Visualization Library 2.0.0
A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics
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►Nvl | Visualization Library main namespace |
►NDae | The COLLADA namespace |
CColorOrTexture | COLLADA color or texture input |
CEffect | COLLADA effect |
CInput | COLLADA input stream |
CMaterial | COLLADA material |
CMesh | COLLADA mesh |
CNewParam | COLLADA newparam |
CNode | COLLADA node |
CPrimitive | COLLADA primitive |
CSampler2D | COLLADA sampler2D |
CSource | COLLADA data source |
CSurface | COLLADA surface |
CTechniqueCOMMON | COLLADA common technique |
CVert | COLLADA vertex |
CA3DSLoader | Loads an Autodesk 3DS file and generates a vector of A3DSObject and A3DSMaterial objects |
CA3DSMaterial | Material in a 3DS file |
CA3DSMaterialFaceMapping | Material/face mapping in a 3DS file |
CA3DSObject | Object in a 3DS file |
CA3DSTexture | Texture in a 3DS file |
CA3DSTriFace | Triangle in a 3DS file |
CA3DSVertex | Vertex in a 3DS file |
CAABB | Implements an axis-aligned bounding box using vl::real precision |
CActor | Associates a Renderable object to an Effect and Transform |
CActorCollection | Defined as a simple subclass of Collection<Actor>, see Collection for more information |
CActorEventCallback | Defines a callback object to react to Actor-related events |
CActorKdTree | ActorKdTree class extends the ActorTreeAbstract class implementing a space partitioning scheme based on a Kd-Tree |
CActorTree | Implements a generic tree whose nodes contain Actors |
CActorTreeAbstract | Implements the interface of a generic tree containing Actors in its nodes |
CAdjacencyExtractor | |
CAlphaFunc | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glAlphaFunc(), see also for more information |
CApplet | Utilitly UIEventListener that features a ghost manipulator, trackball manipulator, an FPS counter and a simple rendering pipeline |
CArray | The Array class is a template array used to conveniently manipulate data stored in a BufferObject |
CArrayAbstract | Defines an abstract interface to conveniently manipulate data stored in a BufferObject |
CArrayByte1 | An array of GLbyte |
CArrayByte2 | An array of vl::bvec2 |
CArrayByte3 | An array of vl::bvec3 |
CArrayByte4 | An array of vl::bvec4 |
CArrayDouble1 | An array of GLdouble |
CArrayDouble2 | An array of vl::dvec2 |
CArrayDouble3 | An array of vl::dvec3 |
CArrayDouble4 | An array of vl::dvec4 |
CArrayFixed1 | An array of GL_FIXED |
CArrayFixed2 | An array 2d GL_FIXED vectors |
CArrayFixed3 | An array 3d GL_FIXED vectors |
CArrayFixed4 | An array 4d GL_FIXED vectors |
CArrayFloat1 | An array of GLfloat |
CArrayFloat2 | An array of vl::fvec2 |
CArrayFloat3 | An array of vl::fvec3 |
CArrayFloat4 | An array of vl::fvec4 |
CArrayHFloat1 | An array of GL_HALF_FLOAT |
CArrayHFloat2 | A 2d array of GL_HALF_FLOAT vectors |
CArrayHFloat3 | A 3d array of GL_HALF_FLOAT vectors |
CArrayHFloat4 | A 4d array of GL_HALF_FLOAT vectors |
CArrayInt1 | An array of GLint |
CArrayInt2 | An array of vl::ivec2 |
CArrayInt3 | An array of vl::ivec3 |
CArrayInt4 | An array of vl::ivec4 |
CArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV1 | An array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV |
CArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV2 | A 2d array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors |
CArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV3 | A 3d array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors |
CArrayInt_2_10_10_10_REV4 | A 4d array of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors |
CArrayShort1 | An array of GLshort |
CArrayShort2 | An array of vl::svec2 |
CArrayShort3 | An array of vl::svec3 |
CArrayShort4 | An array of vl::svec4 |
CArrayUByte1 | An array of GLubyte |
CArrayUByte2 | An array of vl::ubvec2 |
CArrayUByte3 | An array of vl::ubvec3 |
CArrayUByte4 | An array of vl::ubvec4 |
CArrayUInt1 | An array of GLuint |
CArrayUInt2 | An array of vl::uvec2 |
CArrayUInt3 | An array of vl::uvec3 |
CArrayUInt4 | An array of vl::uvec4 |
CArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV1 | An array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV |
CArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV2 | A 2d array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors |
CArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV3 | A 3d array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors |
CArrayUInt_2_10_10_10_REV4 | A 4d array of GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV vectors |
CArrayUShort1 | An array of GLushort |
CArrayUShort2 | An array of vl::usvec2 |
CArrayUShort3 | An array of vl::usvec3 |
CArrayUShort4 | An array of vl::usvec4 |
CAtom | Atom to be used with the Molecule class |
CAtomInfo | Encapsulates information regarding an atom type |
