hpp.
Referenced by vl::EdgeExtractor::extractEdges(), and makeCapsule().
const float vl::fRAD_TO_DEG = float(180.0 / dPi) |
Constant to convert radian into degree using float
Definition at line 75 of file std_types.hpp.
vl::Glyph vl::ft_errors[] |
unsigned long long vl::gStartTime = 0 |
Definition at line 85 of file Time.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Time::currentTime().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Base_Vertex = false |
Definition at line 99 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::DrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render(), and vl::DrawRangeElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_BufferObject = false |
Definition at line 82 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::MorphingCallback::blendFrames(), vl::BufferObject::createBufferObject(), vl::BufferObject::deleteBufferObject(), vl::Geometry::deleteBufferObject(), vl::BufferObject::downloadBufferObject(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), vl::BufferObject::mapBufferObject(), vl::MultiDrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render(), vl::DrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render(), vl::DrawRangeElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render(), vl::Geometry::render_Implementation(), vl::BufferObject::setBufferData(), vl::BufferObject::setBufferSubData(), vl::DepthSortCallback::sort(), vl::BufferObject::unmapBufferObject(), and vl::Geometry::updateDirtyBufferObject().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Cubemap_Textures = false |
Definition at line 86 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::Texture::supports().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_FBO = false |
Definition at line 83 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::FramebufferObject::addColorAttachment(), vl::FramebufferObject::addDepthAttachment(), vl::FramebufferObject::addDepthStencilAttachment(), vl::FramebufferObject::addStencilAttachment(), vl::FramebufferObject::addTextureAttachment(), vl::FBORenderbufferAttachment::bindAttachment(), vl::FBOTexture1DAttachment::bindAttachment(), vl::FBOTexture2DAttachment::bindAttachment(), vl::FBOTexture3DAttachment::bindAttachment(), vl::FBOTextureLayerAttachment::bindAttachment(), vl::FramebufferObject::bindFramebuffer(), vl::FramebufferObject::checkFramebufferStatus(), vl::FBORenderbufferAttachment::createRenderBuffer(), vl::FBORenderbufferAttachment::deleteRenderBuffer(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::FBORenderbufferAttachment::initStorage(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), vl::FramebufferObject::removeAllAttachments(), and vl::FramebufferObject::removeAttachment().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_FBO_Multisample = false |
Definition at line 85 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::FBORenderbufferAttachment::initStorage().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Fixed_Function_Pipeline = false |
OpenGL: true if !Is_OpenGL_Forward_Compatible && !Is_OpenGL_Core_Profile OpenGL ES 1: always true OpenGL ES 2: always false.
Definition at line 63 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Hint::apply(), vl::TextureSampler::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), vl::OpenGLContext::bindVAS(), vl::OpenGLContext::bindVAS_Reset(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), vl::Renderer::renderRaw(), and vl::ProjViewTransfCallback::updateMatrices().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Geometry_Shader = false |
Definition at line 81 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
Definition at line 97 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::Hint::apply(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::Texture::setMipLevel().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_1_1 = false |
Definition at line 49 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Hint::apply(), vl::LightModel::apply(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_1_2 = false |
Definition at line 50 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::LightModel::apply(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), and readPixels().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_1_3 = false |
Definition at line 51 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::TexEnv::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), vl::OpenGLContext::initGLContext(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_1_4 = false |
Definition at line 52 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::BlendFunc::apply(), vl::PointParameter::apply(), vl::TexEnv::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::MultiDrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_1_5 = false |
Definition at line 53 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_2_0 = false |
Definition at line 54 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::BlendEquation::apply(), vl::PointParameter::apply(), vl::StencilFunc::apply(), vl::StencilOp::apply(), vl::StencilMask::apply(), vl::Framebuffer::bindDrawBuffers(), vl::OpenGLContext::initGLContext(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), vl::Text::render_Implementation(), and vl::CoreText::render_Implementation().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_2_1 = false |
Definition at line 55 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and readPixels().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_3_0 = false |
Definition at line 56 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::BlendFunc::apply(), vl::PointParameter::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::GLSLProgram::linkProgram(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), readPixels(), and vl::MultiDrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_3_1 = false |
Definition at line 57 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::MultiDrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_3_2 = false |
Definition at line 58 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::FBOTextureAttachment::bindAttachment(), vl::FBOTextureLayerAttachment::bindAttachment(), and initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_3_3 = false |
Definition at line 59 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_4_0 = false |
Definition at line 60 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::PatchParameter::apply(), vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::BlendFunc::apply(), vl::PointParameter::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), vl::FBOTextureAttachment::bindAttachment(), vl::FBOTextureLayerAttachment::bindAttachment(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::GLSLProgram::linkProgram(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), readPixels(), and vl::MultiDrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GL_Version_4_1 = false |
