32 #ifndef Win32_Window_INCLUDE_ONCE 33 #define Win32_Window_INCLUDE_ONCE 54 static LONG WINAPI WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
62 bool initWin32GLWindow(HWND parent, HGLRC share_context,
const vl::String& title,
const vl::OpenGLContextFormat& fmt,
int x=0,
int y=0,
int width=640,
int height=480);
65 void destroyWin32GLWindow();
const {
return mHWND; }
const {
return mStyle; }
99 static const std::map< HWND, Win32Window* >&
winMap() {
return mWinMap; }
102 static std::map< HWND, Win32Window* >
VLWIN32_EXPORT void peekMessage(MSG &msg)
The Win32Window class is a Win32Context that can be used as a top or child window.
The String class implements an advanced UTF16 (Unicode BMP) string manipulation engine.
const wchar_t * windowClassName() const
Specifies the value given to the lpClassName parameter passed to CreateWindowEx.
void setExStyle(DWORD ex_style)
The dwStyle parameter passed to the Win32 function CreateWindowEx.
The OpenGLContextFormat class encapsulates the settings of an OpenGL rendering context.
VLWIN32_EXPORT int messageLoop()
DWORD exStyle() const
The dwStyle parameter passed to the Win32 function CreateWindowEx.
VLWIN32_EXPORT void dispatchUpdate()
void setStyle(DWORD style)
The dwExStyle parameter passed to the Win32 function CreateWindowEx.
const wchar_t * mWindowClassName
void setWindowClassName(const wchar_t *name)
Specifies the value given to the lpClassName parameter passed to CreateWindowEx.
DWORD style() const
The dwExStyle parameter passed to the Win32 function CreateWindowEx.
The Win32Context class implements an OpenGLContext using the Win32 API.
static std::map< HWND, Win32Window *> mWinMap
VLWIN32_EXPORT void translateKeyEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, unsigned short &unicode_out, vl::EKey &key_out)
static const std::map< HWND, Win32Window *> & winMap()
The Win32 bindings namespace.