CBezierPatch | Defines one or more concatenated bicubic Bézier patches to be used with the BezierSurface class |
CBezierSurface | Implements a Geometry that is capable of visualizing multiple bicubic Bézier patches (see BezierPatch) |
CBillboard | A Transform that aligns an Actor towards the camera |
CBlendColor | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glBlendColor(), see also for more information |
CBlendEquation | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glBlendEquation()/glBlendEquationSeparate(), see also and for more information |
CBlendFunc | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glBlendFunc(), see also for more information |
CBlitFramebuffer | A RenderEventCallback that can be used to copy pixels from a framebuffer to another as described in GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit |
CBond | Bond to be used with the Molecule class |
CBuffer | Implements a buffer whose storage is in local memory |
CBufferedStream | The BufferedStream class is a template class that that performs a buffered read of Element_Type data from a VirtualFile |
CBufferObject | Buffer that can upload its data on the GPU memory |
CCalibratedCamera | Calibrated camera for augmented reality |
CCamera | Represents a virtual camera defining, among other things, the point of view from which scenes can be rendered |
CCatmullRomInterpolator | The LinearInterpolator class is a template class that implements Catmull-Rom spline interpolation |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorDouble | Interpolates double values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorDVec2 | Interpolates dvec2 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorDVec3 | Interpolates dvec3 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorDVec4 | Interpolates dvec4 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorFloat | Interpolates float values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorFVec2 | Interpolates fvec2 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorFVec3 | Interpolates fvec3 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CCatmullRomInterpolatorFVec4 | Interpolates fvec4 values using a CatmullRomInterpolator |
CClear | Renderable used to clear the whole or a portion of the color, stencil or depth buffer |
CClipPlane | Wraps the OpenGL function glClipPlane() |
CCollection | It's basically an std::vector for Objects that is itself an Object so it can be reference counted and passed around with ease |
CColor | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glColor(), see also for more information |
CColorMask | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glColorMask(), see also for more information |
CCopyTexSubImage | Wrapper class of the OpenGL function glCopyTexSubImage |
CCopyTexSubImage1D | Wraps glCopyTexSubImage1D, see also CopyTexSubImage |
CCopyTexSubImage2D | Wraps glCopyTexSubImage2D, see also CopyTexSubImage. To be used also for 1D array textures |
CCopyTexSubImage3D | Wraps glCopyTexSubImage3D, see also CopyTexSubImage. To be used also for 2D array textures |
CCoreText | Experimental |
CCRC32CheckSum | Computes the a CRC32 checksum of a given buffer or VirtualFile |
CCullFace | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glCullFace(), see also for more information |
CDaeLoader | COLLADA loader |
Cdegree | Simple class representing quantities in degrees, converts automatically to vl::radian and real |
CDepthFunc | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glDepthFunc(), see also for more information |
CDepthMask | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glDepthMask(), see also for more information |
CDepthRange | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glDepthRange(), see also for more information |
CDepthSortCallback | DepthSortCallback sorts the primitives of the Geometry bound to the Actor in which the callback is installed |
CDiskDirectory | A VirtualDirectory that operates on reguar disk directories |
CDiskFile | A VirtualFile that operates on regular disk files |
CDistanceLODEvaluator | A LODEvaluator that computes the appropriate LOD based on the distance of an Actor from the Camera |
CDoubleVertexRemover | Removes from a Geometry the vertices with the same attributes |
CDrawArrays | Wraps the OpenGL function glDrawArrays() |
CDrawCall | The base class of DrawArrays, DrawElements, MultiDrawElements and DrawRangeElements |
CDrawElements | Wrapper for the OpenGL function glDrawElements() |
CDrawElementsBase | Base interface for all DrawElements* sub classes |
CDrawElementsUByte | See DrawElements |
CDrawElementsUInt | See DrawElements |
CDrawElementsUShort | See DrawElements |
►CDrawPixels | Wraps the OpenGL function glDrawPixels() |
CPixels | Represents a bitmap to be drawn on the screen |
CDrawRangeElements | Wrapper for the OpenGL function glDrawRangeElements() |
