Visualization Library 2.1.0
A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics
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This is the complete list of members for vl::String, including all inherited members.
acquireData() const | vl::String | inline |
append(const String &other) | vl::String | |
append(wchar_t ch, int count=1) | vl::String | |
clear() | vl::String | inline |
compare(const String &other) const | vl::String | |
contains(wchar_t ch) const | vl::String | |
contains(const String &str) const | vl::String | |
count(wchar_t ch, int start=0) const | vl::String | |
count(const String &str, int start=0) const | vl::String | |
createData() const | vl::String | inlineprotected |
detectEncoding(const void *str, int byte_count, EStringEncoding encoding=VL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_ENCODING) | vl::String | static |
empty() const | vl::String | inline |
endsWith(const String &str) const | vl::String | |
endsWith(wchar_t ch) const | vl::String | |
extractFileExtension(bool require_dot=true) const | vl::String | |
extractFileName() const | vl::String | |
extractPath() const | vl::String | |
field(wchar_t separator, int field_index) const | vl::String | |
fill(wchar_t ch) | vl::String | |
filterStrings(std::vector< String > &strings, const String &filter) | vl::String | static |
find(wchar_t ch, int start=0) const | vl::String | |
find(const String &substr, int start=0) const | vl::String | |
findBackwards(wchar_t ch) const | vl::String | |
findBackwards(const String &str) const | vl::String | |
findInLargeText(const String &substr, int start=0) const | vl::String | |
fromAscii(const char *str, int size=-1) | vl::String | static |
fromDouble(double value, int decimals=6) | vl::String | static |
fromInt(int value) | vl::String | static |
fromLatin1(const char *str, int character_count=-1) | vl::String | static |
fromLongLong(long long value) | vl::String | static |
fromPointer(const void *value) | vl::String | static |
fromStdString(const std::string &str, bool utf8=true) | vl::String | static |
fromStdWString(const std::wstring &str) | vl::String | static |
fromUInt(unsigned int value) | vl::String | static |
fromULongLong(unsigned long long value) | vl::String | static |
fromUTF16(const unsigned short *str, int byte_count=-1) | vl::String | static |
fromUTF16BE(const unsigned short *str, int byte_count=-1) | vl::String | static |
fromUTF16LE(const unsigned short *str, int byte_count=-1) | vl::String | static |
fromUTF8(const char *str, int byte_count=-1) | vl::String | static |
getLowerCase(unsigned short ch) | vl::String | static |
getTitleCase(unsigned short ch) | vl::String | static |
getUpperCase(unsigned short ch) | vl::String | static |
insert(int pos, const String &str) | vl::String | |
insert(int pos, wchar_t ch, int count=1) | vl::String | |
left(int count) const | vl::String | |
length() const | vl::String | inline |
loadText(const String &path, EStringEncoding encoding=VL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_ENCODING) | vl::String | static |
loadText(const char *path, EStringEncoding encoding=VL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_ENCODING) | vl::String | inlinestatic |
loadText(VirtualFile *file, EStringEncoding encoding=VL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_ENCODING) | vl::String | static |
loadText(void *data, int bytes, EStringEncoding encoding=VL_PLATFORM_DEFAULT_ENCODING) | vl::String | static |
normalizeSlashes() | vl::String | |
null() const | vl::String | inline |
operator!=(const String &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator!=(const std::string &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator!=(const std::wstring &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator!=(const char *other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator!=(const wchar_t *other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator+(wchar_t ch) const | vl::String | inline |
operator+(const String &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator+=(wchar_t ch) | vl::String | inline |
operator+=(const String &other) | vl::String | inline |
operator<(const String &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator=(const char *str) | vl::String | inline |
operator=(const std::string &str) | vl::String | inline |
operator=(const wchar_t *wstr) | vl::String | inline |
operator=(const std::wstring &str) | vl::String | inline |
operator=(const String &other) | vl::String | inline |
operator==(const String &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator==(const std::string &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator==(const std::wstring &other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator==(const char *other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator==(const wchar_t *other) const | vl::String | inline |
operator[](int i) const | vl::String | inline |
operator[](int i) | vl::String | inline |
platformSlash() | vl::String | inlinestatic |
prepend(const String &str) | vl::String | |
prepend(wchar_t ch, int count) | vl::String | |
printf(const char *fmt,...) | vl::String | static |
ptr() const | vl::String | inline |
ptr() | vl::String | inline |
remove(wchar_t ch, int start=0, int count=-1) | vl::String | |
remove(const String &str, int start=0, int count=-1) | vl::String | |
remove(int start, int count) | vl::String | |
replace(wchar_t old_ch, wchar_t new_ch) | vl::String | |
replace(int start, int count, wchar_t ch) | vl::String | |
replace(int start, int count, const String &str) | vl::String | |
replace(const String &oldstr, const String &newstr, bool case_sensitive=true) | vl::String | |
resize(int character_count) | vl::String | |
reverse() | vl::String | |
right(int count) const | vl::String | |
split(wchar_t separator, std::vector< String > &fields, bool remove_empty_fields=false) const | vl::String | |
split(const String &separator_list, std::vector< String > &fields, bool remove_empty_fields=false) const | vl::String | |
splitLines(std::vector< String > &lines) const | vl::String | |
squeeze() | vl::String | |
startsWith(const String &str) const | vl::String | |
startsWith(wchar_t ch) const | vl::String | |
String() | vl::String | |
String(const String &other) | vl::String | |
String(const wchar_t *wstr) | vl::String | |
String(const char *str) | vl::String | |
String(const std::string &str) | vl::String | inline |
String(const std::wstring &str) | vl::String | inline |
String(wchar_t ch, int count=1) | vl::String | explicit |
substring(int start, int count=-1) const | vl::String | |
toAscii(std::string &ascii, bool translate_non_ascii_chars=true) const | vl::String | |
toDouble() const | vl::String | |
toFloat() const | vl::String | inline |
toInt(bool hex=false) const | vl::String | |
toLatin1(std::vector< unsigned char > &latin1) const | vl::String | |
toLowerCase() const | vl::String | |
toStdString() const | vl::String | |
toStdWString() const | vl::String | |
toUpperCase() const | vl::String | |
toUTF16BE(std::vector< unsigned char > &utf16, bool include_utf16be_signature=true) const | vl::String | |
toUTF16LE(std::vector< unsigned char > &utf16, bool include_utf16le_signature=true) const | vl::String | |
toUTF8(std::vector< unsigned char > &utf8, bool include_utf8_signature=true) const | vl::String | |
toUTF8(std::string &utf8, bool include_utf8_signature=true) const | vl::String | |
trim(wchar_t ch) | vl::String | |
trim(const String &chars) | vl::String | |
trim() | vl::String | |
trimStdString(const std::string &text) | vl::String | static |
Visualization Library 2.1.0 Reference Documentation
Updated on Wed Mar 10 2021 16:02:54.
© Copyright Michele Bosi. All rights reserved.