Visualization Library 2.1.0

A lightweight C++ OpenGL middleware for 2D/3D graphics

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vlEGL::EGLWindow Class Reference

The EGLWindow class is a EGLContext that can be used as a top or child window. More...

#include <EGLWindow.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for vlEGL::EGLWindow:

Public Member Functions

 EGLWindow ()
 ~EGLWindow ()
void swapBuffers ()
 Swaps the back and front buffers to present the last rendering. More...
void makeCurrent ()
 Sets the OpenGL context as current for the calling thread. More...
void update ()
 If the OpenGLContext is a widget this function requests a redraw and generates an updateEvent(). More...
void quitApplication ()
 Asks to the windowing system that is managing the OpenGLContext to quit the application. More...
void setMouseVisible (bool visible)
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets whether the mouse is visible over it or not. More...
void setPosition (int x, int y)
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets its position. More...
void setSize (int w, int h)
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets its size. More...
void setWindowSize (int w, int h)
vl::ivec2 position () const
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function returns its position. More...
vl::ivec2 windowSize () const
vl::ivec2 size () const
void setWindowTitle (const vl::String &title)
 If the OpenGL context is a top window this function sets its title. More...
void show ()
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function makes it visible to the user. More...
void hide ()
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function makes it invisible to the user. More...
void getFocus ()
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function requests the mouse focus on it. More...
void setMousePosition (int x, int y)
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets the mouse position. More...
bool initEGLWindow (HWND parent, const vl::String &title, const vl::OpenGLContextFormat &fmt, int x=0, int y=0, int width=640, int height=480)
 Initializes a new EGL window with a new OpenGL rendering context. More...
void destroyEGLGLWindow ()
 Destroys the window and the OpenGL rendering context. More...
HWND hwnd () const
DWORD style () const
 The dwExStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx. More...
void setStyle (DWORD style)
 The dwExStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx. More...
DWORD exStyle () const
 The dwStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx. More...
void setExStyle (DWORD ex_style)
 The dwStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx. More...
const wchar_t * windowClassName () const
 Specifies the value given to the lpClassName parameter passed to CreateWindowEx. More...
void setWindowClassName (const wchar_t *name)
 Specifies the value given to the lpClassName parameter passed to CreateWindowEx. More...
const EGLDisplay & eglDisplay () const
const EGLContext & eglContext () const
const EGLSurface & eglSurface () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from vl::OpenGLContext
 OpenGLContext (int w=0, int h=0)
 Constructor. More...
 ~OpenGLContext ()
 Destructor. More...
bool initGLContext (bool log=true)
 Initializes the supported OpenGL extensions. More...
void logOpenGLInfo ()
 Logs some information about the OpenGL context. More...
const std::string & extensions () const
 Returns the list of OpenGL extensions supported separated by '|' characters. More...
bool isExtensionSupported (const char *ext_name)
 Returns true if the given extension is supported. More...
void * getProcAddress (const char *function_name)
 Returns the address of an OpenGL extension function. More...
FramebufferObjectleftFramebuffer ()
 The render target representing the default left framebuffer. More...
const FramebufferObjectleftFramebuffer () const
 The render target representing the default left framebuffer. More...
FramebufferObjectrightFramebuffer ()
 The render target representing the default right framebuffer (if a stereo OpenGL context is present). More...
const FramebufferObjectrightFramebuffer () const
 The render target representing the default right framebuffer (if a stereo OpenGL context is present). More...
FramebufferObjectframebuffer ()
 The default render target (always returns leftFramebuffer()). More...
const FramebufferObjectframebuffer () const
 The default render target (always returns leftFramebuffer()). More...
FramebufferObjectcreateFramebufferObject ()
 Equivalent to "createFramebufferObject(0,0);". More...
FramebufferObjectcreateFramebufferObject (int width, int height, EReadDrawBuffer draw_buffer=RDB_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, EReadDrawBuffer read_buffer=RDB_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0)
 Creates a new FramebufferObject (framebuffer object FramebufferObject). More...
void destroyFramebufferObject (FramebufferObject *fbort)
 Destroys the specified FramebufferObject. More...
void destroyAllFramebufferObjects ()