CDrawRangeElementsBase | Base interface for all DrawRangeElements* sub classes |
CDrawRangeElementsUByte | See DrawRangeElements |
CDrawRangeElementsUInt | See DrawRangeElements |
CDrawRangeElementsUShort | See DrawRangeElements |
►CEdgeExtractor | Extracts the edges from one or more Geometry objects |
CEdge | A single edge as extracted from the EdgeExtractor class |
CEdgeRenderer | Implements a special Renderer that automatically extracts and renders the edges of the objects in the scene |
CEdgeUpdateCallback | Updates at every frame the edges of an Actor for the purpose of edge-enhancement |
CEffect | Defines the sequence of Shader objects used to render an Actor |
CEnableSet | A set of enables managed by Shader |
CExtrusion | Generates a Geometry extruding a silhouette along a path |
CExtrusions | The Extrusion class generates a Geometry extruding a silhouette along a path |
CFBOAbstractAttachment | Abstract class that represents a framebuffer object attachment to be used with FramebufferObject |
CFBOAbstractTextureAttachment | Base class for all the framebuffer texture attachments (see also FramebufferObject) |
CFBOColorBufferAttachment | A color renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject |
CFBODepthBufferAttachment | A depth renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject |
CFBODepthStencilBufferAttachment | A depth+stencil renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject |
CFBORenderbufferAttachment | Abstract class that represents a framebuffer renderbuffer attachment, that is, a non-texture fbo attachment (wraps glFramebufferRenderbuffer() ) |
CFBOStencilBufferAttachment | A stencil renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject |
CFBOTexture1DAttachment | A 1D texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture1D() ) |
CFBOTexture2DAttachment | A 2D texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture2D() ) |
CFBOTexture3DAttachment | A 3D texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture3D() ) |
CFBOTextureAttachment | A texture renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTexture() ) |
CFBOTextureLayerAttachment | A texture layer renderbuffer to be attached to a FramebufferObject (wraps glFramebufferTextureLayer() ) |
CFileSystem | Manages multiple VirtualDirectory objects |
CFlags | Simple class to manage flags in a type safe manner |
CFlatManipulator | This class lets you pan (translate) and zoom a 2D scene using the mouse |
CFog | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glFog(), see also for more information |
CFont | A font to be used with a Text renderable |
CFontManager | Keeps a map associating a font path, size and smoothing flag to a Font object |
CFramebuffer | Defines an abstract 'surface' where OpenGL can render into |
CFramebufferObject | Implements a framebuffer object to be used as a rendering target as specified by the ARB_framebuffer_object extension |
CFrontFace | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glFrontFace(), see also for more information |
CFrustum | A set of planes defining a frustum used for culling purposes (frustum culling) |
CGeometry | Renderable that implements a polygonal mesh made of polygons, lines and points |
CGeometryLoadCallback | Defines a set of actions to be executed to a Geometry as soon as it is loaded |
CGhostCameraManipulator | UIEventListener that controls the position and orientation of a Camera |
CGlobalSettings | Global application settings controlling how Visualization Library behaves |
CGLSLFragmentShader | Wraps a GLSL fragment shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable fragment processor |
CGLSLGeometryShader | Wraps a GLSL geometry shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable geometry processor |
CGLSLProgram | Wraps a GLSL program to which you can bind vertex, fragment and geometry shaders |
CGLSLShader | For internal use only |
CGLSLTessControlShader | Wraps a GLSL tessellation control shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable tessellation processor in the control stage |
CGLSLTessEvaluationShader | Wraps a GLSL tessellation evaluation shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: this shader will run on the programmable tessellation processor in the evaluation stage |
CGLSLVertexShader | Wraps a GLSL vertex shader to be bound to a GLSLProgram: the shader this shader will run on the programmable vertex processor |
CGlyph | The Glyph associated to a character of a given Font |
CGZipCodec | VirtualFile that transparently encodes and decodes a stream of data using the GZip compression algorithm |
Chalf | Represents an half-precision floating point value |
CHint | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glHint(), see also for more information |
CImage | Implements a generic 1d, 2d, 3d and cubemap image that can have mipmaps |
