Visualization Library 2.1.0

A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics

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GeometryPrimitives.hpp File Reference
#include <vlCore/Vector4.hpp>
#include <vlGraphics/Geometry.hpp>
#include <vlCore/Colors.hpp>

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 Visualization Library main namespace.


enum  vl::ECapsuleCap { vl::CC_FlatCap, vl::CC_RoundedCap, vl::CC_NoCap }


VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeBox (const vec3 &origin, real xside=1, real yside=1, real zside=1, bool tex_coords=true)
 Creates a box. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeBox (const vec3 &min, const vec3 &max, bool tex_coords=true)
 Creates a box. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeBox (const AABB &aabb, bool tex_coords=true)
 Creates a box. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeCone (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, real height=1, int phi=20, bool bottom=true)
 Creates a cone. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makePyramid (const vec3 &origin, real side=1, real height=1)
 Creates a pyramid. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeIcosahedron (const vec3 &origin, real diameter)
 Creates an icosahedron. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeIcosphere (const vec3 &pos, real diameter=1, int detail=2, bool remove_doubles=true)
 Creates a sphere by iteratively subdividing an icosahedron. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeUVSphere (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, int phi=20, int theta=20)
 Creates a uv sphere. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeCylinder (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, real height=1, int phi=20, int theta=2, bool top=true, bool bottom=true)
 Creates a cylinder. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeTorus (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, real thickness=0.2, int phi=10, int theta=10, float tex_coords=0.0f)
 Creates torus. This function generates also appropriate normals. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeCapsule (float radius, float height, int segments, ECapsuleCap top_cap, ECapsuleCap bottom_cap, const fvec4 &top_col, const fvec4 &bottom_col)
 Creates a 3d capsule with rounded, flat or no caps. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeTeapot (const vec3 &origin, real diameter=1, int detail=8)
 Creates a classic Newell's teapot. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeGrid (const vec3 &origin, real xside, real zside, int x, int z, bool gen_texcoords=false, fvec2 uv0=fvec2(0, 0), fvec2 uv1=fvec2(1, 1), bool center=true)
 Creates a 2D grid. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makePoints (const std::vector< vec3 > &pos, const fvec4 &color=white)
 Creates a set of points. More...
VLGRAPHICS_EXPORT ref< Geometryvl::makeCircle (vec3 origin, real radius, int slices=60)
 Creates a 2D circle. More...