 Removes all FramebufferObjects belonging to an OpenGLContext. More...
void destroyAllOpenGLResources ()
 Removes all OpenGL resources handled by the OpenGLContext. More...
virtual bool setFullscreen (bool)
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function requests a maximization to fullscreen. More...
virtual bool fullscreen () const
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function returns whether it has been maximized to fullscreen. More...
int width () const
 Returns the width in pixels of an OpenGLContext. More...
int height () const
 Returns the height in pixels of an OpenGLContext. More...
virtual bool mouseVisible () const
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function returns whether the mouse is visible over it or not. More...
void setVSyncEnabled (bool enable)
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function enabled/disables double buffer swapping to the monitor's vertical synch. More...
bool vsyncEnabled () const
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function returns whether vsync is enabled or not. More...
virtual void setContinuousUpdate (bool continuous)
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets whether its area is continuously updated at each frame. More...
bool continuousUpdate () const
 If the OpenGL context is a widget this function returns whether its area is continuously updated at each frame. More...
void addEventListener (UIEventListener *el)
 Adds an UIEventListener to be notified of OpenGLContext related events. More...
void removeEventListener (UIEventListener *el)
 Removes an UIEventListener. More...
void eraseAllEventListeners ()
 Removes all UIEventListener previously registered. More...
const std::vector< ref< UIEventListener > > & eventListeners () const
 The currently UIEventListener registered to be notified of OpenGLContext related events. More...
const UIEventListenereventListener (int i) const
 Returns the i-th UIEventListener registered to an OpenGLContext. More...
UIEventListenereventListener (int i)
 Returns the i-th UIEventListener registered to an OpenGLContext. More...
int eventListenerCount () const
 Returns the number of UIEventListener registered to an OpenGLContext. More...
const OpenGLContextFormatopenglContextInfo () const
 Returns an OpenGLContextFormat structure describing an OpenGLContext. More...
void setOpenGLContextInfo (const OpenGLContextFormat &info)
 Sets the OpenGLContextFormat associated to an OpenGLContext. More...
void ignoreNextMouseMoveEvent ()
 Requests not to dispatch the next mouse move event. More...
void dispatchResizeEvent (int w, int h)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::resizeEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchMouseMoveEvent (int x, int y)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::mouseMoveEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchMouseUpEvent (EMouseButton button, int x, int y)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::mouseUpEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchMouseDownEvent (EMouseButton button, int x, int y)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::mouseDownEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchMouseWheelEvent (int n)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::mouseWheelEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchKeyPressEvent (unsigned short unicode_ch, EKey key)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::keyPressEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchKeyReleaseEvent (unsigned short unicode_ch, EKey key)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::keyReleaseEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchDestroyEvent ()
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::destroyEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener(s), calls destroyAllOpenGLResources() and eraseAllEventListeners() This event must be issued just before the actual GL context is destroyed. More...
void dispatchUpdateEvent ()
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::updateEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchVisibilityEvent (bool visible)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::visibilityEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchInitEvent ()
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::initEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
void dispatchFileDroppedEvent (const std::vector< String > &files)
 Dispatches the UIEventListener::fileDroppedEvent() notification to the subscribed UIEventListener objects. More...
const std::set< EKey > & keyboard () const
 Returns the std::set containing the currently pressed keys. More...
bool isKeyPressed (EKey key) const
 Returns true if the given key is pressed. More...
void keyPress (EKey key)
 Inserts the specified key in the set of currently active keys - For internal use only. More...
void keyRelease (EKey key)
 Removes the specified key from the set of currently active keys - For internal use only. More...
bool isInitialized () const
 Returns true if the OpenGLContext is in an initialized state. More...