CImagePBO | Represents a vl::Image with an associated Pixel Buffer Object |
CIMutex | An interface to implement simple platform-independent mutexes used to protect critical sections |
CIndexIterator | Wraps a IndexIteratorAbstract to iterate over the indices of a DrawCall |
CIndexIteratorAbstract | Abstract class used as base for all the index iterators specializations |
CIndexIteratorDrawArrays | Index iterator operating used by DrawArrays |
CIndexIteratorElements | Index iterator operating over DrawElements, DrawRangeElements and MultiDrawElements |
CInterpolator | Abstract class for all the interpolators |
CInterpolatorDouble | Abstract class that interpolates double values |
CInterpolatorDVec2 | Abstract class that interpolates vl::dvec2 values |
CInterpolatorDVec3 | Abstract class that interpolates vl::dvec3 values |
CInterpolatorDVec4 | Abstract class that interpolates vl::dvec4 values |
CInterpolatorFloat | Abstract class that interpolates float values |
CInterpolatorFVec2 | Abstract class that interpolates vl::fvec2 values |
CInterpolatorFVec3 | Abstract class that interpolates vl::fvec3 values |
CInterpolatorFVec4 | Abstract class that interpolates vl::fvec4 values |
CIVertexAttribSet | Abstract interface to manipulate OpenGL's vertex attribute arrays |
CKeyValues | A set of key/value pairs usually used to associate generic information, tags, attributes etc. to another class |
CLight | Wraps the OpenGL function glLight() |
CLightModel | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLightModel(), see also for more information |
CLinearInterpolator | The LinearInterpolator class is a template class that implements linear interpolation |
CLinearInterpolatorDouble | Interpolates double values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLinearInterpolatorDVec2 | Interpolates dvec2 values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLinearInterpolatorDVec3 | Interpolates dvec3 values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLinearInterpolatorDVec4 | Interpolates dvec4 values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLinearInterpolatorFloat | Interpolates float values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLinearInterpolatorFVec2 | Interpolates fvec2 values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLinearInterpolatorFVec3 | Interpolates fvec3 values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLinearInterpolatorFVec4 | Interpolates fvec4 values using a LinearInterpolator |
CLineStipple | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLineStipple(), see also for more information |
CLineWidth | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLineWidth(), see also for more information |
CLoadCallback | Defines an operation to be exectued to a ResourceDatabase as soon as its loaded, see also LoadWriterManager, WriteCallback |
CLoadWriter3DS | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading 3DS files |
CLoadWriterAC3D | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading AC3D files |
CLoadWriterBMP | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading BMP files |
►CLoadWriterDae | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading COLLADA files |
CLoadOptions | Loading options used by LoadWriterDae and DaeLoader |
CLoadWriterDAT | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading DAT files |
CLoadWriterDDS | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading DDS files |
CLoadWriterDICOM | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading DICOM files (.dcm, .dicom, .dic, .ima, .ph, .mag) using GDCM 2.0 library |
CLoadWriterJPG | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading JPG files |
CLoadWriterManager | Loads and writes resources using the registered ResourceLoadWriter objects |
CLoadWriterMD2 | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading MD2 files |
CLoadWriterMHD | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading MHD files |
CLoadWriterOBJ | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading OBJ files |
CLoadWriterPLY | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading PLY files |
CLoadWriterPNG | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading PNG files |
CLoadWriterSTL | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading STL files |
CLoadWriterTGA | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading TGA files |
CLoadWriterTIFF | ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading TIFF files |
CLODEvaluator | Abstract class to compute the appropriate LOD of an Actor or Effect |
CLog | Utility class to generate logs |
CLogicOp | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glLogicOp(), see also for more information |
CMarchingCubes | An efficient implementation of the Marching Cubes algorithm |