Definition at line 61 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLES = false |
Definition at line 69 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Hint::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLES_Version_1_1 = false |
Definition at line 67 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::PointParameter::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), vl::OpenGLContext::initGLContext(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLES_Version_2_0 = false |
Definition at line 68 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::BlendFunc::apply(), vl::OpenGLContext::applyRenderStates(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_glGenerateMipmaps = false |
Definition at line 96 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::Texture::setMipLevel().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL = false |
Definition at line 73 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::GLSLProgram::apply(), vl::GLSLProgram::applyUniformSet(), vl::GLSLProgram::attachShader(), vl::GLSLProgram::bindAttribLocation(), vl::GLSLShader::compile(), vl::GLSLShader::compileStatus(), vl::GLSLProgram::createProgram(), vl::GLSLShader::createShader(), vl::GLSLProgram::deleteProgram(), vl::GLSLShader::deleteShader(), vl::GLSLProgram::detachShader(), vl::GLSLProgram::discardAllShaders(), vl::GLSLProgram::getAttribLocation(), vl::GLSLProgram::getUniformfv(), vl::GLSLProgram::getUniformiv(), vl::GLSLProgram::getUniformLocation(), vl::GLSLShader::infoLog(), vl::GLSLProgram::infoLog(), vl::OpenGLContext::initGLContext(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), vl::GLSLProgram::linkProgram(), vl::GLSLProgram::linkStatus(), vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo(), vl::OpenGLContext::useGLSLProgram(), and vl::GLSLProgram::validateProgram().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL_120_Or_More = false |
Definition at line 74 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL_130_Or_More = false |
Definition at line 75 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL_140_Or_More = false |
Definition at line 76 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL_150_Or_More = false |
Definition at line 77 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL_330_Or_More = false |
Definition at line 78 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL_400_Or_More = false |
Definition at line 79 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_GLSL_410_Or_More = false |
Definition at line 80 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Multitexture = false |
Definition at line 92 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Occlusion_Query = false |
Definition at line 94 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::Actor::createOcclusionQuery(), vl::Actor::deleteOcclusionQuery(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OcclusionCullRenderer::render_pass1(), and vl::OcclusionCullRenderer::render_pass2().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_PBO = false |
Definition at line 84 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::logOpenGLInfo().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Point_Sprite = false |
Definition at line 98 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexEnv::apply(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::VectorGraphics::popScissor().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Primitive_Instancing = false |
Definition at line 100 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::DrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Primitive_Restart = false |
Definition at line 93 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), vl::MultiDrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render(), vl::DrawElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render(), and vl::DrawRangeElements< ArrayUShort1 >::render().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Texture_3D = false |
Definition at line 91 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::TexParameter::apply(), vl::CopyTexSubImage3D::copyPixels(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Texture_Array = false |
Definition at line 88 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::Texture::supports().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Texture_Buffer = false |
Definition at line 89 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::Texture::supports().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Texture_Multisample = false |
Definition at line 90 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::Texture::supports().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Texture_Rectangle = false |
Definition at line 87 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::Texture::supports().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Has_Transform_Feedback = false |
Definition at line 95 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Is_Enable_Supported |
Definition at line 242 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Is_OpenGL_Core_Profile = false |
OpenGL: true if the current context has been created with the WGL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_ARB or equivalent.
If true all removed functionalities are not present. OpenGL ES 1: always false OpenGL ES 2: always false
Definition at line 46 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::OpenGLContext::initGLContext(), initializeOpenGL(), vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState(), and vl::OpenGLContext::resetContextStates().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Is_OpenGL_Forward_Compatible = false |
OpenGL: true if the current context has been created with the WGL_CONTEXT_FORWARD_COMPATIBLE_BIT_ARB or equivalent.
If true all removed AND deprecated (even if not yet removed) functionalities are not present. OpenGL ES 1: always false OpenGL ES 2: always false
Definition at line 47 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT bool vl::Is_OpenGL_Initialized = false |
Set to true if the last call to vl::initializeOpenGL() was succesful.
Definition at line 45 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by initializeOpenGL().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT const GLenum vl::Translate_Enable |
Definition at line 128 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::OpenGLContext::applyEnables(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT const char * vl::Translate_Enable_String |
Definition at line 185 of file OpenGL.cpp.
Referenced by vl::OpenGLContext::applyEnables(), initializeOpenGL(), and vl::OpenGLContext::isCleanState().
Visualization Library 2.0.0 Reference Documentation
Updated on Wed Dec 23 2020 12:44:05.
© Copyright Michele Bosi. All rights reserved.