int vertexAttribCount () const
 The number (clamped to VA_MaxAttribCount) of generic vertex attributes as returned by glGet(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS) More...
int textureImageUnitCount () const
 The number (clamped to VL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS) of texture image units supported by the current hardware. More...
int textureCoordCount () const
 The number (clamped to VL_MAX_LEGACY_TEXTURE_UNITS) of fixed function pipeline texture units supported by the current hardware. More...
bool hasDoubleBuffer () const
 Returns true if an OpenGLContext supports double buffering. More...
void useGLSLProgram (const GLSLProgram *glsl)
 Activates the given GLSLProgram or unbinds the current one if glsl is NULL. More...
void bindVAS (const IVertexAttribSet *vas, bool use_vbo, bool force)
 Activates the specified vertex attribute set - For internal use only. More...
void bindVAS_Attribs (const IVertexAttribSet *vas, bool use_vbo)
void bindVAS_Fixed (const IVertexAttribSet *vas, bool use_vbo)
void bindVAS_Reset ()
void applyEnables (const EnableSet *cur)
 Applies an EnableSet to an OpenGLContext - Typically for internal use only. More...
void applyRenderStates (const RenderStateSet *cur, const Camera *camera)
 Applies a RenderStateSet to an OpenGLContext - Typically for internal use only. More...
void resetEnables ()
 Resets all the interanal enable-tables - For internal use only. More...
void resetRenderStates ()
 Resets all the interanal render-states-tables - For internal use only. More...
void setDefaultRenderState (const RenderStateSlot &rs_slot)
 Defines the default render state slot to be used by the opengl context. More...
const RenderStateSlotdefaultRenderState (ERenderState rs)
 Returns the default render state slot used by VL when a specific render state type is left undefined. More...
void resetContextStates (EResetContextStates start_or_finish)
 Resets the OpenGL states necessary to begin and finish a rendering. - For internal use only. More...
void setTexUnitBinding (int unit_i, ETextureDimension target)
 Declares that texture unit unit_i is currently bound to the specified texture target. - For internal use only. More...
ETextureDimension texUnitBinding (int unit_i) const
 Returnes the texture target currently active for the specified texture unit. - For internal use only. More...
const GLSLProgramglslProgram () const
GLSLProgramglslProgram ()
bool isCleanState (bool verbose)
 Checks whether the OpenGL state is clean or not. More...
const fvec3normal () const
const fvec4color () const
const fvec3secondaryColor () const
const fvec4vertexAttribValue (int i) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from vl::Object
 Object ()
 Constructor. More...
 Object (const Object &other)
 Copy constructor: copies the name, ref count mutex and user data. More...
Objectoperator= (const Object &other)
 Copy operator: copies the object's name, ref count mutex and user data. More...
const std::string & objectName () const
 The name of the object, by default set to the object's class name. More...
void setObjectName (const char *name)
 The name of the object, by default set to the object's class name in debug builds. More...
void setObjectName (const std::string &name)
 The name of the object, by default set to the object's class name in debug builds. More...
void setRefCountMutex (IMutex *mutex)
 The mutex used to protect the reference counting of an Object across multiple threads. More...
IMutexrefCountMutex ()
 The mutex used to protect the reference counting of an Object across multiple threads. More...
const IMutexrefCountMutex () const
 The mutex used to protect the reference counting of an Object across multiple threads. More...
int referenceCount () const
 Returns the number of references of an object. More...
void incReference () const
 Increments the reference count of an object. More...
void decReference ()
 Decrements the reference count of an object and deletes it if both automaticDelete() is true the count reaches 0. More...
void setAutomaticDelete (bool autodel_on)
 If set to true the Object is deleted when its reference count reaches 0. More...
bool automaticDelete () const
 If set to true the Object is deleted when its reference count reaches 0. More...
template<class T >
T * as ()
 Casts an Object to the specified class. More...
template<class T >
const T * as () const
 Casts an Object to the specified class. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static LONG WINAPI WindowProc (HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
static EGLWindowgetWindow (HWND hWnd)
 Returns when a WM_QUIT message is sent or when no more windows are alive. More...
static const std::map< HWND, EGLWindow *> & winMap ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vl::OpenGLContext
static bool areUniformsColliding (const UniformSet *u1, const UniformSet *u2)
 Returns true if the two UniformSet contain at least one Uniform variable with the same name. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const wchar_t * EGLWindowClassName = L"VisualizationLibraryWindowClass"