CMaterial | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glMaterial() and glColorMaterial(), see also and for more information |
CMatrix2 | The Matrix2 class is a template class that implements a generic 2x2 matrix, see also vl::dmat2, vl::fmat2, vl::umat2, vl::imat2 |
CMatrix3 | The Matrix3 class is a template class that implements a generic 3x3 matrix, see also vl::dmat3, vl::fmat3, vl::umat3, vl::imat3 |
CMatrix4 | The Matrix4 class is a template class that implements a generic 4x4 matrix, see also vl::dmat4, vl::fmat4, vl::umat4, vl::imat4 |
CMD5CheckSum | Computes the MD5 of a given buffer or VirtualFile |
CMemoryDirectory | A VirtualDirectory to manipulate directories stored in memory |
CMemoryFile | A VirtualFile to manipulate files stored in memory |
CMersenneTwister | |
CMolecule | Used to manage and render 3D molecular structures |
CMorphingCallback | Implements a simple morphing animation mechanism using the GPU acceleration where available |
CMultiDrawElements | Wrapper for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawElements() |
CMultiDrawElementsBase | Base interface for all MultiDrawElements* sub classes |
CMultiDrawElementsUByte | See MultiDrawElements |
CMultiDrawElementsUInt | See MultiDrawElements |
CMultiDrawElementsUShort | See MultiDrawElements |
CNaryQuickMap | Simple map used to add, remove, iterate, clear elements efficiently (all O(1)) |
CNormal | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glNormal(), see also for more information |
CObject | The base class for all the reference counted objects |
CObjLoader | Loads a Wavefront OBJ file |
CObjMaterial | Represents a Wavefront OBJ material as loaded from an MTL file. See also ObjLoader |
CObjMesh | Represents a Wavefront OBJ mesh. See also ObjLoader |
CObjTexture | Represents a Wavefront OBJ texture. See also ObjMaterial and ObjLoader |
COcclusionCullRenderer | Wraps a Renderer performing occlusion culling acceleration |
COpenGLContext | Represents an OpenGL context, possibly a widget or a pbuffer, which can also respond to keyboard, mouse or system events |
COpenGLContextFormat | Encapsulates the settings of an OpenGL rendering context |
CPatchParameter | Wrapper of glPatchParameter(), specifies the parameters for patch primitives, used by vl::DrawCall::setPatchParameter() |
CPixelLODEvaluator | A LODEvaluator that computes the appropriate LOD based on the approximate 2d area that an Actor covers on the screen |
CPixelTransfer | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPixelTransfer(), see also for more information |
CPlane | Defines a plane using a normal and an origin |
►CPlyLoader | Loads a PLY file |
CPlyElement | Used by PlyLoader |
CPlyPropertyAbstract | Used by PlyLoader |
CPlyScalar | Used by PlyLoader |
CPlyScalarList | Used by PlyLoader |
CPointParameter | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPointParameter(), see also for more information |
CPointSize | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPointSize(), see also for more information |
CPolygonMode | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPolygonMode(), see also for more information |
CPolygonOffset | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPolygonOffset(), see also for more information |
►CPolygonSimplifier | Reduces the amount of polygons present in a Geometry using a quadric error metric |
CQErr | The quadric error metric as defined by PolygonSimplifier |
CTriangle | A Triangle as defined by PolygonSimplifier |
CVertex | A Vertex as defined by PolygonSimplifier |
CPolygonStipple | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glPolygonStipple(), see also for more information |
CPortal | A planar convex polygon used to define the visibility from one Sector to another |
CProjViewTransfCallback | Callback class to update the state of the projection , view , transform and normal matrices of a GLSLProgram or fixed function pipeline |
CQtDirectory | A VirtualDirectory that uses Qt's QDir |
CQtFile | A VirtualFile that uses Qt's QFile |
CQuaternion | Implements a Quaternion usually used to represent rotations and orientations |
Cradian | Simple class representing quantities in radians, converts automatically to vl::degree and real |
CRandom | Cryptographic random number generator |
CRay | Defines a ray as an origin and direction using real precision |
CRaycastVolume | A ActorEventCallback used to render a volume using GPU raycasting |
CRayIntersection | The RayIntersection encapsulates all the information relative to a Ray/Actor intersection |
CRayIntersectionGeometry | The RayIntersectionGeometry encapsulates all the information relative to a Ray/Actor intersection, providing also extra information relative to the intersection on the Geometry in use by the Actor |
CRayIntersector | Used to detect the intersection points between a Ray and a set of Actor[s] |
CReadPixels | A RenderEventCallback that copyes a rectangular pixel area from a source buffer to an Image at the end of a rendering |
CRect | Implements the common functions of RectI and RectF |
CRectF | 2D rectangular area using float precision |
CRectI | 2D rectangular area using int precision |
Cref | The ref<> class is used to reference-count an Object |
CRenderable | An abstract class that represents all the objects that can be rendered |
CRenderer | Executes the actual rendering on the given RenderQueue |
CRendererAbstract | Base class providing all the basic funtionalities of a Renderer |
CRenderEventCallback | An abstract class used to react to rendering events |
CRendering | Collects all the information to perform the rendering of a scene |
CRenderingAbstract | Base of all the rendering related sub-classes |
CRenderingTree | Organizes a set of renderings into an N-ary tree |
CRenderQueue | Collects a list of RenderToken objects to be sorted and rendered |
CRenderQueueSorter | Abstract base class of all the algorithms used to sort a set of RenderToken |
CRenderQueueSorterAggressive | Sorts the RenderTokens by Effect rank -> Actor rank -> blending on/off -> Z distance form the Camera -> GLSL program -> render state set -> enable set -> texture set -> light set -> Shader pointer -> Renderable pointer |
CRenderQueueSorterBasic | Sorts the RenderTokens by their Effect rank -> Actor rank -> Shader pointer -> Renderable pointer |
CRenderQueueSorterByRenderable | Sorts the RenderTokens by their Renderable pointer |
CRenderQueueSorterByShader | Sorts the RenderTokens by their Shader pointer |
CRenderQueueSorterOcclusion | Implements a RenderQueueSorter that maximizes the z-buffer test efficiency as much as possible |
CRenderQueueSorterStandard | Implements the default RenderQueueSorter |
CRenderState | Base class for most of the OpenGL render state wrapper classes |
CRenderStateIndexed | Base class for those render states which have more than one binding points like lights, clipping planes and texture unit states |
CRenderStateNonIndexed | Base class for those render states which have only one binding point (the vast majority) |
CRenderStateSet | A set of RenderState objects managed by a Shader |
CRenderStateSlot | |
CRenderToken | Internally used by the rendering engine |
CResourceDatabase | And manipulates a set of resources |
CResourceLoadWriter | Abstract class used to implement read/write support for one or more resource types |
CRingExtractor | Traverses a molecule's graph and detects various types of cycles, mainly used for aromatic ring detection |
CSampleCoverage | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glSampleCoverage(), see also for more information |
CSay | A simple String formatting class |
CSayArg | Used internally by the Say class |
CSceneManager | Base class for all the scene managers |
CSceneManagerActorKdTree | A SceneManagerBVH that implements its spatial partitioning strategy using an ActorKdTree |
CSceneManagerActorTree | A SceneManagerBVH that implements its spatial partitioning strategy using an ActorTree |
CSceneManagerBVH | The SceneManagerBVH class implements the basic functionalities for bounding-volume-hierarchy based scene managers |
CSceneManagerPortals | The SceneManagerPortals calss implements a portal-based hidden surface removal algorithm to efficently render highly occluded scenes |
CSceneManagerVectorGraphics | SceneManager that contains VectorGraphics objects |
CScissor | Wraps the OpenGL function glScissor(), see for more information |
CScopedMutex | A class that locks the specified mutex when constructed and unlocks it when destructed |
CSecondaryColor | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glSecondaryColor(), see also for more information |
►CSector | Defines an area containg a set if Actors that is connected to other Sector[s] through its Portal[s] |
CVisibilityCallback | A callback object called each time a Sector becomes visible through a Portal |
CShadeModel | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glShadeModel(), see also for more information |
CShader | Manages most of the OpenGL rendering states responsible of the final aspect of the rendered objects |
CShaderAnimator | Callback object used to update/animate a Shader during the rendering |
►CShaderNode | Used to conveniently manage complex hierarchies of Shader[s] |
CEnableInfo | ShaderNode's representation of an enable |
CRenderStateInfo | ShaderNode's representation of a RenderState |
CUniformInfo | ShaderNode's representation of a Uniform |
CShaderPasses | A sequence of Shader objects each of which represent a rendering pass |
CSlicedVolume | A ActorEventCallback used to render a volume using viewport aligned slices |
CSphere | Defines a sphere using a center and a radius using vl::real precision |
CStandardLog | Outputs the log messages on the stdout device and optionally also on a specified file |
CStencilFunc | Wraps the OpenGL functions glStencilFunc() and glStencilFuncSeparate(), see also and for more information |
CStencilMask | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glStencilMask() and glStencilMaskSeparate(), see also and for more information |
CStencilOp | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glStencilOp() and glStencilOpSeparate(), see also and for more information |
CStereoCamera | Utility class to setup a pair of left/right cameras for stereo rendering |
CSTLLoader | Loads an STL file |
CString | Implements an advanced UTF16 (Unicode BMP) string manipulation engine |
CTerrain | Implements a ActorKdTree-based terrain scene manager |
CTessellator | Tessellates a complex polygon defined by a set of outlines into a set of triangles that can be rendered by Visualization Library |
CTexEnv | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glTexEnv(), see also for more information |
CTexGen | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glTexGen(), see also for more information |
CTexParameter | Wraps the OpenGL function glTexParameter(), see also for more information |
CText | A Renderable that renders text with a given Font |
CTextStream | Can be used to conveniently read or parse utf8-encoded text files |
►CTexture | Wraps an OpenGL texture object representing and managing all the supported texture types |
CSetupParams | SetupParams wraps all the parameters needed to crate a Texture |
CTextureMatrix | Uses a 4x4 matrix to transform the texture coordinates of a texture unit |
CTextureSampler | Associates a Texture object to an OpenGL texture unit |
CTime | Simple class to be used as a timer and to retrieve the current time and date |
CTrackballManipulator | This class lets you rotate a Camera or a Transform node using a virtual trackball |
CTransform | Implements a 4x4 matrix transform used to define the position and orientation of an Actor |
CTriangleIterator | Iterator used to extract the indices of every single triangle of a DrawCall regardless of the primitive type |
CTriangleIteratorAbstract | For internal use only |
CTriangleIteratorDirect | For internal use only |
CTriangleIteratorIndexed | For internal use only |
CTriangleIteratorMulti | For internal use only |
CTriangleStripGenerator | Used to substitute lists of triangles or quads with triangle strips |
CTypeInfo | Represents a class type |
CUIEventListener | Listens to the events emitted by an OpenGLContext |
CUniform | Wraps an OpenGL Shading Language uniform to be associated to a GLSLProgram (see vl::GLSLProgram documentation) |
CUniformSet | A set of Uniform objects managed by a Shader |
CUUID | Simple implementation of a 16 bytes Universally Unique ID based on |
CVector2 | The Vector2 class is a template class that implements a generic 2 components vector, see also vl::fvec2, vl::dvec2, vl::uvec2, vl::ivec2, vl::svec2, vl::usvec2, vl::bvec2, vl::ubvec2 |
CVector3 | The Vector3 class is a template class that implements a generic 3 components vector, see also vl::fvec3, vl::dvec3, vl::uvec3, vl::ivec3, vl::svec3, vl::usvec3, vl::bvec3, vl::ubvec3 |
CVector4 | The Vector4 class is a template class that implements a generic 4 components vector, see also vl::fvec4, vl::dvec4, vl::uvec4, vl::ivec4, vl::svec4, vl::usvec4, vl::bvec4, vl::ubvec4 |
CVectorGraphics | Used in conjuction with SceneManagerVectorGraphics to generate and render 2D vector graphics |
CVertexAttrib | RenderState wrapping the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib(), see also for more information |
CVertexMapper | Generates a set of new vertices from the old one |
CViewport | Implements the viewport and clearing settings associated to a Camera |
CVirtualDirectory | Abstact class representing a directory of files |
CVirtualFile | An abstract class representing a file |
CVisualizationLibrary | Used to initialize/shutdown VisualizationLibrary and to access important global data |
CVolume | Defines the volume data to be used with a MarchingCube object |
CVolumeInfo | Defines the volume parameters to be used with a MarchingCube and Volume object |
►CVolumePlot | Generates a 3D plot with labels and isosurface. The isosurface is generated using the MarchingCubes algorithm |
CFunction | A function to be used with VolumePlot |
CWriteCallback | Defines an operation to be exectued to a ResourceDatabase just before it is written, see also LoadWriterManager, LoadCallback |
CZippedDirectory | A VirtualDirectory capable of reading files from a .zip file |
CZippedFile | A VirtualFile used to read a file contained in a .zip archive |
CZippedFileInfo | Collects the information about a ZippedFile |
►NvlEGL | The experimental EGL bindings namespace |
CEGLWindow | EGLContext that can be used as a top or child window |
►NvlGLFW | The GLFW bindings namespace |
CGLFWWindow | Implements an OpenGLContext using the GLFW API |
►NvlGLUT | The GLUT bindings namespace |
CGLUTWindow | Implements an OpenGLContext using the GLUT API |
►NvlMFC | The MFC bindings namespace |
CMDIWindow | MFC CView with the functionalities of a Win32Context (experimental) |
CMFCWindow | MFC CWnd with the functionalities of a Win32Context |
►NvlQt4 | The Qt4 bindings namespace |
CQt4Widget | Implements an OpenGLContext using the Qt4 API |
►NvlQt5 | The Qt5 bindings namespace |
CQt5Widget | Implements an OpenGLContext using the Qt5 API |
►NvlSDL | The SDL bindings namespace |
CSDLWindow | Implements an OpenGLContext using the SDL API |
►NvlWin32 | The Win32 bindings namespace |
CWin32Context | Implements an OpenGLContext using the Win32 API |
CWin32Window | Win32Context that can be used as a top or child window |
►NvlWX | The wxWidgets bindings namespace |
CWXGLCanvas | Implements a vl::OpenGLContext using the wxWidgets library |
►NvlX | |
CClassWrapper | Base cass for all class wrappers implementing the translation to/from its VLX representation |
CLinker | Links several VLX hierachies also resolving IDs across them |
CLoadWriterVLX | A vl::ResourceLoadWriter capable of reading Visualization Library's VLT and VLB files |
CParser | Base class for VLX parsers |
CParserVLB | Parses a VLT file translating it into a VLX hierarchy |
CParserVLT | Parses a VLT file translating it into a VLX hierarchy |
CRegistry | Registry of vl::ClassWrapper objects, used by vl::VLXSerializer, see also vl::defVLXRegistry() |
CVisitor | Base class for all visitors visiting a VLX hierarchy |
CVisitorExportToVLB | Translates a VLX hierarchy into VLB format writing to the provided VirtualFile |
CVisitorExportToVLT | Translates a VLX hierarchy into VLT notation |
CVisitorIDCounter | Counts the number of occurrencies of each ID |
CVisitorLinker | Substitutes IDs into VLXStructures using the provided link map |
CVisitorLinkMapper | Compiles the link-map which associates a VLXStructure to it's ID, to be used later by other visitors |
CVLTToken | A token of information as defined by VLT specification |
CVLTTokenizer | Tokenizer used to parse VLT files |
CVLXArray | Base class for all arrays of VLX values |
CVLXArrayInteger | An array of 64 bits integers, can also have a tag |
CVLXArrayReal | An array of 64 bits floating point numbers, can also have a tag |
CVLXArrayTemplate | A templated VLXArray |
CVLXClassWrapper_Actor | VLX wrapper of vl::Actor |
CVLXClassWrapper_ActorEventCallback | VLX wrapper of vl::DepthSortCallback |
CVLXClassWrapper_Array | VLX wrapper of vl::Array |
CVLXClassWrapper_Camera | VLX wrapper of vl::Camera |
CVLXClassWrapper_ClipPlane | VLX wrapper of vl::ClipPlane |
CVLXClassWrapper_Color | VLX wrapper of vl::Color |
CVLXClassWrapper_DrawCall | VLX wrapper of vl::DrawCall and subclasses |
CVLXClassWrapper_Effect | VLX wrapper of vl::Effect |
CVLXClassWrapper_Geometry | VLX wrapper of vl::Geometry |
CVLXClassWrapper_GLSLProgram | VLX wrapper of vl::GLSLProgram |
CVLXClassWrapper_GLSLShader | VLX wrapper of vl::GLSLVertexShader, vl::GLSLFragmentShader, vl::GLSLGeometryShader, vl::GLSLTessControlShader, vl::GLSLTessEvaluationShader |
CVLXClassWrapper_Light | VLX wrapper of vl::Light |
CVLXClassWrapper_LODEvaluator | VLX wrapper of vl::DistanceLODEvaluator and vl::PixelLODEvaluator |
CVLXClassWrapper_Material | VLX wrapper of vl::Material |
CVLXClassWrapper_Normal | VLX wrapper of vl::Normal |
CVLXClassWrapper_PatchParameter | VLX wrapper of vl::PatchParameter |
CVLXClassWrapper_Renderable | VLX wrapper of vl::Renderable |
CVLXClassWrapper_ResourceDatabase | VLX wrapper of vl::ResourceDatabase |
CVLXClassWrapper_SecondaryColor | VLX wrapper of vl::SecondaryColor |
CVLXClassWrapper_Shader | VLX wrapper of vl::Shader |
CVLXClassWrapper_TexParameter | VLX wrapper of vl::TexParameter |
CVLXClassWrapper_Texture | VLX wrapper of vl::Texture |
CVLXClassWrapper_TextureSampler | VLX wrapper of vl::TextureSampler |
CVLXClassWrapper_Transform | VLX wrapper of vl::Transform |
CVLXClassWrapper_Uniform | VLX wrapper of vl::Uniform |
CVLXClassWrapper_VertexAttrib | VLX wrapper of vl::VertexAttrib |
CVLXClassWrapper_Viewport | VLX wrapper of vl::Viewport |
CVLXList | A simple sequence of VLXValue objects, can also have a tag |
CVLXRawtextBlock | A block of raw text |
CVLXSerializer | Translates an arbitrary set of vl::Object (and subclasses) into VLB and VLT format |
►CVLXStructure | A list of key/VLXValue pairs, can also have a tag |
CKeyValue | Key/value pair used by VLXStructure |
CVLXTaggedValue | Base class for VLX values with a tag |
CVLXValue | Wrapper for all VLX value types |
Visualization Library 2.0.0 Reference Documentation
Updated on Wed Dec 23 2020 12:44:14.
© Copyright Michele Bosi. All rights reserved.