Protected Attributes

int mMouseDownCount
DWORD mStyle
DWORD mExStyle
const wchar_t * mWindowClassName
EGLDisplay mEGL_Display
EGLContext mEGL_Context
EGLSurface mEGL_Surface
- Protected Attributes inherited from vl::OpenGLContext
ref< FramebufferObjectmLeftFramebuffer
ref< FramebufferObjectmRightFramebuffer
std::vector< ref< FramebufferObject > > mFramebufferObject
std::vector< ref< UIEventListener > > mEventListeners
std::set< EKeymKeyboard
OpenGLContextFormat mGLContextInfo
int mVertexAttribCount
int mTextureImageUnitCount
int mTextureCoordCount
bool mMouseVisible
bool mContinuousUpdate
bool mIgnoreNextMouseMoveEvent
bool mFullscreen
bool mHasDoubleBuffer
bool mIsInitialized
std::string mExtensions
RenderStateSlot mDefaultRenderStates [RS_RenderStateCount]
ref< NaryQuickMap< EEnable, EEnable, EN_EnableCount > > mCurrentEnableSet
ref< NaryQuickMap< EEnable, EEnable, EN_EnableCount > > mNewEnableSet
ref< NaryQuickMap< ERenderState, RenderStateSlot, RS_RenderStateCount > > mCurrentRenderStateSet
ref< NaryQuickMap< ERenderState, RenderStateSlot, RS_RenderStateCount > > mNewRenderStateSet
ETextureDimension mTexUnitBinding [VL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS]
ref< GLSLProgrammGLSLProgram
bool mGLSLUpdated
const IVertexAttribSetmCurVAS
VertexArrayInfo mVertexArray
VertexArrayInfo mNormalArray
VertexArrayInfo mColorArray
VertexArrayInfo mSecondaryColorArray
VertexArrayInfo mFogArray
VertexArrayInfo mTexCoordArray [VA_MaxTexCoordCount]
VertexArrayInfo mVertexAttrib [VA_MaxAttribCount]
fvec3 mNormal
fvec4 mColor
fvec3 mSecondaryColor
fvec4 mVertexAttribValue [VA_MaxAttribCount]
GLuint mDefaultVAO
- Protected Attributes inherited from vl::Object
std::string mObjectName
int mReferenceCount
bool mAutomaticDelete

Static Protected Attributes

static std::map< HWND, EGLWindow *> mWinMap

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from vl::Object
virtual ~Object ()

Detailed Description

The EGLWindow class is a EGLContext that can be used as a top or child window.

Definition at line 52 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EGLWindow()

EGLWindow::EGLWindow ( )

Definition at line 252 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

References NULL.

◆ ~EGLWindow()

EGLWindow::~EGLWindow ( )

Definition at line 266 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ destroyEGLGLWindow()

void EGLWindow::destroyEGLGLWindow ( )

Destroys the window and the OpenGL rendering context.

Definition at line 523 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

References NULL.

Referenced by WindowProc().

◆ eglContext()

const EGLContext& vlEGL::EGLWindow::eglContext ( ) const

Definition at line 109 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

Referenced by WindowProc().

◆ eglDisplay()

const EGLDisplay& vlEGL::EGLWindow::eglDisplay ( ) const

Definition at line 108 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ eglSurface()

const EGLSurface& vlEGL::EGLWindow::eglSurface ( ) const

Definition at line 110 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

Referenced by WindowProc().

◆ exStyle()

DWORD vlEGL::EGLWindow::exStyle ( ) const

The dwStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx.

Definition at line 97 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ getFocus()

void EGLWindow::getFocus ( )

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function requests the mouse focus on it.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 498 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ getWindow()

EGLWindow * EGLWindow::getWindow ( HWND  hWnd)

Returns when a WM_QUIT message is sent or when no more windows are alive.

Definition at line 514 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

References NULL.

◆ hide()

void EGLWindow::hide ( )

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function makes it invisible to the user.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 492 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ hwnd()

HWND vlEGL::EGLWindow::hwnd ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

Referenced by WindowProc().

◆ initEGLWindow()

bool EGLWindow::initEGLWindow ( HWND  parent,
const vl::String title,
const vl::OpenGLContextFormat fmt,
int  x = 0,
int  y = 0,
int  width = 640,
int  height = 480 

◆ makeCurrent()

void EGLWindow::makeCurrent ( )

Sets the OpenGL context as current for the calling thread.

Implements vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 400 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

References vl::Log::error().

◆ position()

vl::ivec2 EGLWindow::position ( ) const

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function returns its position.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 456 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ quitApplication()

void EGLWindow::quitApplication ( )

Asks to the windowing system that is managing the OpenGLContext to quit the application.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 414 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ setExStyle()

void vlEGL::EGLWindow::setExStyle ( DWORD  ex_style)

The dwStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx.

Definition at line 100 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ setMousePosition()

void EGLWindow::setMousePosition ( int  ,

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets the mouse position.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 504 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ setMouseVisible()

void EGLWindow::setMouseVisible ( bool  )

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets whether the mouse is visible over it or not.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 419 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ setPosition()

void EGLWindow::setPosition ( int  ,

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets its position.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 428 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ setSize()

void EGLWindow::setSize ( int  ,

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function sets its size.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 434 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ setStyle()

void vlEGL::EGLWindow::setStyle ( DWORD  style)

The dwExStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx.

Definition at line 94 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ setWindowClassName()

void vlEGL::EGLWindow::setWindowClassName ( const wchar_t *  name)

Specifies the value given to the lpClassName parameter passed to CreateWindowEx.

Definition at line 106 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ setWindowSize()

void EGLWindow::setWindowSize ( int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 447 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ setWindowTitle()

void EGLWindow::setWindowTitle ( const vl::String )

If the OpenGL context is a top window this function sets its title.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 480 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

References vl::String::ptr().

◆ show()

void EGLWindow::show ( )

If the OpenGL context is a widget this function makes it visible to the user.

Reimplemented from vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 486 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ size()

vl::ivec2 EGLWindow::size ( ) const

Definition at line 472 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ style()

DWORD vlEGL::EGLWindow::style ( ) const

The dwExStyle parameter passed to the EGL function CreateWindowEx.

Definition at line 91 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ swapBuffers()

void EGLWindow::swapBuffers ( )

Swaps the back and front buffers to present the last rendering.

Implements vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 391 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

References vl::Log::error().

◆ update()

void EGLWindow::update ( )

If the OpenGLContext is a widget this function requests a redraw and generates an updateEvent().

Implements vl::OpenGLContext.

Definition at line 408 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

Referenced by vlEGL::dispatchUpdate().

◆ windowClassName()

const wchar_t* vlEGL::EGLWindow::windowClassName ( ) const

Specifies the value given to the lpClassName parameter passed to CreateWindowEx.

Definition at line 103 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ WindowProc()

LONG WINAPI EGLWindow::WindowProc ( HWND  hWnd,
UINT  uMsg,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 

◆ windowSize()

vl::ivec2 EGLWindow::windowSize ( ) const

Definition at line 464 of file EGLWindow.cpp.

◆ winMap()

static const std::map< HWND, EGLWindow* >& vlEGL::EGLWindow::winMap ( )

Definition at line 128 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ EGLWindowClassName

const wchar_t * EGLWindow::EGLWindowClassName = L"VisualizationLibraryWindowClass"

Definition at line 55 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ mEGL_Context

EGLContext vlEGL::EGLWindow::mEGL_Context

Definition at line 120 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ mEGL_Display

EGLDisplay vlEGL::EGLWindow::mEGL_Display

Definition at line 119 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ mEGL_Surface

EGLSurface vlEGL::EGLWindow::mEGL_Surface

Definition at line 121 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ mExStyle

DWORD vlEGL::EGLWindow::mExStyle

Definition at line 116 of file EGLWindow.hpp.



Definition at line 114 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ mMouseDownCount

int vlEGL::EGLWindow::mMouseDownCount

Definition at line 113 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

Referenced by WindowProc().

◆ mStyle

DWORD vlEGL::EGLWindow::mStyle

Definition at line 115 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ mWindowClassName

const wchar_t* vlEGL::EGLWindow::mWindowClassName

Definition at line 117 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

◆ mWinMap

std::map< HWND, EGLWindow *> EGLWindow::mWinMap

Definition at line 131 of file EGLWindow.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: